New poll of US voters finds overwhelming support for Israel over Hamas in Gaza war


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
A new Harvard CAPS-Harris poll published this week of over 2,300 registered US voters found overwhelming support for Israel over Hamas in the ongoing war, triggered by the terror group’s October 7 murderous rampage.

In the poll, 83 percent of respondents said October 7 was a terror attack, while 17% said it was not. Broken down by age group, 94% of respondents aged over 65 said the attack — in which some 1,200 people were killed and 253 were taken hostage — was terrorism, while 74% of those aged 18-24 said the same.

In addition, 74% of respondents said Hamas’s attack was genocidal and 75% of all respondents said the assault could not be justified by Palestinian grievances. These answers varied widely by age group, with younger Americans less favorable to Israel. Some 54% of respondents aged 18-24 said the attacks were not justified, compared to 78% among participants aged 45-54, 87% of those aged 54-65, and 92% of those aged over 65.

Eighty percent of all respondents also said they support Israel more over Hamas, including 57% among those aged 18-24, about 70% for those aged 25-44, 80% of 45-54 year olds, 90% of those 54-65, and 93% of those over 65.

Most respondents, 69%, said Israel was trying to avoid civilian casualties in the Gaza Strip, and 66% said Israel was just trying to defend itself. Some 34% said they believe Israel was “committing genocide” in Gaza and not acting in self-defense, a figure that jumped to 57% between those aged 18-24 and 50% among the 25-34 years-old bracket.

Some 74% of total respondents also said Hamas would like to commit genocide against Jews in Israel.

Overall, 67% of respondents said a ceasefire should only happen if the hostages are released and Hamas is removed from power in Gaza — Israel’s key aims in the war.

So an overwhelming majority of American voters support Israel aims and actions in this war.

Why does Biden continue to support Israel despite all the pressure on him to call for a ceasefire from the left wing of his party and many countries around the world?

Overall, 67% of respondents said a ceasefire should only happen if the hostages are released and Hamas is removed from power in Gaza — Israel’s key aims in the war.
A new Harvard CAPS-Harris poll published this week of over 2,300 registered US voters found overwhelming support for Israel over Hamas in the ongoing war, triggered by the terror group’s October 7 murderous rampage.

In the poll, 83 percent of respondents said October 7 was a terror attack, while 17% said it was not. Broken down by age group, 94% of respondents aged over 65 said the attack — in which some 1,200 people were killed and 253 were taken hostage — was terrorism, while 74% of those aged 18-24 said the same.

In addition, 74% of respondents said Hamas’s attack was genocidal and 75% of all respondents said the assault could not be justified by Palestinian grievances. These answers varied widely by age group, with younger Americans less favorable to Israel. Some 54% of respondents aged 18-24 said the attacks were not justified, compared to 78% among participants aged 45-54, 87% of those aged 54-65, and 92% of those aged over 65.

Eighty percent of all respondents also said they support Israel more over Hamas, including 57% among those aged 18-24, about 70% for those aged 25-44, 80% of 45-54 year olds, 90% of those 54-65, and 93% of those over 65.

Most respondents, 69%, said Israel was trying to avoid civilian casualties in the Gaza Strip, and 66% said Israel was just trying to defend itself. Some 34% said they believe Israel was “committing genocide” in Gaza and not acting in self-defense, a figure that jumped to 57% between those aged 18-24 and 50% among the 25-34 years-old bracket.

Some 74% of total respondents also said Hamas would like to commit genocide against Jews in Israel.

Overall, 67% of respondents said a ceasefire should only happen if the hostages are released and Hamas is removed from power in Gaza — Israel’s key aims in the war.

So an overwhelming majority of American voters support Israel aims and actions in this war.

Why does Biden continue to support Israel despite all the pressure on him to call for a ceasefire from the left wing of his party and many countries around the world?

