The Danger Iran Faces From The Advance Of Civilization


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. First, a 'spoiler alert:' this thread is not for Democrats/Progressives, because I plan on mentioning a book, and everyone knows Democrats don't read books.

2. Europe took 200 years to go from high fertility rates of rural life to the low fertility rates of the industrial world. Iran, Turkey, Tunisia, and Algeria are about to do it in twenty. It is the fastest population decline in recorded history.
  1. Hania Zlotnik, director of the population division at the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, said “In most of the Islamic world it’s amazing, the decline in fertility that has happened,’’ … From 1975 to 1980, women in Iran were giving birth to nearly 7 children per family, according to the latest U.N. population report; from 2005 to 2010 that number is expected to be less than 2. U.N. Sees Falling Middle East Fertility Rates
  2. Iranian women who grew up with five or six siblings will bear only one or two children in their lifetimes.
  3. By mid-century, the belt of Muslim counties from Morocco to Iran will become as grey as depopulating Europe, and will have the same proportion of dependent elderly as the industrial countries- but with one tenth the productivity!!
3. Today there are 9 Iranians of working age for every elderly dependent. By 2050, at the retirement age for most Iranians, there will be more Iranians in their mid sixties than in any other age bracket: seven elderly for every ten working Iranians. And, this is a nation that has a $4,400 per capita, which is about one-tenth of America’s GDP.
  1. While industrial nations are wealthy enough to cushion the impact, and support its elderly- not so with Egypt, Indonesia, Algeria, Iran and Pakistan.
  2. Even Turkey, with a semi-modern economy, has only about one quarter the GDP of Europe.
Can they reverse the trend? Hardly…the 25-year-old’s mother had married in her teens, and had several children by this time. The modern Iranian spent the time in school or working- if she can find a job.

4. "With fewer babies and more elderly, Iran pulls out the stops to promote births
Michael Cook
November 20, 2021 With fewer babies and more elderly, Iran pulls out the stops to promote births
Iran’s theocratic, authoritarian and anti-Israel regime has few friends internationally. So global headlines reflect a dim view of the new legislation, which severely restricts access to abortion, contraception, and voluntary sterilization. “The Iranian Government is taking further steps to use criminal law to restrict the rights of women, for the sake of increasing the number of births, which will effectively force many women and girls to continue unwanted pregnancies to term which would be inherently discriminatory”, United Nations experts declared.

A headline on the Kurdish website RUDAW said that it was a “clear contravention of international law”; in The Times of Israel, it was “UN experts warn it will limit women’s rights”; in Radio Free Europe (an American government website), it was “’It’s My Decision’: Iran’s New Population Law Blasted For Restricting Access To Contraceptives, Abortions”.

However, official Iranian media set out the underlying reason for their government’s decision: an alarming slide in the birthrate. In fact, The Teheran Times did not even mention abortion."

5. What will Democrats do when their number one international ally begins to fade away.....especially as they outlawed the Democrat's number one methodology, abortion????

Here's a book worth reading.
Now just stop, you silly.

Have a little empathy.....our Democrat brethren are losing their fondest ally.

Perhaps they will insist that Venezuela needs nuclear weapons.
1. First, a 'spoiler alert:' this thread is not for Democrats/Progressives, because I plan on mentioning a book, and everyone knows Democrats don't read books.

