‘It’s soul-destroying’: How a malevolent online campaign is targeting Jewish doctors in Ontario


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
My have the type of citizens molded by the Police State here that would collaborate with the enemies if they were around today. Many a mini-Himmler exist in this country, they just don't have the right conditions to be able to express themselves...though they do express themselves but at least not fully...

These people terrorizing Jewish doctors here is par for the course. Many a coward here destroy the souls of Canadians. Many.

Dox a doc a day.
As anti-Israel — often anti-Jew — protests violently roil campuses across America, a different campaign dripping with malevolence is specifically targeting Jewish physicians right here in Ontario.

There’s no fig-leaf of divestment from Israel, no camouflage exploiting the horrors experienced by civilians in Gaza. Rather, the doxing has been a directed, co-ordinated crusade aimed at physicians whose only “offence’’ is their Jewishness.

On social media and via pro forma emails sent to hospital administrators and leadership at teaching institutions, these doctors are being harassed, intimidated and professionally compromised. While part of the strategy is to victimize one particular doctor on a given day — lifting names of individuals who signed a letter last November under the banner of Doctors Against Racism and Antisemitism — the undertaking has spreader wider, become far more encompassing.

Of course most of the garbage is anonymous but on literally hundreds of occasions — letters and emails to MPs, for example — signatories of that DARA letter have been appropriated falsely as if they’re the ones demanding politicians take a harsher position on Israel’s military tactics.
“They’re prompting people to make complaints to their places of work, colleges and universities, hospitals, associations, faculty, the College of Physicians and Surgeons,’’ says Dr. Lisa Switzman. “This has been going on since the beginning of November in a systematic, co-ordinated way, with literally a Jewish doctor of the day.’’

Switzman, whose been involved with tracking the attacks, is uncertain how it all began or who triggered the onslaught. “Basically it was put out by someone who is very anti-Israel, saying these are terrible physicians who’ve signed this letter. All the letter said was that we support Israel and we’re Zionists. Being Jews and supporting Israel’s right to exist is really important to us.’’

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