U.S. government to deploy surveillance software to detect 'problematic sentiment and emotion'


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

U.S. government to deploy surveillance software to detect 'problematic sentiment and emotion'

3 Sep 2023 ~~ By Eric Utter

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), under the umbrella of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), has purportedly partnered with AI tech firm Fivecast to deploy social media surveillance software that, according to its proprietor, can detect ā€œproblematicā€ emotions of social media users and subsequently report them to law enforcement for further action.
According to a post on pjmedia.com, ā€œOutlet 404, through FOIA requests, uncovered various Fivecast marketing documents elaborating on its softwareā€™s utility for law enforcement.ā€
404ā€™s report on said documents stated:
Customs and Border Protection (CBP), part of the Department of Homeland Security, has bought millions of dollars worth of software from a company that uses artificial intelligence to detect ā€˜sentiment and emotionā€™ in online postsā€¦
CBP also allegedly told 404 Media that it is ā€œusing technology to analyze open-source information related to inbound and outbound travelers who the agency believes may threaten public safety, national security, or lawful trade and travel. In this case, the specific company called Fivecast also offers ā€˜AI-enabledā€™ object recognition in images and video, and detection of ā€˜risk terms and phrasesā€™ across multiple languages.
Who isnā€™t in favor of protecting national security? And Lord knows the Biden administration should do more something to vet and restrict ā€œinbound travelersā€ at our southern border.
And yetā€¦one is tempted to ask: What could go wrong?
This should be terrifying to any sentient person who values individuality, independence, and freedom.
What can we do about this?
The answer is simple: refuse to be a subject. No matter what.
Americans, letā€™s summon the spiritā€”and the courageā€”behind the Gadsden Flag. Let us all address the government. Say it with me now: ā€œDonā€™tā€¦Treadā€¦Onā€¦Me!ā€

  • "Detect ā€œproblematicā€ emotions of social media users and risk terms and phrases."
    Yeah I get it, here is small a sample of the Wrong Think that will raise scrutiny:
  • "The 2nd Amendment is an unequivocal right"
  • "The 2020 election was a fraud" "The are only 2 sexes"
  • "All lives matter"
  • "2 + 2 = 4"
  • "There is no climate crisis"
  • "Masks suck and I ain't wearing one"
  • "Biden has dementia"
  • "President Trump is being treated unfairly"
Get a little to vocal and "emotional" and our Master's will send in the muscle at 6:00AM and snuff you to sent a clear message like that fat old man with a big mouth Craig Robertson.
What is the definition of sentiment and emotion? If we are to say that Joe Biden was a corrupt liar for fifty years would that be problematic. But if we wholeheartedly agreed with Leatta James civil suit that that Trump guy cheats would that mean we are stable. This not just about Democrats because they are stupid. This a play for the deep state to control everything.
James civil suit has one problem, the loans were repaid and none of the victims in her mind sued or are unhappy. She should be disbarred. The problem here is group correct think controlled by some invisible hand and your political allegiance will not matter.
Welcome to Orwell's 1984 prophesies to "NewSpeak" and "NewThink"!
Well, many of you guys do admire our police apparatus. Citizens may not over time when the realize how it will work....
So this is what they spend our hard earned tax dollars on.

Not protecting our border or national sovereignty.

But spying on our own citizens.

It's so fucking Orwellian, it makes ya sick.

And as a former Democrat, it further chaps my hide to realize that when things of this nature happened under Dubya - the Dems decried it out in the open.

Now that they control the levers of government?

Not a peep.

No integrity, no values, no true convictions except those that expand their own power.
The elites have powerful equipment. They have the technology ability to affect our mindset and behaviors and do. They drive people insane combined with the stresses of everyday life gives them more power.

U.S. government to deploy surveillance software to detect 'problematic sentiment and emotion'

3 Sep 2023 ~~ By Eric Utter

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), under the umbrella of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), has purportedly partnered with AI tech firm Fivecast to deploy social media surveillance software that, according to its proprietor, can detect ā€œproblematicā€ emotions of social media users and subsequently report them to law enforcement for further action.
According to a post on pjmedia.com, ā€œOutlet 404, through FOIA requests, uncovered various Fivecast marketing documents elaborating on its softwareā€™s utility for law enforcement.ā€
404ā€™s report on said documents stated:
Customs and Border Protection (CBP), part of the Department of Homeland Security, has bought millions of dollars worth of software from a company that uses artificial intelligence to detect ā€˜sentiment and emotionā€™ in online postsā€¦
CBP also allegedly told 404 Media that it is ā€œusing technology to analyze open-source information related to inbound and outbound travelers who the agency believes may threaten public safety, national security, or lawful trade and travel. In this case, the specific company called Fivecast also offers ā€˜AI-enabledā€™ object recognition in images and video, and detection of ā€˜risk terms and phrasesā€™ across multiple languages.
Who isnā€™t in favor of protecting national security? And Lord knows the Biden administration should do more something to vet and restrict ā€œinbound travelersā€ at our southern border.
And yetā€¦one is tempted to ask: What could go wrong?
This should be terrifying to any sentient person who values individuality, independence, and freedom.
What can we do about this?
The answer is simple: refuse to be a subject. No matter what.
Americans, letā€™s summon the spiritā€”and the courageā€”behind the Gadsden Flag. Let us all address the government. Say it with me now: ā€œDonā€™tā€¦Treadā€¦Onā€¦Me!ā€