2. Europe took 200 years to go from high fertility rates of rural life to the low fertility rates of the industrial world. Iran, Turkey, Tunisia, and Algeria are about to do it in twenty. It is the fastest population decline in recorded history.
  1. Hania Zlotnik, director of the population division at the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, said “In most of the Islamic world it’s amazing, the decline in fertility that has happened,’’ … From 1975 to 1980, women in Iran were giving birth to nearly 7 children per family, according to the latest U.N. population report; from 2005 to 2010 that number is expected to be less than 2. U.N. Sees Falling Middle East Fertility Rates
  2. Iranian women who grew up with five or six siblings will bear only one or two children in their lifetimes.
  3. By mid-century, the belt of Muslim counties from Morocco to Iran will become as grey as depopulating Europe, and will have the same proportion of dependent elderly as the industrial countries- but with one tenth the productivity!!
3. Today there are 9 Iranians of working age for every elderly dependent. By 2050, at the retirement age for most Iranians, there will be more Iranians in their mid sixties than in any other age bracket: seven elderly for every ten working Iranians. And, this is a nation that has a $4,400 per capita, which is about one-tenth of America’s GDP.
  1. While industrial nations are wealthy enough to cushion the impact, and support its elderly- not so with Egypt, Indonesia, Algeria, Iran and Pakistan.
  2. Even Turkey, with a semi-modern economy, has only about one quarter the GDP of Europe.
Can they reverse the trend? Hardly…the 25-year-old’s mother had married in her teens, and had several children by this time. The modern Iranian spent the time in school or working- if she can find a job.

4. "With fewer babies and more elderly, Iran pulls out the stops to promote births
Michael Cook
November 20, 2021 With fewer babies and more elderly, Iran pulls out the stops to promote births
Iran’s theocratic, authoritarian and anti-Israel regime has few friends internationally. So global headlines reflect a dim view of the new legislation, which severely restricts access to abortion, contraception, and voluntary sterilization. “The Iranian Government is taking further steps to use criminal law to restrict the rights of women, for the sake of increasing the number of births, which will effectively force many women and girls to continue unwanted pregnancies to term which would be inherently discriminatory”, United Nations experts declared.

A headline on the Kurdish website RUDAW said that it was a “clear contravention of international law”; in The Times of Israel, it was “UN experts warn it will limit women’s rights”; in Radio Free Europe (an American government website), it was “’It’s My Decision’: Iran’s New Population Law Blasted For Restricting Access To Contraceptives, Abortions”.

However, official Iranian media set out the underlying reason for their government’s decision: an alarming slide in the birthrate. In fact, The Teheran Times did not even mention abortion."

5. What will Democrats do when their number one international ally begins to fade away.....especially as they outlawed the Democrat's number one methodology, abortion????

Here's a book worth reading.
. View attachment 567145
Were the democrats able to teach their gender lunacy to the children in Iran to achieve such low birth rates?

You have to hand it to the globalists, if they want population reduction boy they get it done!!
What's hypocritical is that the Left embraces the Iranian Mullahs, even as the ruling ayatollahs refuse to pay for Sex Change operations for their soldiers who request them.

Why do they expect America to do something that they themselves don't do.
1. First, a 'spoiler alert:' this thread is not for Democrats/Progressives, because I plan on mentioning a book, and everyone knows Democrats don't read books.

2. Europe took 200 years to go from high fertility rates of rural life to the low fertility rates of the industrial world. Iran, Turkey, Tunisia, and Algeria are about to do it in twenty. It is the fastest population decline in recorded history.
  1. Hania Zlotnik, director of the population division at the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, said “In most of the Islamic world it’s amazing, the decline in fertility that has happened,’’ … From 1975 to 1980, women in Iran were giving birth to nearly 7 children per family, according to the latest U.N. population report; from 2005 to 2010 that number is expected to be less than 2. U.N. Sees Falling Middle East Fertility Rates
  2. Iranian women who grew up with five or six siblings will bear only one or two children in their lifetimes.
  3. By mid-century, the belt of Muslim counties from Morocco to Iran will become as grey as depopulating Europe, and will have the same proportion of dependent elderly as the industrial countries- but with one tenth the productivity!!
3. Today there are 9 Iranians of working age for every elderly dependent. By 2050, at the retirement age for most Iranians, there will be more Iranians in their mid sixties than in any other age bracket: seven elderly for every ten working Iranians. And, this is a nation that has a $4,400 per capita, which is about one-tenth of America’s GDP.
  1. While industrial nations are wealthy enough to cushion the impact, and support its elderly- not so with Egypt, Indonesia, Algeria, Iran and Pakistan.
  2. Even Turkey, with a semi-modern economy, has only about one quarter the GDP of Europe.
Can they reverse the trend? Hardly…the 25-year-old’s mother had married in her teens, and had several children by this time. The modern Iranian spent the time in school or working- if she can find a job.

