Serious golfers: Have you ever been custom "fitted" for a set of irons? Cool experience!

FYI I'm a decent golfer usually scoring somewhere between 78 and 85. My problem has always been erratic iron play. So I finally decided to go to a golf store that specializes in custom fittings. This is how it went:

1. Met the guy for my session and he asked me what my iron play is like now and what my goals would be for the new set.
2. I hit a dozen or so 6 irons with my old set and he showed me the numbers. Ugh! C'mon man I hit it farther than that!
3. So with the baseline established, he pulled 4 different shafts and 4 different 6 iron heads and I hit a bunch of shots.
4. The difference in performance was astonishing! The worst club/shaft had the widest dispersion 40 feet, lowest clubhead speed, lowest height and least distance. The best club/shaft combo had a dispersion of 9 feet, 10 mph faster clubhead speed, highest height and most distance carry.
5. I also ordered shaft "puring" where they will orient the shaft and clubhead to the optimum angle for consistency.

I cant' wait to get them, it'll take a couple of weeks for them to be built.
I'd say if you love golf and can afford to spend the money on a fitting and iron set, I'd say go for it. It basically cost me about $500 bucks more than just buying a new set of irons.
Of course you can get fitted for your woods if that's what you want to upgrade.
I never have just because I never could afford it. I have used my father's set of clubs for decades that he used in 70's and 80's when he was a much younger man. Thankfully where I am at they got a lot of cheap places to golf.

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