Trump 2024.


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2023
I voted for Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020. I will vote for him again this November. Donald Trump does not smoke, drink alcohol, or use drugs. He made an observation when he was young and he eschewed that route. I am with him there. This does not make Trump an icon of fitness. He's overweight and his diet is the standard American trans fat fare that clogs arteries and shortens lifespans for many who inherit DNA that leads there. But in the world of politics you have to make choices often times based on instinct.

Trump is a concrete thinker. He sees a problem, recognizes its direct solution, and goes for it. I've recently seen footage of him in the late 1980's saying the exact same things he said in his successful 2016 campaign. He knows the US is the last remaining superpower and it got that way by its constitution which is the envy of the world. Rugged individualism has been under attack in politics and academia because it is incompatible with central planning. Anyone who ever took a comparative government course in school knows that central planning is patient zero in the destrution of all the empires in human history. The planners never give up on the plan even in light of its failures.

Recent advances in technology and communication have greatly enhanced the ability of the planners to stupefy the public. Trump is presented to the population as a threat to the planning that masquerades as democracy. There is no democracy in a planned society. There is only the plan which sucks the wind out of the sails of free people. Mock capitalism tells the citizens that corporations are people so those corporations want total control of the process. This is planned democracy which is no democracy at all. The planners know where there is smoke there is fire and Trump was the spark that ignnited the rejection of foolish planning on the part of the people.

In 2020 men in black used a suspicious pandemic to show up with suitcases full of special targeted votes to corrupt the voting process and tilt the election back to the planners. It was obvious but even opposition that recognized the scam turned their heads in favor of the "equity" of planning. It was seen as wrong for democracy but right for planning and the plan is always what really counts in planned societies. True democracy does not always favor planning and that is proof to planners that democracy is inferior to planning. The people must not just be led they must be forced to follow. This is where we are and this is going to put Trump back in the White house.

I voted for Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020. I will vote for him again this November. Donald Trump does not smoke, drink alcohol, or use drugs. He made an observation when he was young and he eschewed that route. I am with him there. This does not make Trump an icon of fitness. He's overweight and his diet is the standard American trans fat fare that clogs arteries and shortens lifespans for many who inherit DNA that leads there. But in the world of politics you have to make choices often times based on instinct.

Trump is a concrete thinker. He sees a problem, recognizes its direct solution, and goes for it. I've recently seen footage of him in the late 1980's saying the exact same things he said in his successful 2016 campaign. He knows the US is the last remaining superpower and it got that way by its constitution which is the envy of the world. Rugged individualism has been under attack in politics and academia because it is incompatible with central planning. Anyone who ever took a comparative government course in school knows that central planning is patient zero in the destrution of all the empires in human history. The planners never give up on the plan even in light of its failures.

Recent advances in technology and communication have greatly enhanced the ability of the planners to stupefy the public. Trump is presented to the population as a threat to the planning that masquerades as democracy. There is no democracy in a planned society. There is only the plan which sucks the wind out of the sails of free people. Mock capitalism tells the citizens that corporations are people so those corporations want total control of the process. This is planned democracy which is no democracy at all. The planners know where there is smoke there is fire and Trump was the spark that ignnited the rejection of foolish planning on the part of the people.

In 2020 men in black used a suspicious pandemic to show up with suitcases full of special targeted votes to corrupt the voting process and tilt the election back to the planners. It was obvious but even opposition that recognized the scam turned their heads in favor of the "equity" of planning. It was seen as wrong for democracy but right for planning and the plan is always what really counts in planned societies. True democracy does not always favor planning and that is proof to planners that democracy is inferior to planning. The people must not just be led they must be forced to follow. This is where we are and this is going to put Trump back in the White house.

Donald Trump does not smoke, drink alcohol, or use drugs.
i put this tall tale with the "washington cut down the cherry tree" story.

you have to make choices often times based on instinct.
so you think decisions involving the lives of billions of people need to depend on how the latest diet coke is effectind dear leaders "gut feelz" and you vote?
Trump is a concrete thinker. He sees a problem, recognizes its direct solution, and goes for it.
and look what all that concrete brained thinking has done for him. you want that for the usa? again?
i agree with that joe b quote. crazy people really don't know they are crazy.
Poor Piss Pot .
Almost makes you feel sorry for him when he has those flashes of self insight .
Or , Obummer leads you to believe that .
I voted for Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020. I will vote for him again this November. Donald Trump does not smoke, drink alcohol, or use drugs. He made an observation when he was young and he eschewed that route. I am with him there. This does not make Trump an icon of fitness. He's overweight and his diet is the standard American trans fat fare that clogs arteries and shortens lifespans for many who inherit DNA that leads there. But in the world of politics you have to make choices often times based on instinct.