  • "Detect ā€œproblematicā€ emotions of social media users and risk terms and phrases."
    Yeah I get it, here is small a sample of the Wrong Think that will raise scrutiny:
  • "The 2nd Amendment is an unequivocal right"
  • "The 2020 election was a fraud" "The are only 2 sexes"
  • "All lives matter"
  • "2 + 2 = 4"
  • "There is no climate crisis"
  • "Masks suck and I ain't wearing one"
  • "Biden has dementia"
  • "President Trump is being treated unfairly"
Get a little to vocal and "emotional" and our Master's will send in the muscle at 6:00AM and snuff you to sent a clear message like that fat old man with a big mouth Craig Robertson.
What is the definition of sentiment and emotion? If we are to say that Joe Biden was a corrupt liar for fifty years would that be problematic. But if we wholeheartedly agreed with Leatta James civil suit that that Trump guy cheats would that mean we are stable. This not just about Democrats because they are stupid. This a play for the deep state to control everything.
James civil suit has one problem, the loans were repaid and none of the victims in her mind sued or are unhappy. She should be disbarred. The problem here is group correct think controlled by some invisible hand and your political allegiance will not matter.
Welcome to Orwell's 1984 prophesies to "NewSpeak" and "NewThink"!
The deep state never gives up. This country has turned into Russia under Biden.
Dear government:

My emotions and sentiment are problematic.

My heritage is rebellion, and I have become ungovernable,

Now come get me if you dare.
Lovely, a healthy liberal society will be an apathetic mass of loners too afraid to express anything at all. What could go wrong?

Methinks solitude might lend a bit more candor to their trip.

It seems to be their conformist inclinations/obligations to their fellow flock that most bottlenecks their neuron activity.
Methinks solitude might lend a bit more candor to their trip.

It seems to be their conformist inclinations/obligations to their fellow flock that most bottlenecks their neuron activity.
The current crop, sure. Programs like this don't stop, they just grow. Future generations should not suffer because emotionally stunted idiots can't accept dissent from their batshit crazy ideas and feelings.

U.S. government to deploy surveillance software to detect 'problematic sentiment and emotion'

3 Sep 2023 ~~ By Eric Utter

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), under the umbrella of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), has purportedly partnered with AI tech firm Fivecast to deploy social media surveillance software that, according to its proprietor, can detect ā€œproblematicā€ emotions of social media users and subsequently report them to law enforcement for further action.
According to a post on pjmedia.com, ā€œOutlet 404, through FOIA requests, uncovered various Fivecast marketing documents elaborating on its softwareā€™s utility for law enforcement.ā€
404ā€™s report on said documents stated:
Customs and Border Protection (CBP), part of the Department of Homeland Security, has bought millions of dollars worth of software from a company that uses artificial intelligence to detect ā€˜sentiment and emotionā€™ in online postsā€¦
CBP also allegedly told 404 Media that it is ā€œusing technology to analyze open-source information related to inbound and outbound travelers who the agency believes may threaten public safety, national security, or lawful trade and travel. In this case, the specific company called Fivecast also offers ā€˜AI-enabledā€™ object recognition in images and video, and detection of ā€˜risk terms and phrasesā€™ across multiple languages.
Who isnā€™t in favor of protecting national security? And Lord knows the Biden administration should do more something to vet and restrict ā€œinbound travelersā€ at our southern border.
And yetā€¦one is tempted to ask: What could go wrong?
This should be terrifying to any sentient person who values individuality, independence, and freedom.
What can we do about this?
The answer is simple: refuse to be a subject. No matter what.
Americans, letā€™s summon the spiritā€”and the courageā€”behind the Gadsden Flag. Let us all address the government. Say it with me now: ā€œDonā€™tā€¦Treadā€¦Onā€¦Me!ā€

  • "Detect ā€œproblematicā€ emotions of social media users and risk terms and phrases."
    Yeah I get it, here is small a sample of the Wrong Think that will raise scrutiny:
  • "The 2nd Amendment is an unequivocal right"
  • "The 2020 election was a fraud" "The are only 2 sexes"
  • "All lives matter"
  • "2 + 2 = 4"
  • "There is no climate crisis"
  • "Masks suck and I ain't wearing one"
  • "Biden has dementia"
  • "President Trump is being treated unfairly"
Get a little to vocal and "emotional" and our Master's will send in the muscle at 6:00AM and snuff you to sent a clear message like that fat old man with a big mouth Craig Robertson.
What is the definition of sentiment and emotion? If we are to say that Joe Biden was a corrupt liar for fifty years would that be problematic. But if we wholeheartedly agreed with Leatta James civil suit that that Trump guy cheats would that mean we are stable. This not just about Democrats because they are stupid. This a play for the deep state to control everything.
James civil suit has one problem, the loans were repaid and none of the victims in her mind sued or are unhappy. She should be disbarred. The problem here is group correct think controlled by some invisible hand and your political allegiance will not matter.
Welcome to Orwell's 1984 prophesies to "NewSpeak" and "NewThink"!
but but butā€¦.Republicans are fascist authortarians.
Let me guess, it will only detect bad sentiments when it comes to the current administration, fags and so on, but won't report bad sentiments towards say christians, republicans, trump, etc.

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