Virginia's Diverse Republican Senatorial Candidates Provide An Alternative To Incumbent Tim Kaine (D)

Jim H - VA USA

Plutonium Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 19, 2020
Five Republican candidates are running for Virginia Senate.

Here's a link to each of their websites, and some quick notes about what I read.

I'm leaning towards Hung Cao, but that's just my initial impression, and I would like to see a debate. If you live in VA and have some good info to share, I'd appreciate it.

Eddie Garcia

ISSUES — Eddie Garcia U.S. Senate
Lots of vagueness, sure appears to be a RINO.
His page on being united is actually divisive - United — Eddie Garcia U.S. Senate
Qualifications include that Eddie “knows how things work.” Also,
  • Board Member of the Northern Virginia Veterans Association
  • Virginia LULAC Man of the Year (2022)
  • Vice President of the Virginia Gateway Lions Club (2020-2022)
  • Member of the Latino National Republican Coalition
Weak on immigration – I stopped reading.

Jonathan Emord

Initiatives | Jonathan Emord for U.S. Senate
Oooooh. He wants to defeat the Deep State. I like.
Endorsed by Ron Paul and Dr. Malone.
Lots of specifics. Some ideas kind of out there.
Complete The Wall, and otherwise close the border and arrest and deport.
Reduce government regulations - no regulations unless passed by Congress and signed by POTUS.
No COVID mandates
Amnesty for J6 protestors.
Tax breaks for companies who reduce pollution, instead of Climate mandates.
Huge tax breaks for hospitals which provide free care for poor people.
Defund the FBI, CIA, and DOJ if implicated in political prosecution.
Eliminate the Departments of Education, Energy, Transportation, and Commerce and eliminate the Federal Trade Commission, the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the Treasury Tax and Trade Bureau, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, the U.S. Trade and Development Agency, the U.S. Institute of Peace, and the Overseas Private Investment Group.
Make it a felony for anyone in government to collude or conspire with media to censor constitutionally protected speech.

Chuck Smith

Platform - Chuck Smith for U.S. Senate
He looks great, but website is lacking specifics and missing plenty of important topics.
He's an attorney and served as the chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia Beach
He ran for AG years ago. Videos from then were not very impressive -

Hung Cao
Build the Wall
DEI is racism
Schools are Leftist Indoctrination Centers
Drill Baby Drill.
EPA gives our jobs to foreign countries which use dirtier methods.
Response to COVID created mental health crisis.
LOL, he claims that his non-combat assignment in the Navy was to balance its $140B budget.
Excellent anti-DEI Op Ed from 2022..
Another OpEd.... China is a real threat, and Biden is a puppet of them…
It’s long past time for Biden to stand up to China’s aggression and influence

Scott Parkinson

Scott Parkinson for US Senate
Conservative Dad Outsider. Ex Chief of Staff for DeSantis.
Endorsed by Bob Good, Ted Cruz, and many others.
Website is flashy, but lacks specifics.
Video interviews with Cao, Garcia, Parkinson, and Emord.

Garcia confirms his weak stance on the border. He wants more funding for Amnesty judges to speed up asylum claims.

Emord expands on his "drill baby drill" agenda and how to leverage it against Russia. He does not mince words when discussing Israel, more direct than the others.

Parkinson seems to want to play both sides of the Ukraine conflict, saying he supports Ukraine, but the money would be better spent on funding the US military.

I am leaning towards Emord now, with Cao next. Emord seems better informed and much more articulate with details.

And here are some answers from some of the candidates on what the most pressing current issue is, as well as how to address Social Security...

The 5 candidates in Virginia’s U.S. Senate Republican primary

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