FISA Court Report: FBI Continued to Abuse Surveillance Tool After Trump-Era Abuses


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

FISA Court Report: FBI Continued to Abuse Surveillance Tool After Trump-Era Abuses​

19 May 2023 ~~ By Debra Heine

The FBI continued to abuse a powerful digital surveillance tool even after the Bureau promised reforms following its Trump-era abuses, according to a newly-unsealed Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court document.
The FBI misused Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) more than 278,000 times, the Washington Post reported, “including against crime victims, January 6 riot suspects, and people arrested at protests in the wake of the police killing of George Floyd in 2020.” In one particularly egregious case, they reportedly relied on Section 702 to spy on 19,000 donors to a congressional candidate.
Section 702 is a provision of the FISA Amendments Act of 2008 that “permits the government to conduct targeted surveillance of foreign persons located outside the United States, with the compelled assistance of electronic communication service providers, to acquire foreign intelligence information.”
The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, which oversees Section 702, stated in the memorandum opinion that the FBI has shown “a pattern of conducting broad, suspicionless queries that violate the requirement that its queries of unminimized Section 702 information be reasonably likely to retrieve foreign intelligence information or evidence of a crime.”
In the April 2022 opinion, unsealed Friday, the FISA Court’s Judge Rudolph Contreras warned that if the FBI didn’t do better, the FISA court would crack down and order its own changes to the Bureau’s surveillance practices.
In the opinion, Judge Contreras said the court “is encouraged by the amendments to the FBI’s querying procedures,” but noted that “compliance problems with the querying of Section 702 information have proven to be persistent and widespread.”
The judge added: “If they are not substantially mitigated by these recent measures, it may become necessary to consider other responses, such as substantially limiting the number of FBI personnel with access to unminimized Section 702 information.”
The FISA Court’s report detailed the nearly 300,000 abuses logged between 2020 and early 2021.
In its defense, the FBI argued “that querying FISA information using identifiers of the victims — simply because they were homicide victims — was reasonably likely to retrieve evidence of crime.”
Even more egregiously, an FBI analyst “conducted a batch query for over 19,000 donors to a congressional campaign” because the campaign was supposedly “a target of foreign influence,” the opinion said.
Additionally, the court opinion included information regarding what officials called a “highly sensitive” surveillance technique, and a court debate about the novel use of that technique. Details about the technique are redacted, making it difficult to determine the purpose and scope of the controversial surveillance.
In a statement to American Greatness, Jordan said: “Chris Wray told us we can sleep well at night because of the FBI’s so-called Fisa reforms. But it just keeps getting worse.”

Until the FBI is cleaned up, there is no way that they should or can be trusted with the FISA warrant process.
The Trump Era is not ancient history. It may have ended twenty-nine months ago yet Maoist Democrats and the DoJ are all still at it trying to figure out how to get something on Trump that will dissuade the 50% plus that support him from continuing to do so rather than just hating the FBI ever more for this.
The bad news is that we understand the problem more and more and hate the FBI more and more. Pretty soon the only venues in which a criminal case brought by the FBI will not end in a hung jury will be NYC and DC.
You must stop and wonder if the FBI control the Maoist/DSA Democrat party or is it the other way around?
We do know that Brennan was and is an avowed Communist Marxist Muslim.
We do know that Brennan was and is an avowed Communist Marxist Muslim.

Once again, LOST.

Brennan is JEWISH, Zionist Fascist 911 W "Biden Republican" etc.

Brennan was one of the biggest "war or terror" liars and traitors.

This type of noise is what the Faux "News" crowd believes, that it is just the Dems and "the muslims" and not the Zionist Fascist 911 W "Biden Republicans" which is literally a confession said "Republican" is a



Rupert Murdoch

The GOP will never be anything that the American people can trust until it admits it has been infiltrated by LEFT WING CORRUPT BIG GOVERNMENT ZIONIST FASCISTS and purges ALL OF THEM.

And the incredible morons who trust Faux "News" will NEVER EVER GET A FUCKING CLUE ON THIS ISSUE...

