Zone1 The evil you do to others will be done to you in the next realm


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023
The evil you have done to others will be done to you in the next realm
I wish I could remember where I first heard this. It was something like 15 years ago. So I did a Search and this is what I came up with, although it wasn't exactly what I was looking for.

This is written by a Protestant, so please save your time and energy bloviating about Catholicism...

When I first heard about this concept of you going through exactly what your victims (assuming u have any?) go through, it was in reference to Hell, but I am sure it is also (this is Catholic) a reference to Purgatory -- where Christians who are not pure enough for Heaven go to become ready for Heaven... (see Mt 18:23... Maccabees in the Old T.. etc)
The evil you have done to others will be done to you in the next realm
I wish I could remember where I first heard this. It was something like 15 years ago. So I did a Search and this is what I came up with, although it wasn't exactly what I was looking for.

This is written by a Protestant, so please save your time and energy bloviating about Catholicism...

When I first heard about this concept of you going through exactly what your victims (assuming u have any?) go through, it was in reference to Hell, but I am sure it is also (this is Catholic) a reference to Purgatory -- where Christians who are not pure enough for Heaven go to become ready for Heaven... (see Mt 18:23... Maccabees in the Old T.. etc)
Lol, ever considered if we could be in purgatory now? Or even in hell? We sure ain't in heaven.
why do you assume I never considered such?

Only a totally clueless person would think that we are not in Purgatory and/or Hell (depending on who is president or what have you)
Lol, I am not the one assuming anything. The last time I checked a question mark indicates a question not a statement. Evidently a good percentage of people are clueless. You are one of the few I have ever ran into that has even considered the possibility.
Lol, I am not the one assuming anything. The last time I checked a question mark indicates a question not a statement. Evidently a good percentage of people are clueless. You are one of the few I have ever ran into that has even considered the possibility.
that's bc I am there.. have been there and will be there again (Hell.. Purgatory)
Us being un-pure is the reason Christ came to redeem us in the first place:

Romans 8 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.
Romans 3:24 Christ redeemed us from the guilt of our sin. We are “justified as a gift by his grace, through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus”.

2 Corinthians 5:21

For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

1 John 1:7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.

A good example is the rapture. Whatever sin you may believe that Christ wasn't able to remove on the cross, sin you may have committed a minute before Christ arrives, He removes in 0.0000000001 seconds. And off to Heaven we go.

Trust the Bible.
Cult Christianity Fear Propaganda .

Tragically some Cultists have been imprinted from birth with this evil nonsense and it might need many incarnations before learning real spiritual values and understanding Universe .
that's bc I am there.. have been there and will be there again (Hell.. Purgatory)
Well I can not say definitely but it is a real possibility. Of the two possibilities I lean toward the hell option. I notice that when people begin to become numb to the lows of this so called life is when they seem more likely to die. Perfect way to run hell. Just when ya take what life dishes out. Start the f er over and make em go through it again.
The evil you have done to others will be done to you in the next realm
I wish I could remember where I first heard this. It was something like 15 years ago. So I did a Search and this is what I came up with, although it wasn't exactly what I was looking for.

This is written by a Protestant, so please save your time and energy bloviating about Catholicism...

When I first heard about this concept of you going through exactly what your victims (assuming u have any?) go through, it was in reference to Hell, but I am sure it is also (this is Catholic) a reference to Purgatory -- where Christians who are not pure enough for Heaven go to become ready for Heaven... (see Mt 18:23... Maccabees in the Old T.. etc)
King David stated that he prayed to Father to not let him stay in hell forever. That he'd be forgiven for having Bathsheba's husband killed and get out of hell. But, I seriously doubt that if you raped someone that you would be then raped in hell too. You'd need your physical body and until the resurrection at the judgment day, only your spirit soul body will be living in spirit prison.
The evil you have done to others will be done to you in the next realm
I wish I could remember where I first heard this. It was something like 15 years ago. So I did a Search and this is what I came up with, although it wasn't exactly what I was looking for.

This is written by a Protestant, so please save your time and energy bloviating about Catholicism...

