Iran Accuses West of 'Disinformation' As Another Huge Explosion Rocks Tehran


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Iran Accuses West of 'Disinformation' As Another Huge Explosion Rocks Tehran

11 Jul 2020 ~~ By Rick Moran
For the third time in three weeks, an explosion has rocked the Iranian capital of Tehran, leading many to conclude that these were coordinated attacks probably planned by Israel and the United States. Iran is denying that the explosion even occurred, although social media postings and “unofficial” news agencies say it did. They are accusing the west of mounting a disinformation campaign to undermine the regime.
That’s a good idea. Why didn’t we think of that?
The blast yesterday was so powerful, it knocked out power to thousands of residents. The Jerusalem Post reports that the blast may have targeted a Revolutionary Guard missile site.
Explosions were reported west of Tehran on Thursday night, with some initial reports claiming that the explosions occurred at a missile depot belonging to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC).
According to the Iranian Mehr News Agency, the explosions were reported by social media users west of Tehran and in the cities of Garmdareh and Quds.

The Iranian government quoted the mayor of Garmdereh as saying that they heard no explosions. But there was one small problem.
Along with the denial of the explosion, Iranian media reported that the mayor of Garmdareh had stated that the explosion was caused by gas tanks, but it was later discovered that the quoted mayor had died over a year ago and that the quoted news was from years ago, according to the Independent Persian.
The fact that the mayor was dead complicated the official story somewhat.
On Monday, there was still another explosion that may have been an accident, but that analysts point out is uncomfortably close to the warehouse that Israeli Mossad raided and found thousands of documents related to Iran’s nuclear program.
There is a sabotage plan being executed. That’s fairly clear. The fact that the sabotage is not only targeting key nuclear and missile sites but also power plants and other key industrial plants is significant but the ultimate goals of the plot remain hidden. Certainly, there is a psychological element to the attacks and undermining confidence in the Iranian regime as the incompetent clerics still try to cover up their inadequate response to the pandemic and the economy continues to deteriorate could be a prelude to something even bigger.
These attacks are more than just nagging pinpricks. The severity and regularity of the attack suggest this is just the beginning.

The Iranian regime is in trouble. Their grand plan with the treasonous Obama/Biden gang has been stopped. I suspect that these explosions are false flag operations to give the Iranian regime cover for an internal crack down and an attack on U.S. interests. The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat globalists are running out of time to stop Trump. They need something big to happen. Their impeachment efforts have failed. The riots have been contained. The coup attempt in North Korea was stopped. A school shooting is not big enough.
The explosions within weapons factories are possibly by Iranian patriots, and that they acting against the murder gangster devils ruling their country. Then again, these explosions may be launched by CIA/Mossad operations that’s fine too!
Oops, looks like someone did something..... Again.
Great news -- IMHO.

Some observers say that the leaders of that country understand only one thing: ACTION.

President Trump has talked tough but done little. E.g., if the Iranians ever dared to approach an American warship too closely, it should be blown out of the water.

Israel, however, does not talk tough. It takes tough action. And the Iranians know it. So they respect Israel, for they know that Israel is not going to take any nonsense from Iran. Or from anyone else!

Kudos to Israel. People (and nations) respect deeds, not mere words!
Iran Accuses West of 'Disinformation' As Another Huge Explosion Rocks Tehran

11 Jul 2020 ~~ By Rick Moran
For the third time in three weeks, an explosion has rocked the Iranian capital of Tehran, leading many to conclude that these were coordinated attacks probably planned by Israel and the United States. Iran is denying that the explosion even occurred, although social media postings and “unofficial” news agencies say it did. They are accusing the west of mounting a disinformation campaign to undermine the regime.
That’s a good idea. Why didn’t we think of that?
The blast yesterday was so powerful, it knocked out power to thousands of residents. The Jerusalem Post reports that the blast may have targeted a Revolutionary Guard missile site.
Explosions were reported west of Tehran on Thursday night, with some initial reports claiming that the explosions occurred at a missile depot belonging to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC).
According to the Iranian Mehr News Agency, the explosions were reported by social media users west of Tehran and in the cities of Garmdareh and Quds.

The Iranian government quoted the mayor of Garmdereh as saying that they heard no explosions. But there was one small problem.
Along with the denial of the explosion, Iranian media reported that the mayor of Garmdareh had stated that the explosion was caused by gas tanks, but it was later discovered that the quoted mayor had died over a year ago and that the quoted news was from years ago, according to the Independent Persian.
The fact that the mayor was dead complicated the official story somewhat.
On Monday, there was still another explosion that may have been an accident, but that analysts point out is uncomfortably close to the warehouse that Israeli Mossad raided and found thousands of documents related to Iran’s nuclear program.
There is a sabotage plan being executed. That’s fairly clear. The fact that the sabotage is not only targeting key nuclear and missile sites but also power plants and other key industrial plants is significant but the ultimate goals of the plot remain hidden. Certainly, there is a psychological element to the attacks and undermining confidence in the Iranian regime as the incompetent clerics still try to cover up their inadequate response to the pandemic and the economy continues to deteriorate could be a prelude to something even bigger.
These attacks are more than just nagging pinpricks. The severity and regularity of the attack suggest this is just the beginning.

The Iranian regime is in trouble. Their grand plan with the treasonous Obama/Biden gang has been stopped. I suspect that these explosions are false flag operations to give the Iranian regime cover for an internal crack down and an attack on U.S. interests. The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat globalists are running out of time to stop Trump. They need something big to happen. Their impeachment efforts have failed. The riots have been contained. The coup attempt in North Korea was stopped. A school shooting is not big enough.
The explosions within weapons factories are possibly by Iranian patriots, and that they acting against the murder gangster devils ruling their country. Then again, these explosions may be launched by CIA/Mossad operations that’s fine too!
Oops, looks like someone did something..... Again.

ALL travestys of false flag operations such as 9/11 and the virus hoax,the CIA and mossad ALWAYS have their fingerprints all over the place in it. They BOTH are the reason the world is in the mess it is. thats an uncomfortable truth around here many cant accept and go into insult mode on being in denial mode but it is the truth.

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