While they Bitch About From the River to the Sea, they Threaten Nakba

Nakba is the Arab term for catastrophe. It was an ethnic cleansing and dispossession of Palestinian land by Israel.

There was no Palestinian land, it was Ottoman land.
Not for nothing but I wonder if it ever occurred to the Palestinians that constantly barking "Death to Israel?" EVEN NOW.....is a very bad strategy. From 80 year old grandmother to 24 month old toddler in a mini bomb vest.....they all chant it like they breathe.
Your (4/30/24) link:

"There are no surprises in Gaza.

"Every horrifying act of Israel's genocide has been telegraphed in advance.

"It has been for decades.

"The dispossession of Palestinians of their land is the beating heart of Israel's settler colonial project.

"This dispossession has had dramatic historical moments, 1948 and 1967...
when huge parts of historic Palestine were seized and hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were ethnically cleansed.

"Dispossession has also occurred in increments, the slow motion theft of land and steady ethnic cleansing in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

"The incursion on October 7th into Israel by Hamas and other resistance groups which left 1,154 Israelis, tourists, migrant workers dead and saw about 240 people taken hostage, gave Israel the pretext for what it has long craved, the total erasure of Palestinians."

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