Spike Protein's mRNA Jabs "ARE" Carcinogens

Trump thought they were going to make a nice clean life saving vaccine, so pushed for them to do so with "Operation Warp Speed." That's all Trump pushed for. He never pushed for this COVID-19 vaccine liquid death in a vial. It was a bait and switch!

They baited Trump into putting up federal dollars for a vaccine to be made... however, they switched to using the deadly vials they had made back in 2018.
I would agree except for the fact that Trump has never admitted to being duped and has never openly reversed his belief that the jab was a good thing. His campaign would get a giant boost if he openly apologized for pushing the vaccine and recommending it to Americans. I still believe that he believes that it was one of his greatest Presidential accomplishments.
Good point in that the vaccinated ones wanted the unvaccinated people to risk death and dying as they teased them, bullied them, and harassed them about getting those deadly COVID shots. No matter what their medical history was, no matter how immunologically compromising it would be, and no matter what what types of wavers they had; the vaccinated behaved like zombies wanting everyone to get that clot shot just because they made a very poor decision to get it.

On the other hand we still have to have compassion on them because they got tricked into making a life-altering non-investigated, no second opinion, and no researched decision to get injected. They essentially allowed themselves to be made a fool out of by the federal government. They still deserve our compassion and love. 👩‍❤️‍👨
I agree. We do need to show compassion for the ignorant and poorly informed. Vaxxers are both.

At any rate, it’s a wonder all of us aren’t dying of cancer. Our food, water, air, vaccines, and just about everything else has carcinogenic chemicals in them.
I would agree except for the fact that Trump has never admitted to being duped and has never openly reversed his belief that the jab was a good thing. His campaign would get a giant boost if he openly apologized for pushing the vaccine and recommending it to Americans. I still believe that he believes that it was one of his greatest Presidential accomplishments.
Basically you refuse to hold Biden accountable for mandating a deadly vaccine; forcing people to get it or lose their jobs.
Carcinogen - a substance capable of causing cancer in living tissue.

Then there are the bloody “spike protein” stabs that 270 million Americans rushed out to get the second they became available, though not one single clinical study proved them safe or effective. That’s because they are the polar opposite, as they are ineffective and dangerous. In fact, Dr. Charles Hoffe, a British Columbian medical doctor, ran PET/CT scans on cancer patients who had received thePfizer mRNA booster shot just eight days prior, and what he found will blow your mind.

Dr. Hoffe discovered the rapid progression of T-cell lymphoma, a dramatic increase of gastrointestinal lesions, and a turbo-effect of spreading of cells in the lymph nodes under the arms near the armpits. Also known as turbo-cancer, the cause is spike proteins clinging to the inner walls of blood vessels, depositing in vital organs and coming together to form strange rubbery white clots throughout the human body and brain.

In other words, spike proteins from mRNA jabs are carcinogens that literally feed cancer, propelling it to multiply exponentially to invade the rest of the body. Meanwhile, spike protein turn OFF genes that fight cancer, so the injected people are burning the candle at both ends.

I’d like to see an actual scientific article on the subject. Got one?
I’d like to see an actual scientific article on the subject. Got one?
I don't think you want to see a scientific study because vaccinated people did not need to see any scientific studies in order to get the deadly COVID-19 vaccine. Even with it not being FDA approved they got it anyway.
-no scientific studies needed
-no FDA approval needed

All they relied on was Biden lying to them about it being "safe and effective" Why do you need someone else to do your research for you? We tried to give vaccinated people the researched information early on and they refused it. Nevertheless, here is some "scientific information"

An oncogene is a gene that has the potential to cause cancer. [1] In tumor cells, these genes are often mutated, or expressed at high levels.

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has shown diverse life-threatening effects, most of which are considered short-term. In addition to its short-term effects, which has claimed many millions of lives since 2019, the long-term complications of this virus are still under investigation. Similar to many oncogenic viruses, it has been hypothesized that SARS-CoV-2 employs various strategies to cause cancer in different organs. These include leveraging the renin angiotensin system, altering tumor suppressing pathways by means of its nonstructural proteins, and triggering inflammatory cascades by enhancing cytokine production in the form of a “cytokine storm” paving the way for the emergence of cancer stem cells in target organs.

Other human beta-coronaviruses such as SARS-CoV-1 and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) also evoke various pathways that lead to carcinogenesis such as the repression of the tumour repressor retinoblastoma protein (PRB) by the nonstructural protein (nsp)15 of SARS-CoV-1

SARS-CoV-2 has infected millions of people worldwide and resulted in millions of deaths [21]. Although extensive research has been performed on the pathobiology of this virus over the past 2 and a half years, there are no reports of viral-induced tumorigenesis as yet [22,23]. However, there are some reports suggesting that SARS-CoV-2 might be considered as an oncogenic virus [24]. In the following section, we describe the possible mechanisms for the induction of cancers by SARS-CoV-2.

Basically you refuse to hold Biden accountable for mandating a deadly vaccine; forcing people to get it or lose their jobs.
Put words in other people's mouths much? I'll send you $1000.00 today if you can prove that I ever said that or even hinted it. Deal?

