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  • What i find interesting about MarcATL is that he responds only to the easy questions. The ones requiring a few IQ points are ignored. Why are we NOT surprised
    You're a hateful little monkey, aren't you? What happened to you? Are you THAT angry that Lougner was not a Tea Party member?
    I never neg people for nailing others... even me. I neg people for dishonesty. That's why you got negged. Cuz you lie. I dislike liars - conservative or left. I neg you all equally. And you all have one thing in common. You all squeal like a stuck pig.

    Happily, I rarely bother with you... mainly because I don't speak stupid so I can't understand you.
    The truth never hurts me, sweetpea.... but you and truth are strangers so I'm sure you are unaware of the lack of pain. Thanks for the neg and for my thread! It plays to my ego to know that I annoy you that much.
    It's tough being an honest republican on this board. No one in my family was anything like these people. They embarrass me and what the republican party used to stand for. Thanks for the rep.
    Dude, lemme offer you some friendly advice, SAVE FACE AND LEAVE.

    You a negative, played out stereotype man, another indoctrinated black dude who predictably and obviously voted for Obama cuz he's HALF-BLACK. Not only are YOU A RACIST, you go against ANY TRUE EQUALITY that REAL minority activists like ME are fightin for, YOU EVERYTHING YOU THINK YOU HATE, WAKE UP AND FINALLY SEE THAT.

    Yall time is up, leftism is dying in America, and finally YES, starting to in our communities. Ima be here, reminding you of that every time you are. I see you hate me cuz I dare to speak out, think differently.

    Keep hatin, cuz Ima keep doin me dude.
    Thanks for the kudos. Once I've dispatched slobbering KKK attack dogs, I just put them on IA. The ones who think they're smart, just keep digging their graves.....they didn't even take into account my answer to your question.

    Quick Black as Coal still on this site?
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