Overall, 67% of respondents said a ceasefire should only happen if the hostages are released and Hamas is removed from power in Gaza — Israel’s key aims in the war.
My question is, who are the morons that think Oct. 7 WAS NOT a terror attack?!
International Court of Justice finds 100% opposite

Young Americans also agree wih the ICJs findings .

The Forum Outcasts are having to resort to lies and stupidity as reasons to continue their support for the Nazis in Israel .

Song aimed at Deniers

Freedom Fighters of the world unite
Why are Forum Outcasts such shite ?
International Court of Justice finds 100% opposite

Young Americans also agree wih the ICJs findings .

The Forum Outcasts are having to resort to lies and stupidity as reasons to continue their support for the Nazis in Israel .

Song aimed at Deniers

Freedom Fighters of the world unite
Why are Forum Outcasts such shite ?
Oh is that the new talking point your Hamas employers are paying you to spread all over social media?! That the court ruling was actually favorable to Palestinians, even though they didn’t call for a ceasefire, didn’t say Israel was committing genocide (which was the main claim of the case), and asked for the Hamas animals to release the hostages immediately?! Ha ha ha.
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A new Harvard CAPS-Harris poll published this week of over 2,300 registered US voters found overwhelming support for Israel over Hamas in the ongoing war, triggered by the terror group’s October 7 murderous rampage.

In the poll, 83 percent of respondents said October 7 was a terror attack, while 17% said it was not. Broken down by age group, 94% of respondents aged over 65 said the attack — in which some 1,200 people were killed and 253 were taken hostage — was terrorism, while 74% of those aged 18-24 said the same.

In addition, 74% of respondents said Hamas’s attack was genocidal and 75% of all respondents said the assault could not be justified by Palestinian grievances. These answers varied widely by age group, with younger Americans less favorable to Israel. Some 54% of respondents aged 18-24 said the attacks were not justified, compared to 78% among participants aged 45-54, 87% of those aged 54-65, and 92% of those aged over 65.

Eighty percent of all respondents also said they support Israel more over Hamas, including 57% among those aged 18-24, about 70% for those aged 25-44, 80% of 45-54 year olds, 90% of those 54-65, and 93% of those over 65.

Most respondents, 69%, said Israel was trying to avoid civilian casualties in the Gaza Strip, and 66% said Israel was just trying to defend itself. Some 34% said they believe Israel was “committing genocide” in Gaza and not acting in self-defense, a figure that jumped to 57% between those aged 18-24 and 50% among the 25-34 years-old bracket.

Some 74% of total respondents also said Hamas would like to commit genocide against Jews in Israel.

Overall, 67% of respondents said a ceasefire should only happen if the hostages are released and Hamas is removed from power in Gaza — Israel’s key aims in the war.

So an overwhelming majority of American voters support Israel aims and actions in this war.

Why does Biden continue to support Israel despite all the pressure on him to call for a ceasefire from the left wing of his party and many countries around the world?

Overall, 67% of respondents said a ceasefire should only happen if the hostages are released and Hamas is removed from power in Gaza — Israel’s key aims in the war.
America loves slaughtering people across the Middle East and suffering from the consequences of it. Gen Z has grown up with the internet and thus access to information from places other than the government or big money interests. Maybe they will free us from the cycle.
Some 54% of respondents aged 18-24 said the attacks were not justified, compared to 78% among participants aged 45-54, 87% of those aged 54-65, and 92% of those aged over 65.

So an overwhelming majority of American voters support Israel aims and actions in this war.
Doesn't sound like 'support' here at all......

U.S.-Israel Relations.
Netanyahu counters Biden: Most Americans support Israel.
Biden said that the Jewish state's "incredibly conservative government" risked losing it international support.

(February 28, 2024 / JNS)
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday night hit back at U.S. President Joe Biden for claiming that the Jewish state’s “incredibly conservative government” risked losing it international support.

“Since the start of the war, I have been leading a diplomatic campaign to block pressure designed to end the war prematurely and to secure strong support for Israel,” said Netanyahu in a video message.

