Netanyahu Talks to Dr. Phil


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made an appearance on the American talk show "Dr. Phil Primetime." Speaking to host Phil McGraw, Netanyahu said Israel must go into Rafah to finish off the remaining battalions of Hamas. Meanwhile, Israel has racked up a bill of 60 billion shekels ($16 billion) after seven months of war. Bloomberg's Paul Wallace reports.

Once on the Dr. Phil show, the conversation began with Bibi.

"Joe Biden never returns my phone calls anymore", said the Prime Minister. "It used to be he would call me all the time begging me not to ever get angry at all the Jew haters around the world or strike back at terrorists for terrorist acts against our nation, but now that we have, I get nothing from him. So, I started seeing and talking to other world leaders and told the President maybe he should see other world leaders as well. Maybe it's just time to move on", said the Prime Minister.

"Have you tried counseling?" asked Dr. Phil.

"Sure, we saw a counselor together, but once in counseling I got the feeling he blames me for everything from his hairy legs that children like to rub down at the pool, or as he calls the black children at the pool roaches, to all the attacks from Hamas and Iran. I just feel that we have grown apart and maybe it's time for a break"

"What about the children?" asked Dr. Phil.

"Hunter and I were never that close to begin with, so there was not much of a relationship to start. I kept telling Hunter, we don't have millions of dollars to give you as we are fighting for our very lives, basically against the entire world, and our relationship just soured from then on."

No word yet whether Bibi and Joe Biden will appear on the Jerry Springer show together.

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