Student loan borrowers rip Biden’s payment extension

While the millions that are illegally entering our country get free educations, our children are saddled with ridiculous debt.
If non citizens get free, so should our citizens...

Illegals shouldn't even be here to begin with, hence the name illegals.
It is discrimination against those that followed the guidelines!

Student loan borrowers are speaking out against President Biden’s recent extension of a freeze on student debt payments, calling it a partisan and unfair move by the administration.

State University of New York in Albany graduate Matthew Noyes said that after finishing school in 2018, he paid off $27,000 worth of debt in just 11 months by making daily sacrifices like not eating out and even changing his work commute.

"I think it's very unfair and not just to me, but it's especially unfair to blue-collar workers, people who decided to go into the trades, people who chose to serve in the military so that they could have their college paid for," Noyes told FOX Business’ Lydia Hu. "I think it’s really unfair."

Frustration even extends to those still actively paying off their federal student loans, including Kent State University graduate Leandra Westbrook, who picked up a job as a food delivery driver and cut back on travel.

"I knew what I set myself up for when I was taking out these loans. It's something that I committed to," Westbrook explained. "You wouldn't sign a mortgage for a house and not pay your mortgage."

If it becomes apparent to the administration that even this extreme measure will not help them win in November they will give up on it.

The outrage should be the the lockdowns that caused the need to PPP loans. And you are such a moron. The government foolhardily shut down these business and the government paid to keep these businesses afloat; much different then student loans

once they cancel this debt Good eefing luck getting anyone to loan to anyone again.... it will be the end of all financial aid for colleges.

If it becomes apparent to the administration that even this extreme measure will not help them win in November they will give up on it.

If a degree does not hold enough value for the student to pay for it, why should I and other taxpayers pay for it. I think if that passes I will be making to some changes and stop paying taxes completely
If a students college degree is not important enough for he/she to pay it off, why should complete strangers pay it off.
I would like to see reform when it comes to student aid. No more six figure loans for private colleges three time zones away when lower loan can be granted for local community college and state universities. If you want to attend that elite private college far away and concentrate on some bullshit major for which there is no job market, pay for it on your own and stop thinking the US taxpayer owes you.

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