Lumpy 1
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  • You still haen't made me laugh yet. You also have a bad memory, I gave you the first pos rep you ever had here.
    LOL. I forgot about that! I guess that was you.

    But now it is I who is going to have a very red face. I confess that I am very out of touch with hockey so far. Not usual for me, but my schedule has kept me away from it since the finals last spring. So, I am clueless on it. *redface*
    Thank you for your kind 'hello'.... I'm not sure where you got the 'soft' impression from. 100% pure hardass bitch, that's me. :evil:
    Is someone being mean to my lumpy1??? :evil:

    Where are they? Let me at 'em.
    :lol: lumpy.

    I just read your visitor message now i have to find out what post you are talking about. But yeah I can take it.
    Hi, Lumpy, not sure what you're referring to. Perhaps that I'm not being attacked? I was attacked, name-called, vulgarized, etc., when I first started posting. But I find that type of behavior rather small-minded and don't get into the fray by responding in kind, so perhaps I'm seen as not worth the attackers' time and "they" move on to easy prey.

    BTW, I like the Obama rhymes. You have a great gift there!
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