“We have had considerable success. Today, a Harvard-Harris poll was published which shows that 82% of the American public supports Israel, meaning that four out of five U.S. citizens support Israel and not Hamas,” he continued.

“This will help us continue the campaign until total victory,” added the premier.

Speaking with Seth Meyer on NBC’s “Late Night on Monday,” Biden noted that the Israel Defense Forces campaign against Hamas in Gaza has so far “had the overwhelming support of the vast majority of nations.”

However, “if it keeps this up without [changing]—this incredibly conservative government they have, and [National Security Minister Itamar] Ben-Gvir and others, most—I’ve known every major foreign policy leader in Israel since Golda Meir—they’re going to lose support from around the world. And that is not in Israel’s interest,” said Biden..

IDF strikes Hezbollah weapons manufacturing site.
Israel National News
Feb 28, 2024, 12:21 PM

Humanitarian aid - and fuel - air-dropped into Gaza.
Israel National News
Feb 28, 2024, 1:15 PM

Senior IDF official:
'Settler violence just a handful of incidents'.
Hezki Baruch
Feb 28, 2024, 3:47 PM

UC Berkeley: Jewish students forced to evacuate through tunnel by violent mob.
Hundreds of violent anti-Israel protestors disrupt event run by Jewist student groups, break door and windows, forcing evacuation of attendees through underground tunnel.
Gary Willig, Feb 28, 2024, 4:19 PM

British MPs fear for safety over Gaza war.
Over 10 British politicians tell Reuters they fear for their safety due to the intimidation and threats coming from anti-Israel protestors.
Gary Willig
Feb 28, 2024, 5:06 PM

AP, Reuters sued by Nova victims' families.
News agencies are responsible for their reporters, photographers who were present since the first moments of the Hamas massacre on October 7, documenting and participating in the atrocities, the filing claims
Lital Dobrovitzky | 02/28/2024:11:30
... The lawsuit named four freelance photographers whose work AP purchased and released including Hassan Eslaiah, Yousef Masoud, Ali Mahmud, and Hatem Ali. Mahmud documented the abduction of Shani Louk's body and its display to Gazans as it was driven in the city.
Eslaiah, a freelance photographer who also works for CNN, crossed into Israel, took photos of a burning Israeli tank, and then photographed Palestinian infiltrators entering Kibbutz Kfar Aza.
Screenshots from Eslaiah’s now-removed X account show him documenting himself holding a grenade and standing in front of an Israeli tank. He did not wear a press vest or a helmet, and the Arabic caption of his tweet read: “Live from inside the Gaza Strip settlements." Masoud, who also works for The New York Times, was there as well. Ali Mahmud and Hatem Ali photographed the abduction of Israelis into Gaza, including octogenarian Yafa Adar.
John Kirby said that Israel is taking more precautions than the U.S. military would to protect civilian life.
The scariest thing about that statement is that it's probably true...

Doesn't sound like 'support' here at all......


US Voters Support Permanent Ceasefire in Gaza​

Sixty-seven percent of Americans of all political affiliations want the U.S. to join the international call for a permanent ceasefire, according to a Data for Progress poll.


"From February 22 to 26, 2024, Data for Progress conducted a survey of 1,232 U.S. likely voters nationally using web panel
respondents. The sample was weighted to be representative of likely voters by age, gender, education, race, geography,
and voting history. The survey was conducted in English. The margin of error is ±3 percentage points.
NB: subgroups with a n-size less than 50 (<50) are not shown on these cross-tabs. We choose not to display N<50
subgroups because the sample is too small to have statistical significance. We did, however, take samples of these
subgroups for representational and weighting purposes to accurately reflect the electorate makeup. Some values may not
add up to 100 due to rounding.
N=1,232 unless otherwise specified."
America loves slaughtering people across the Middle East and suffering from the consequences of it. Gen Z has grown up with the internet and thus access to information from places other than the government or big money interests. Maybe they will free us from the cycle.
we just love seeing muslims run like hell from our military...dont those guys want those 72 virgins

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