Former Minister Of PA Criticizes Palestinian Reaction To Israel-UAE Agreement: "Burning Flags Is No Substitute For The Self-Assessment They Need"


Gold Member
Jun 10, 2015
Fatah Member criticizes Palestinian reaction to Israel-UAE Agreement: "Palestinians must recognize that the world has changed and they are no longer the center of the universe; Burning flags is no substitute for the self-assessment they need"


Dr. Sufian Abu Zaida, former minister of Palestinian Authorithority

"The tripartite Israeli-American-Emirati agreement that was announced the day before yesterday [August 13, 2020] in three capitals is a kind of political earthquake in the region that will have many repercussions. As a Palestinian, I regard the PLO as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people authorized to speak in their name, and I respect the decisions and agreements made by its institutions. [I also believe that] for any Arab country to normalize relations with Israel before the attainment of a just peace [between Israel and the Palestinians] based on the two-state solution and the establishment of a Palestinian state on the June 4, 1967 borders is undesirable and does not serve the Palestinian interest.

"That said, it is time for us Palestinians to realize that times have changed and no longer follow the Palestinian clock, and that countries look out for their own interests and only then consider the interests of others. It is time for us Palestinians to realize that we are no longer the center of the universe and that the Palestinian cause, important and sacred though it is, is no longer the foremost cause of the other Arab countries, [for] there are conflicts, struggles and disasters that the world considers more important than the Palestinian cause.

"We must look in the mirror and see the truth as it is, not as each of us wants to see it. The culture of curses, invective, accusations of treason, and burning of pictures and flags does not yield [a coherent] policy, protect us from danger or solve any problem. Most importantly, it does not exempt us from examining our conduct over the decades: what we did right, what we did wrong and what [harm] we have done to ourselves. Does anyone dispute the fact that the Palestinian cause has lost much of its sanctity and prestige in the eyes of the peoples and countries, especially the Arab countries? It has lost its sanctity and prestige first of all due to objective reasons stemming from regional and global changes which are beyond our control. But this [decline] is also due to the internal [Palestinian] schism, the fighting among us and our preoccupation with our internal disputes… for over four decades.

"The Palestinian cause has lost its prestige because we have failed to create state institutions based on integrity, transparency and the separation of powers, so that the law would apply to officials and leaders even before it applied to the common folk. A quarter of a century after the establishment of the [Palestinian] Authority and 14 years after the split [between Gaza and the West Bank], we have a distorted creature that is neither an authority, a state nor a revolution.

"Whoever follows the official Palestinian response to the tripartite [Israeli-American-Emirati] agreement and the ruthless attack on the UAE senses that it is not just a matter of opposing the agreement and regarding it as a knife in the [Palestinians'] back, but also a matter of score-settling that goes beyond the agreement -- unless there is 'legitimate' normalization and 'forbidden' normalization, or 'sacred' normalization and 'unholy' normalization.

"How can the Palestinian citizen interpret the silence of the Palestinian leadership over Qatar's normalization [of relations] with Israel since 1996 and the open establishment of an [Israeli] representation there… which provoked no criticism? And how can the Palestinian citizen interpret the PA's failure to criticize Qatar for the suitcases of dollars that [the Qatari envoy Muhammad] Al-'Amadi brings into Gaza through the Tel Aviv airport -- which, according to [the PA], deepens the schism among the Palestinians and between Gaza and the West Bank? Why do we not hear a single Palestinian leader denounce this? Does this [silence] not raise questions?

"I do not mean to criticize or attack Qatar. It [too] is a country with it own allies, policy and interests, and it acts according to these interests. It adopts the same ideology as the Muslim Brotherhood [MB] in the region and acts to establish it. I just wish to point out that some people remain silent over Qatar's 'permitted' normalization with Israel, but give free rein to [all those who] criticize, attack and brutally curse the [UAE's] 'forbidden' normalization [with Israel].

"I understand the stance of our brothers in Hamas. They do not criticize Qatar or its normalization [with Israel], first of all because Qatar adopts the ideology of the MB and Caliph Erdogan, and second, because most [of the members] of Hamas's political bureau live in Qatar. But I cannot understand Hamas's position when it comes to making a distinction between different cases of normalization.

"The same goes for Caliph Erdogan, who joined the bandwagon and used the agreement to settle scores with his rivals [in the UAE], with whom he has clashed on multiple fronts and whom he sees as an obstacle to the implementation of the MB ideology. Is it not ridiculous that Erdogan talks [against] normalization, when Turkey and Israel have [joint] economic interests, [Turkey's] trade [with Israel] amounts to $5 billion a year, Israeli pilots train in [Turkey's] skies and Israel provides [Turkey] with spare parts for its U.S.-manufactured planes, as well as drone technology?...

"[Here is] another case of normalization which [appears to be] welcome and sacred in the eyes of those who remain silent whenever [denouncing normalization] contravenes their personal interests: Two years ago, Netanyahu visited Oman and met with its late sultan, Qaboos [bin Sa'id Al-Sa'id]. There was no Palestinian response [to this visit]. In fact, some even tied it to the visit of [PA] President [Mahmoud] 'Abbas in Oman only two days before Netanyahu's visit.

"The last example of 'sacred' normalization is the visit of Anwar 'Eshki, a [former] Saudi general and intelligence chief, in Israel. It was not a secret [visit] but an open and recorded one, and [Eshki] was accompanied by a Palestinian official. In other words, this visit, an expression of normalization, not only failed to evoke any rage, but was welcomed by the Palestinians after being categorized as permissible normalization which serves the Palestinian cause, not as the 'knife-in-the-back' type of normalization.

"In any case, if the tripartite agreement is a disaster as far as the Palestinians are concerned, other disasters are sure to follow, sooner than we think. So save yourselves some effort and curses… and prepare the pictures of presidents, leaders and prominent figures of [certain] states [in advance] – because, sad and painful though it may be, we will again find ourselves standing alone, facing the danger of a decline [in the status] of our cause."


There's this prevalent narrative on the Palestinian Arab side,
that they're not the actors of their fate, and that everything is to blame on someone else.

Have You ever noticed the lack of self criticism and plurality of voices?
There're even Islamist and anti-Zionist parties in the Knesset,
yet not a single Jew in any of Palestinian governments.

So what did Palestinian Arabs do right and wrong,
that they ended up in this situation?
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..the Pals are like the American blacks:
failed culture
even their own kind doesn't want them..they murder/kill their own kind

Only African Americans are not the result of African imperialism,
and even those who try to draw comparisons blaming the US and Israel for "systemic racism",
cannot deny that unlike Palis, African Americans didn't run the place making all non-Africans dhimmis.

While Palis are the result of Arab-Muslim imperialism,
and Muslims have run the place for the last millenia.

And here comes Israel, and in mere 7 decades the place becomes the the pearl of the middle east,
withstanding and surpassing the Arab-Muslim world, while leading it into modernization and reform.
..the Pals are like the American blacks:
failed culture
even their own kind doesn't want them..they murder/kill their own kind

Only African Americans are not the result of African imperialism,
and even those who try to draw comparisons blaming the US and Israel for "systemic racism",
cannot deny that unlike Palis, African Americans didn't run the place making all non-Africans dhimmis.

While Palis are the result of Arab-Muslim imperialism,
and Muslims have run the place for the last millenia.

And here comes Israel, and in mere 7 decades the place becomes the the pearl of the middle east,
withstanding and surpassing the Arab-Muslim world, while leading it into modernization and reform.
what? Pals and AA culture is crap---
what are you saying?

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