When I first heard about this concept of you going through exactly what your victims (assuming u have any?) go through, it was in reference to Hell, but I am sure it is also (this is Catholic) a reference to Purgatory -- where Christians who are not pure enough for Heaven go to become ready for Heaven... (see Mt 18:23... Maccabees in the Old T.. etc)
Actually evil that gets done to others gets done back to them in this lifetime that they are living in. God cannot lie. God says, "Whatsoever you sow that shall you also reap."

A lot of people get back the evil they sow to others from their own children. I have lived to see God use people's own children to pay them back for a lot of evil they have done to others. God is smart. Their children have every core of their heart. God knows that is one of the best ways. Their adult children want nothing to do with them, and they live a grieved life because they caused others grief.

Some times God can have others reap what they sowed by the use of their own mouths. That mouth gets them into a lot of trouble. The same thing we all sow we must also reap. God cannot lie, Amen.
Well I can not say definitely but it is a real possibility. Of the two possibilities I lean toward the hell option. I notice that when people begin to become numb to the lows of this so called life is when they seem more likely to die. Perfect way to run hell. Just when ya take what life dishes out. Start the f er over and make em go through it again.
sorry, but saying I don't get your meaning is an under statement
Actually evil that gets done to others gets done back to them in this lifetime that they are living in. God cannot lie. God says, "Whatsoever you sow that shall you also reap."

A lot of people get back the evil they sow to others from their own children. I have lived to see God use people's own children to pay them back for a lot of evil they have done to others. God is smart. Their children have every core of their heart. God knows that is one of the best ways. Their adult children want nothing to do with them, and they live a grieved life because they caused others grief.

Some times God can have others reap what they sowed by the use of their own mouths. That mouth gets them into a lot of trouble. The same thing we all sow we must also reap. God cannot lie, Amen.
If you are saying that people get all that they deserve IN THIS LIFE for violating God's Laws, you must be something like 20 years old!

I'm sure you've noticed people who do HUGE evils and yet they are filthy rich and seem to be living the life of Riley... whoever that is..

I mean, do you watch the news? Do you see who is "running" ... ha ha... our counry?


If you are saying that people get all that they deserve IN THIS LIFE for violating God's Laws, you must be something like 20 years old!

I'm sure you've noticed people who do HUGE evils and yet they are filthy rich and seem to be living the life of Riley... whoever that is..

I mean, do you watch the news? Do you see who is "running" ... ha ha... our counry?


Not sure if I should deal with your question or your insult first.

First your insult: I'm not 20, but I'm sure there are lots of very bright and knowledgeable 20 year olds.

Your question: "I mean, do you watch the news? Do you see who is "running" ... ha ha... our country?"
My answer: I rarely get to see whose running this country because Obama keeps himself hidden in the White House.

On a more serious note, I stand firm that whatsoever you sow you will reap in this lifetime. Biden has already buried a son and another son is a mess. His mental faculties are a mess, so yes he is reaping what he has sown.
Not sure if I should deal with your question or your insult first.

First your insult: I'm not 20, but I'm sure there are lots of very bright and knowledgeable 20 year olds.

Your question: "I mean, do you watch the news? Do you see who is "running" ... ha ha... our country?"
My answer: I rarely get to see whose running this country because Obama keeps himself hidden in the White House.

On a more serious note, I stand firm that whatsoever you sow you will reap in this lifetime. Biden has already buried a son and another son is a mess. His mental faculties are a mess, so yes he is reaping what he has sown.
big deal to all those woes briben seems to have. He seems pretty happy to me, as long as he has his ice cream... He doesn't give a rat's ass what is going on and wehther or not he had a lot to do with it.. Afgahanistan withdrawal... border disaster

it is sociopathic behavior... Only someone with NO conscience could do all he is doing and still smile his ass off and focus on his damn ice cream cone....
big deal to all those woes briben seems to have. He seems pretty happy to me, as long as he has his ice cream... He doesn't give a rat's ass what is going on and wehther or not he had a lot to do with it.. Afgahanistan withdrawal... border disaster

it is sociopathic behavior... Only someone with NO conscience could do all he is doing and still smile his ass off and focus on his damn ice cream cone....
stop it.

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