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  • Born, raised and currently work in the state of MA and I still can't figure out what the hell is wrong with many of the people up here! The only thing I can think of besides the number of liberals up here, is that he is / was a powerful force in Washington. He brought home their bacon and fried it up in a pan I guess. ( rolling eyes )
    Tell me, where has common sense gone? I know, right out the damn window with do the right thing! The country is good size ... so find another place!
    Hey that's awesome you found one to adopt! I'd love to see a picture of her.
    I'm looking to add a male playmate for my girl and have been exploring the rescue option. I'm getting frustrated at not getting my calls returned, and a general pita process, but we'll stick it out a little longer and hope we find him there.
    If I can't find him there, the girl I go to for obedience training will have pups this fall and they are incredible dogs, with sable coloring.

    Do you have much GSD experience? I highly recommend obedience classes, for the socializing if nothing else. I take her everywhere I can as well, football/baseball games and practices have been great for introducing her to new stuff. I make it a rule to do all I can to introduce her to at least 1 new thing everyday.

    Enjoy your new buddy!

    Funny that my girls name is Abby as well, just spelled different.
    Ya she's growing fast! Her ears have both been up for 3 days now so hopefully they are there for good now.
    Yeah that disturbs me greatly. The Military men and women have been a great source of inspiration and healing for me in the past few years of loss. All I have to do is look at their sacrifices
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