Foreign Aid Package advances

I think those who speak for it the loudest and most often. Their loyalty is not to the peace and prosperity of America itself. Never has been. We're just the suckers who get put on the hook for it all.

Regular uninformed folks who are working two jobs, trying to make ends meet? I can give them a pass.

But the foreign agents who sit around all day on the Internet trying to police the thoughts of any rooted American who would dare stand up and speak for the interests of average Americans and for traditioal America itself, rather than the primary interests of some middle eastern shithole where they've been killing each other for thousands of years? They're the ones.

And its getting so bad that now we're starting to see our own government being used to restrict the constitutional rights of American people because of the mirror image of middle eastern turmoil that some of the NGOs (on both theoretical ''sides") are importing onto our own streets for the television cameras and the talking heads to narrate the state department's agenda. Never let a perfectly good crisis go to waste type of deal.

I, for one, never have and never will address those types of weasels with any respect whatsoever.
The globalists are the problemā€¦.Iā€™ve said it, said it, and said it some moreā€¦Fiscal responsibility canā€™t be sold to new America and itā€™s new ā€˜typeā€™ of citizenā€¦Theyā€™re too ignorant to the Constitution and our founding principles and values, theyā€™re too brown, theyā€™re too foreign, too immoral, too indecent, too dependent, too needy and too desperate.
New Americans canā€™t give 2-fucks about debt and deficitsā€¦their shitty lives arenā€™t impacted by either. The globalist ā€˜fiscal hawksā€™ will talk shit all day long about debt, deficits, ā€œuninformedā€ voters and a billion spent here or there but they wonā€™t dare talk about the root problemā€¦.the 50 million brown parasites imported by Democrats. Let fiscal responsibility dieā€¦the generations before us, my fatherā€™s generation fucked us hardā€¦time to let this disgusting shithole burn to the fucking ground.
With the help of Democratic votes, a foreign aid package advanced in the House last night. A final vote is expected in the House tomorrow and in the Senate sometime this weekend. Both the House and Senate are in recess next week. Once again, it takes Democratic votes to get important stuff done in Congress. Guess Republicans will soon be looking for another new Speaker Of The House.

^^^The warmongers are getting wet over Biden's FOURTH war, soon to be coming to Taiwan.
The Crazy Caucus has broken the partisan impasse in the House. Congrats for the huge bipartisan landslide.

Will Democrats save Speaker Johnson's job?
Maybe Libertarians will stop nominating washed-up Republicans and become the second major party.

The best ''Republican'' in the House is Thomas Massie.

The best ''Republican'' in the Senate is Rand Paul.

Whose men do you think these ''Republicans'' are?

Unfortunately, they're so greatly outnumbered by the representatives of the party-of-one.
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With the help of Democratic votes, a foreign aid package advanced in the House last night. A final vote is expected in the House tomorrow and in the Senate sometime this weekend. Both the House and Senate are in recess next week. Once again, it takes Democratic votes to get important stuff done in Congress. Guess Republicans will soon be looking for another new Speaker Of The House.

Sounds about right , Democrats sending American tax dollars everywhere on the planet except to help struggling Americans. There really is only one question to ask . Are you an American or are you a Democrat?

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