4. "With fewer babies and more elderly, Iran pulls out the stops to promote births
Michael Cook
November 20, 2021 With fewer babies and more elderly, Iran pulls out the stops to promote births
Iran’s theocratic, authoritarian and anti-Israel regime has few friends internationally. So global headlines reflect a dim view of the new legislation, which severely restricts access to abortion, contraception, and voluntary sterilization. “The Iranian Government is taking further steps to use criminal law to restrict the rights of women, for the sake of increasing the number of births, which will effectively force many women and girls to continue unwanted pregnancies to term which would be inherently discriminatory”, United Nations experts declared.

A headline on the Kurdish website RUDAW said that it was a “clear contravention of international law”; in The Times of Israel, it was “UN experts warn it will limit women’s rights”; in Radio Free Europe (an American government website), it was “’It’s My Decision’: Iran’s New Population Law Blasted For Restricting Access To Contraceptives, Abortions”.

However, official Iranian media set out the underlying reason for their government’s decision: an alarming slide in the birthrate. In fact, The Teheran Times did not even mention abortion."

5. What will Democrats do when their number one international ally begins to fade away.....especially as they outlawed the Democrat's number one methodology, abortion????

Here's a book worth reading.
. View attachment 567145
Will have to read that one.
6. After literacy, the next largest indicator of family size is religious practice. The more frequently Muslims attend mosque, the more likely they are to have a big family. A third of the 88% literate Turks never attend mosque, as is true of the 82% literate Iranians; in both countries fertility is below replacement. But only a fifth of Egyptians never visit a mosque, and fertility is up to about three.
  1. In nations such as Pakistan, Bangladesh and Egypt, worship is high, literacy low, fertility rates high, poverty high, unemployment high, social instability high.
  2. In nations such as Iran, Turkey, Tunisia, Algeria, there is a high degree of literacy, but face a more devastating degree of social failure in the form of a dearth of children.
Will have to read that one.

7. The Jewish birth rate was rising steadily, and the Arab birthrate was falling. ...the fertility rate of Jews and Arabs had nearly converged by 2009, to 0.7 births per woman from six more per Arab woman.

a. Most remarkable is that today's "secular" Israeli women show a rate of 2.6, far and away the highest in the industrial world. Their own mothers had a rate of 2.1!

b. Between 1994 and 2009, Arab births in Israel remained steady at 39,000, while Jewish births rose from 80,000 to 120,000. The ultr-religious Jews (8% of the population) have a fertility rate of 8.5, which brings Israeli fertility to 2.9 per woman.

c. At this rate, Israel will have a larger population than Poland by 2085.

TEL AVIV (Reuters) - Israel's birth rate, the highest in the developed world and once seen as a survival tactic in a hostile region, could be its undoing unless measures are taken to reverse the trend.

The average Israeli woman has three babies in her lifetime, nearly double the fertility rate for the rest of the industrialized countries in the OECD. That, accompanied by heavy Jewish immigration from the former Soviet Union, has seen Israel's population double in the last 25 years.

The birth rate is even higher among Israel's Arab community and more than double among its ultra-Orthodox Jews, two groups that also have low participation in the workforce, dragging the economy down.

Today's population of 8.4 million is forecast to reach 15.6 million by 2059 and 20.6 million in a high case scenario, meaning the small country could simply run out of room.

Goldman sees this as dangerous for the book to see why.
Were the democrats able to teach their gender lunacy to the children in Iran to achieve such low birth rates?

You have to hand it to the globalists, if they want population reduction boy they get it done!!

Looks like you are keen on social engineering.

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