France - an escape for criminals


Platinum Member
Dec 8, 2021
According to HLN News, France does not have an extradition agreement with the United States. This gives criminals a chance to escape punishment by flying to France, like Roman Polanski. The government of France needs to change this policy.
According to HLN News, France does not have an extradition agreement with the United States. This gives criminals a chance to escape punishment by flying to France, like Roman Polanski. The government of France needs to change this policy.
Don't be daft .
It's a private arrangement that Intel Agencies find very useul and also doubtless the governments .
If you believe that they are not fully aware of the "oversight" , you are Gullible .
Don't be daft .
It's a private arrangement that Intel Agencies find very useul and also doubtless the governments .
If you believe that they are not fully aware of the "oversight" , you are Gullible .
I believe they said France is the only country in Europe that does not have an extradition treaty with the United States.
Am not an expert in this area .
But the Big Boys work their private business through the Five Eyes Agreement .
This covers US , UK , Australia , Canada and New Zealand .
In 1948, the treaty was extended to include Norway (1952), Denmark (1954), West Germany (1955),
Ergo , France needs its own unofficial dirty linen basket .

My speculation only .
According to HLN News, France does not have an extradition agreement with the United States. This gives criminals a chance to escape punishment by flying to France, like Roman Polanski. The government of France needs to change this policy.
also, crimes committed on a plane or on a cruise ship do not get prosecuted usually and those with diplomatic immunity can commit crimes with impunity. and the United Kingdom will not extradite criminals back to the United States if that criminal faces the death penalty in the United States. and the local police have no jurisdiction on Native American Reservations and the FBI allows criminals on Reservations to do whatever they want. and crimes committed in national parks are covered-up by the National Park Service.
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also, crimes committed on a plane or on a cruise ship do not get prosecuted usually and those with diplomatic immunity can commit crimes with impunity. and the United Kingdom will not extradite criminals back to the United States if that criminal faces the death penalty in the United States. and the local police have no jurisdiction on Native American Reservations and the FBI allows criminals on Reservations to do whatever they want. and crimes committed in national parks are covered-up by the National Park Service.
there is a rise in crime throughout the United States and the Liberal Media is protecting Black and Hispanic / Latino Criminals and giving them a pass to commit crimes.
France does not have an extradition agreement with the United States.

I understand France has their own way of dealing with criminals ...

there is a rise in crime throughout the United States and the Liberal Media is protecting Black and Hispanic / Latino Criminals and giving them a pass to commit crimes.
illegal immigrants can commit a crime in the United States and not spend too much time in jail before being deported back to their country and then the illegal immigrants return to the United States and commit another crime and the cycle repeats over and over again. they never really get punished for their crimes.

teenagers who commit serious crimes, like murder, get put in a comfy juvenile jail until they turn 18 years old and then they are released from jail and free and their criminal record is wiped out.
France is not a Five Eyes Agreement main member .

Perhaps the existing situation has Intelligence Agency benefits which both countries privately find convenient .

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