Biden is the scum of the earth. He's a literal traitor to the United States of America and there's a specific punishment designed specifically for his crimes against America, Americans, and the Constitution. I'll leave it there.

But I also believe in being perfectly honest. I voted for Trump both times. And I'll likely vote for him again, but he's not a “savior” nor is he a “god.” He's far from perfect, and I had a few things against him:

1) His push for the vaccine was wrong. Was he duped? Probably! But he should have come out later and openly stated that the vaccine was a farce. But I believe he still thinks it was a good thing. Please let me know if Trump ever retracted his support for the vaccine!
2) He said on national television that we should have “red flag laws” which are completely unconstitutional. They assume that folks are guilty of a crime before being proven innocent. It gives power to the State to disarm citizens based on the bogus accusation of an anti-gun neighbor or tyrannical law-enforcement officer.
3) He literally turned me and many other gun-lovers into felons overnight when he banned bump stocks with the swipe of his pen. That action was a completely unconstitutional. Bump stocks don't kill people. People kill people. He used Democrat logic that day!!
4) He spent money like a drunken Democrat and is partly accountable for America's more than $30 trillion national debt.
5) He held up an LGBTQ+Pedo flag with a wide smile on his face and seemed proud to do it.

Trump is much better than Biden, but there's room for improvement!!
Put words in other people's mouths much? I'll send you $1000.00 today if you can prove that I ever said that or even hinted it. Deal?

Biden is the scum of the earth. He's a literal traitor to the United States of America and there's a specific punishment designed specifically for his crimes against America, Americans, and the Constitution. I'll leave it there.

But I also believe in being perfectly honest. I voted for Trump both times. And I'll likely vote for him again, but he's not a “savior” nor is he a “god.” He's far from perfect, and I had a few things against him:

1) His push for the vaccine was wrong. Was he duped? Probably! But he should have come out later and openly stated that the vaccine was a farce. But I believe he still thinks it was a good thing. Please let me know if Trump ever retracted his support for the vaccine!
2) He said on national television that we should have “red flag laws” which are completely unconstitutional. They assume that folks are guilty of a crime before being proven innocent. It gives power to the State to disarm citizens based on the bogus accusation of an anti-gun neighbor or tyrannical law-enforcement officer.
3) He literally turned me and many other gun-lovers into felons overnight when he banned bump stocks with the swipe of his pen. That action was a completely unconstitutional. Bump stocks don't kill people. People kill people. He used Democrat logic that day!!
4) He spent money like a drunken Democrat and is partly accountable for America's more than $30 trillion national debt.
5) He held up an LGBTQ+Pedo flag with a wide smile on his face and seemed proud to do it.

Trump is much better than Biden, but there's room for improvement!!
Same story that would have been in conspiracies a year or so ago appears in health care forums


Same story that would have been in conspiracies a year or so ago appears in health care forums

View attachment 953564

They have had the past two years to study it and do scientific research on people and the dead bodies of vaccinated people. That's what people wanted- evidence. Scientific research on humans moves it to factual information.

Look at the list of 2024 cancer deaths in the Lipid Nanoparticle thread. I haven't even added Bill Walton to that list yet, and cancer got him, and/or the covid vaccine caused the cancer to speed up in him.

Imagine that... all of sudden, an America that cannot cure any cancer, hmmm.... I wonder why.
Remember Mike Tyson just had this same thing happen to him while on a flight.... some sort of "tumor" flare up out of no where- he required medical attention

An oncogene is a gene that has the potential to cause cancer. [1] In tumor cells, these genes are often mutated, or expressed at high levels.
That's what people wanted- evidence. Scientific research on humans moves it to factual information.
But most of it hails from outside our borders Cross

That's what some kanagroo court in America just labeled misinformation

IE~ gub'mit censoring

But most of it hails from outside our borders Cross

That's what some kanagroo court in America just labeled misinformation

IE~ gub'mit censoring

If our doctors are too afraid to do their jobs and speak out - then God bless other doctors around the world to tell us the truth.
If our doctors are too afraid to do their jobs and speak out - then God bless other doctors around the world to tell us the truth.
One can conclude a few things about American doctors from the horrendous Covid experience. The vast majority of them advised their patients to take an untested experimental “vaccine” from pharmaceutical companies with a long history of fines, penalites, and blatant criminality. Proving they are controlled by big pharma, just as is our government, politicians, media, and science.
A lot of that is true, but all of sudden, some claiming masks are harmful is untrue. They have been apart of Muslim cultural attire for centuries. Americans were forced to wear them, so they falsely claim them to be unsafe.

Makes you wonder how safe is underwear...
I don't wear underwear.

You have missed the icing on the Impure One's cake, OP .
Our lovely little Spike Proteins pass through the Blood Brain Barrier with ease .

No wonder 70% of people are already mad as hatters and getting progressively more stupid and violent .

The Mutants . Because those that do not die will have altered DNA . Which , as all biologists will tell you , is irreversible .

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