FISA Court Report: FBI Continued to Abuse Surveillance Tool After Trump-Era Abuses​

19 May 2023 ~~ By Debra Heine

The FBI continued to abuse a powerful digital surveillance tool even after the Bureau promised reforms following its Trump-era abuses, according to a newly-unsealed Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court document.
The FBI misused Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) more than 278,000 times, the Washington Post reported, “including against crime victims, January 6 riot suspects, and people arrested at protests in the wake of the police killing of George Floyd in 2020.” In one particularly egregious case, they reportedly relied on Section 702 to spy on 19,000 donors to a congressional candidate.
Section 702 is a provision of the FISA Amendments Act of 2008 that “permits the government to conduct targeted surveillance of foreign persons located outside the United States, with the compelled assistance of electronic communication service providers, to acquire foreign intelligence information.”
The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, which oversees Section 702, stated in the memorandum opinion that the FBI has shown “a pattern of conducting broad, suspicionless queries that violate the requirement that its queries of unminimized Section 702 information be reasonably likely to retrieve foreign intelligence information or evidence of a crime.”
In the April 2022 opinion, unsealed Friday, the FISA Court’s Judge Rudolph Contreras warned that if the FBI didn’t do better, the FISA court would crack down and order its own changes to the Bureau’s surveillance practices.
In the opinion, Judge Contreras said the court “is encouraged by the amendments to the FBI’s querying procedures,” but noted that “compliance problems with the querying of Section 702 information have proven to be persistent and widespread.”
The judge added: “If they are not substantially mitigated by these recent measures, it may become necessary to consider other responses, such as substantially limiting the number of FBI personnel with access to unminimized Section 702 information.”
The FISA Court’s report detailed the nearly 300,000 abuses logged between 2020 and early 2021.
In its defense, the FBI argued “that querying FISA information using identifiers of the victims — simply because they were homicide victims — was reasonably likely to retrieve evidence of crime.”
Even more egregiously, an FBI analyst “conducted a batch query for over 19,000 donors to a congressional campaign” because the campaign was supposedly “a target of foreign influence,” the opinion said.
Additionally, the court opinion included information regarding what officials called a “highly sensitive” surveillance technique, and a court debate about the novel use of that technique. Details about the technique are redacted, making it difficult to determine the purpose and scope of the controversial surveillance.
In a statement to American Greatness, Jordan said: “Chris Wray told us we can sleep well at night because of the FBI’s so-called Fisa reforms. But it just keeps getting worse.”

Until the FBI is cleaned up, there is no way that they should or can be trusted with the FISA warrant process.
The Trump Era is not ancient history. It may have ended twenty-nine months ago yet Maoist Democrats and the DoJ are all still at it trying to figure out how to get something on Trump that will dissuade the 50% plus that support him from continuing to do so rather than just hating the FBI ever more for this.
The bad news is that we understand the problem more and more and hate the FBI more and more. Pretty soon the only venues in which a criminal case brought by the FBI will not end in a hung jury will be NYC and DC.
You must stop and wonder if the FBI control the Maoist/DSA Democrat party or is it the other way around?
We do know that Brennan was and is an avowed Communist Marxist Muslim.

When there are no consequences, it just encourages more of the same behavior. It's time to start sending people to prison.

Once again, LOST.

Brennan is JEWISH, Zionist Fascist 911 W "Biden Republican" etc.

Brennan was one of the biggest "war or terror" liars and traitors.

This type of noise is what the Faux "News" crowd believes, that it is just the Dems and "the muslims" and not the Zionist Fascist 911 W "Biden Republicans" which is literally a confession said "Republican" is a



Rupert Murdoch

The GOP will never be anything that the American people can trust until it admits it has been infiltrated by LEFT WING CORRUPT BIG GOVERNMENT ZIONIST FASCISTS and purges ALL OF THEM.

And the incredible morons who trust Faux "News" will NEVER EVER GET A FUCKING CLUE ON THIS ISSUE...
brennan worships a stone out in the desert, doesn't that say enough

The Biden administration is the first administration to actually take this abuse seriously.
brennan worships a stone out in the desert, doesn't that say enough

Brennan withdrew his name from consideration for Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) during the first Obama administration over concerns about his support for torture, after defending on TV the transferring of terror suspects to countries where they might be tortured while serving under President George W. Bush.[3][6] I

Most of the WMD lies came from waterboarding Al Libi in Libya, who the FBI later said was not an AQ.

as station chief in Saudi Arabia,

There's a clue... Saudi... part of the 911 fraud, and of course...

Brennan was born in North Bergen, New Jersey,[8] the son of Owen and Dorothy (Dunn) Brennan.


This is the most pathetically obvious ZPF of all time....

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