Zone1 Gaza: similarities to Joshua book?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Israel is practically a living theocracy and a implementation of Judaism.
When we read the book of Joshua we can find a big lot of similarities to Gaza now.
Just imagine what could happen when such atrocities would have been committed by Putin,Trump or another non - Israeli leader.

Three questions:

1. Can Talmud approve what's going on in Gaza?
2.Is Judaism peacefull?
2. Can you trust MS presstitute media who cover absolutely nothing about the real situation in Gaza?







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Israel is practically a living theocracy and a implementation of Judaism.
When we read the book of Joshua we can find a big lot of similarities to Gaza now.
Just imagine what could happen when such atrocities would have been committed by Putin,Trump or another non - Israeli leader.

Three questions:

1. Can Talmud approve what's going on in Gaza?
2.Is Judaism peacefull?
2. Can you trust MS presstitute media who cover absolutely nothing about the real situation in Gaza?

a great argument against theocracy and the strictures of iron age morality.

multicultural democracies are more efficient at moving forward from these primative blood feuds.
a great argument against theocracy and the strictures of iron age morality.

multicultural democracies are more efficient at moving forward from these primative blood feuds.

Interestingly western presstitutes condemn theocracies everywhere except Israel
Israel is practically a living theocracy and a implementation of Judaism.
If you think this then you don't understand Israel at all and understand theocracy even less.
1. Can Talmud approve what's going on in Gaza?
Judaism can, yes. It has to do with defending people's lives. Are you against that? Is it only OK when it is Israeli lives being lost?
2.Is Judaism peacefull?
Yes, and even peaceful.
2. Can you trust MS presstitute media who cover absolutely nothing about the real situation in Gaza?

sure, the same way that you can trust Whispered in Gaza — The Center for Peace Communications and The Gaza You Don't See – The Gaza you don't see on the media
If you think this then you don't understand Israel at all and understand theocracy even less.

Judaism can, yes. It has to do with defending people's lives. Are you against that? Is it only OK when it is Israeli lives being lost?

Yes, and even peaceful.

sure, the same way that you can trust Whispered in Gaza — The Center for Peace Communications and The Gaza You Don't See – The Gaza you don't see on the media


Modern Khazarian Jews (the Thirteen Trieb) have no connection to blessings of Abraham and are not his children.
So why they push children of Abraham from their country away?
Khazars have been converted to Judaism in 8th century.
Ten tribes of Israel perished 500 years before Jesus, the two last disappeared in a couple of centuries after Jesus death.
Arabs have more right to possess Palestine as Turkish converts to Judaism.





By the way. Kill thousands as revenge for few deaths is a good idea for you?
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Modern Khazarian Jews (the Thirteen Trieb) have no connection to blessings of Abraham.
Khazars have been converted to Judaism in 8th century.
so you are saying you don't really understand Jewish history and still believe the Khazar conspiracy theories.
Ten tribes of Israel perished 500 years before Jesus, the two last disappeared in a couple of centuries after Jesus death.
wrong and wrong (basic history again). The 10 tribes were exiled, not killed. And the remaining 2 tribes have not disappeared.
By the way. Kill thousands as revenge for few deaths is a good idea for you?
"a few deaths"? Do you always defend and downplay terrorism?
Interestingly western presstitutes condemn theocracies everywhere except Israel
or that the kibbutz settlements are socialist.

i don't know enough about internal israeli politics to declare it a theocracy ( compared to say iran or texas? )
so you are saying you don't really understand Jewish history and still believe the Khazar conspiracy theories.

It's proven genetically most of Ashkenazi are Khazarinas.
Back to terrorism.
There are numerous proofs (just google) Hamas is a baby of Mossad
For better understanding
God gave the country to children of Abraham (true Jews and Arabs) not to Turkish Khazarians (fake Jews).
God gave the land to the Jews. Since we are the Jews and not Turkish, you just admitted that the land is ours. Thanks.
a great argument against theocracy and the strictures of iron age morality.

multicultural democracies are more efficient at moving forward from these primative blood feuds.
Anyone who doesn't know (as Paul Johnson shows) that Voltaire was the great liar of his age....well, best that you claim innocence as just a cut-and-paster.
V. called the work of the Jesuits in South America (the reducciones) just about the most perfect society the world has ever seen. but after his hatred of the Jesuits had seized he lied and conspired to have the Jesuits banned and the reducciones abandoned.

Voltaire was tortured with such an agony that he gnashed his teeth in impotent rage against God and man. At times he pleaded, “O Christ, O Lord Jesus!” then again, “I must die, abandoned of God and man!” As his end drew near his condition became so frightful that his agnostic associates were afraid to approach his bedside. They still guarded the door that others might not know how awfully an enemy of God was compelled to die. Even his nurse couldn’t tolerate the scene of horror. Such was the end of a man who had a high intellect, excellent education, great wealth and much earthly honour – but without God.

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