Trump is a concrete thinker. He sees a problem, recognizes its direct solution, and goes for it. I've recently seen footage of him in the late 1980's saying the exact same things he said in his successful 2016 campaign. He knows the US is the last remaining superpower and it got that way by its constitution which is the envy of the world. Rugged individualism has been under attack in politics and academia because it is incompatible with central planning. Anyone who ever took a comparative government course in school knows that central planning is patient zero in the destrution of all the empires in human history. The planners never give up on the plan even in light of its failures.

Recent advances in technology and communication have greatly enhanced the ability of the planners to stupefy the public. Trump is presented to the population as a threat to the planning that masquerades as democracy. There is no democracy in a planned society. There is only the plan which sucks the wind out of the sails of free people. Mock capitalism tells the citizens that corporations are people so those corporations want total control of the process. This is planned democracy which is no democracy at all. The planners know where there is smoke there is fire and Trump was the spark that ignnited the rejection of foolish planning on the part of the people.

In 2020 men in black used a suspicious pandemic to show up with suitcases full of special targeted votes to corrupt the voting process and tilt the election back to the planners. It was obvious but even opposition that recognized the scam turned their heads in favor of the "equity" of planning. It was seen as wrong for democracy but right for planning and the plan is always what really counts in planned societies. True democracy does not always favor planning and that is proof to planners that democracy is inferior to planning. The people must not just be led they must be forced to follow. This is where we are and this is going to put Trump back in the White house.

That’s a whole lotta crazy right there
I voted for Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020. I will vote for him again this November. Donald Trump does not smoke, drink alcohol, or use drugs. He made an observation when he was young and he eschewed that route. I am with him there. This does not make Trump an icon of fitness. He's overweight and his diet is the standard American trans fat fare that clogs arteries and shortens lifespans for many who inherit DNA that leads there. But in the world of politics you have to make choices often times based on instinct.

Trump is a concrete thinker. He sees a problem, recognizes its direct solution, and goes for it. I've recently seen footage of him in the late 1980's saying the exact same things he said in his successful 2016 campaign. He knows the US is the last remaining superpower and it got that way by its constitution which is the envy of the world. Rugged individualism has been under attack in politics and academia because it is incompatible with central planning. Anyone who ever took a comparative government course in school knows that central planning is patient zero in the destrution of all the empires in human history. The planners never give up on the plan even in light of its failures.

Recent advances in technology and communication have greatly enhanced the ability of the planners to stupefy the public. Trump is presented to the population as a threat to the planning that masquerades as democracy. There is no democracy in a planned society. There is only the plan which sucks the wind out of the sails of free people. Mock capitalism tells the citizens that corporations are people so those corporations want total control of the process. This is planned democracy which is no democracy at all. The planners know where there is smoke there is fire and Trump was the spark that ignnited the rejection of foolish planning on the part of the people.

In 2020 men in black used a suspicious pandemic to show up with suitcases full of special targeted votes to corrupt the voting process and tilt the election back to the planners. It was obvious but even opposition that recognized the scam turned their heads in favor of the "equity" of planning. It was seen as wrong for democracy but right for planning and the plan is always what really counts in planned societies. True democracy does not always favor planning and that is proof to planners that democracy is inferior to planning. The people must not just be led they must be forced to follow. This is where we are and this is going to put Trump back in the White house.

You like deficits to make billionaires wealthier do you?

Extending Trump tax cuts would add $4.6 trillion to deficit: CBO

As former U.S. President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans campaign on extending their 2017 tax cuts if elected in November, a government analysis revealed Wednesday that doing so would add $4.6 trillion to the national deficit. When Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act during his...
A new CBO report estimates that extending the Trump tax cuts for the next 10 years would add $4.6 trillion to the deficit.\n\nRemember this the next time Republicans propose cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. \n\nThe "party of fiscal responsibility" is full of
I voted for Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020. I will vote for him again this November. Donald Trump does not smoke, drink alcohol, or use drugs. He made an observation when he was young and he eschewed that route. I am with him there.

I'm a weekend lush and I am also proudly voting for Trump ;)
I'm a weekend lush and I am also proudly voting for Trump

Are you proud that Trump attempted to disenfranchise nine out of 10 black Americans who voted for Biden?

Yiu shouldn’t mind when you are labeled racist being so proud of such a racist move by the losing candidate of the 2020 election
Are you proud that you lack even the most remote relationship with reality?
Jenna Ellis pled guilty in Georgia to her criminal activity for Donald Trump, and trying to disenfranchise the black voters of Georgia on behalf of white evangelical Christians like Franklin Graham, who believes God put Trump in the White House in 2016 not the voters.

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