Nukes in Baltic 'countries' and Ukraine. False Flag action.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Failed 'states' like three poor Baltic 'states' ( all youth were already fled ) and so-called Ukraine will stop to afraid allegedly Russian 'aggression' only if US nukes will be based close to Russian borders while NATO claims to continue dialog with Putin.Who can prohibit anybody to shot against NATO battalions or lunch a rocket from Russia being disguised as Russian troops? Three guys in Russian uniform ( Lying Mainstream Medias will immediately report the beginning Russian Invasion / just remember a rocket in Sarajevo's Market in 1995 / ) and WWIII is started, nukes flee to Russia. Or a malfunction of electronic ( to 85 % made in China ).
Lying devils like Merkel, Obama, Holland will exterminate the entirely humanity.
Why western democracy is failed and wrong?Because it allow insane lunatics to run and to ruin countries and billions of humans.
Not Russia, but arrogant dumb crazy lunatics destroyed all agreements with USSR, Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Putin, sent NATO to Russian borders ( will USA tolerate the same? ), organized putsch in Ukraine and now are ready to start nuclear nightmare.

Just for example: all claims against Saddam were wrong, western 'politicians' lied, country destroyed, millions dead, Merkel and Obama laughing.

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