Please move “Final Solution for Jews” to Rubber Room or Badlands

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They would be the same mods with the very same opinions. You just would never hear their opinions. But their actions would be the same. I'm fine with knowing the good and the bad.

I'm okay with not knowing their opinions, as long as they simply do their jobs.

I mean, my dishwasher doesn't need to have an opinion -- it needs to wash my dishes.

You'll get it he same result that you hate but you'll never really know this person leans heavily left or right

I prefer knowing who the mods are

You're certainly welcome to your opinion.

I don't believe moderators should be allowed to have opinions. Rules are rules.

If a cop stops me for driving 55 in a 55 zone, it should not matter if he thinks I should be driving 54, just to be safe. If I'm driving within the speed limit, I'm not breaking a law.

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