"Facing Reality: Two Truths About Race in America," by Charles Murray


Platinum Member
Feb 28, 2023
In Facing Reality: Two Truths About Race in America Charles Murray tells the dangerous truths. First, East Asians tend to be more intelligent than whites, who tend to be more intelligent than Hispanics, who tend to be more intelligent than Negroes. Second, East Asians have lower crime rates than whites, who have lower crime rates than Hispanics, who have lower crime rates than Negroes.

Those are dangerous ideas, but practically everyone knows they are true. Those who hate these truths hate those who tell them, and try to suppress the truths and the truth tellers. When that does not work they jump up and down, wave their arms, and shout, “Racist! Racist! Racist!” When that does not work they put their hands over their ears and refuse to listen to the two truths.

Blacks do not only tend to perform poorly on all the mental aptitude tests, however they are designed, but the tests over estimate black performance. Thus, if a black person and a white person get the same score on an SAT exam, the white person will probably perform better in college. Consequently there is no reason at all to lower objective criteria of excellence for blacks in university admissions, or hiring decisions. Blacks do not have abilities, not measured by the tests, that enable them to perform well.

The last chapter of this book is the most interesting. Charles Murray attributes the craziness on the right to misplaced hostility. Most whites feel hostile toward Negroes. This is understandable, because black behavior has gotten worse since 1964 when the Civil Rights Act was passed and the War on Poverty was declared.

Because it has become dangerous to express this hostility, whites have developed a cultish affection for Donald Trump, they believe – despite no evidence – that Trump won the last election. They take pride in ignoring Covid-19. They hate the Democrat Party, taxes, and the government, because they associate these with the civil rights movement. Because they do not want their taxes to help blacks, the national debt keeps growing.

Charles Murray thinks the blackout, if you will, on expressing hostility for blacks may lead to a civil war. It would be difficult to prove this. After all, white Republicans are afraid to tell how they really feel about blacks. Nevertheless, when most American Negroes were restricted to de facto second class citizenship, the Democrat Party dominated the United States. Back then whites who were not rich knew that the government, under Democrat leadership, helped them, not blacks.
In Facing Reality: Two Truths About Race in America Charles Murray tells the dangerous truths. First, East Asians tend to be more intelligent than whites, who tend to be more intelligent than Hispanics, who tend to be more intelligent than Negroes. Second, East Asians have lower crime rates than whites, who have lower crime rates than Hispanics, who have lower crime rates than Negroes.

Those are dangerous ideas, but practically everyone knows they are true. Those who hate these truths hate those who tell them, and try to suppress the truths and the truth tellers. When that does not work they jump up and down, wave their arms, and shout, “Racist! Racist! Racist!” When that does not work they put their hands over their ears and refuse to listen to the two truths.

Blacks do not only tend to perform poorly on all the mental aptitude tests, however they are designed, but the tests over estimate black performance. Thus, if a black person and a white person get the same score on an SAT exam, the white person will probably perform better in college. Consequently there is no reason at all to lower objective criteria of excellence for blacks in university admissions, or hiring decisions. Blacks do not have abilities, not measured by the tests, that enable them to perform well.

The last chapter of this book is the most interesting. Charles Murray attributes the craziness on the right to misplaced hostility. Most whites feel hostile toward Negroes. This is understandable, because black behavior has gotten worse since 1964 when the Civil Rights Act was passed and the War on Poverty was declared.

Because it has become dangerous to express this hostility, whites have developed a cultish affection for Donald Trump, they believe – despite no evidence – that Trump won the last election. They take pride in ignoring Covid-19. They hate the Democrat Party, taxes, and the government, because they associate these with the civil rights movement. Because they do not want their taxes to help blacks, the national debt keeps growing.

Charles Murray thinks the blackout, if you will, on expressing hostility for blacks may lead to a civil war. It would be difficult to prove this. After all, white Republicans are afraid to tell how they really feel about blacks. Nevertheless, when most American Negroes were restricted to de facto second class citizenship, the Democrat Party dominated the United States. Back then whites who were not rich knew that the government, under Democrat leadership, helped them, not blacks.
At my sons Catholic school back in 2009, a black kid was first in the class, and had all colleges and universities giving him his choice of the education he wanted all on a scholarship program. The kid was amazing because of his diligence in his work ethic on being the best in his class, and not listening to the Democrats who think black just cant make it without the help of Uncle Sugar. Today, that kid is the ultimate enemy of the left, because he didnt have to use "affirmative action" like Barry Sorento did". And another thing that helped him get such greatness in education.....wait for it.......A two parent family that was nuclear and caring......Thank Lyndon B Johnson and the Democrats for destroying the nuclear family of the blacks, now the whites and hispanics.
In Facing Reality: Two Truths About Race in America Charles Murray tells the dangerous truths. First, East Asians tend to be more intelligent than whites, who tend to be more intelligent than Hispanics, who tend to be more intelligent than Negroes. Second, East Asians have lower crime rates than whites, who have lower crime rates than Hispanics, who have lower crime rates than Negroes.

Those are dangerous ideas, but practically everyone knows they are true. Those who hate these truths hate those who tell them, and try to suppress the truths and the truth tellers. When that does not work they jump up and down, wave their arms, and shout, “Racist! Racist! Racist!” When that does not work they put their hands over their ears and refuse to listen to the two truths.

Blacks do not only tend to perform poorly on all the mental aptitude tests, however they are designed, but the tests over estimate black performance. Thus, if a black person and a white person get the same score on an SAT exam, the white person will probably perform better in college. Consequently there is no reason at all to lower objective criteria of excellence for blacks in university admissions, or hiring decisions. Blacks do not have abilities, not measured by the tests, that enable them to perform well.

The last chapter of this book is the most interesting. Charles Murray attributes the craziness on the right to misplaced hostility. Most whites feel hostile toward Negroes. This is understandable, because black behavior has gotten worse since 1964 when the Civil Rights Act was passed and the War on Poverty was declared.

Because it has become dangerous to express this hostility, whites have developed a cultish affection for Donald Trump, they believe – despite no evidence – that Trump won the last election. They take pride in ignoring Covid-19. They hate the Democrat Party, taxes, and the government, because they associate these with the civil rights movement. Because they do not want their taxes to help blacks, the national debt keeps growing.

Charles Murray thinks the blackout, if you will, on expressing hostility for blacks may lead to a civil war. It would be difficult to prove this. After all, white Republicans are afraid to tell how they really feel about blacks. Nevertheless, when most American Negroes were restricted to de facto second class citizenship, the Democrat Party dominated the United States. Back then whites who were not rich knew that the government, under Democrat leadership, helped them, not blacks.
NO,they can be shown to be false


Charles Murray has said that black academic performance increased moderately until the late 1980's, and has stayed at that level, which is still much lower than the white level. He said that nothing more can be done to help blacks achieve white levels of performance, and that the emphasis should be on more punishment.
Charles Murray has said that black academic performance increased moderately until the late 1980's, and has stayed at that level, which is still much lower than the white level. He said that nothing more can be done to help blacks achieve white levels of performance, and that the emphasis should be on more punishment.
When a two parent family brings up a child, then that child will have a much better chance at success. But the Democrats do not like it when blacks are successful, because to the Democrats, they need their slaves to stay on the plantation. If they get educated and move away from the Democrats, they become Oreo's or Uncle Toms.
Charles Murray has said that black academic performance increased moderately until the late 1980's, and has stayed at that level, which is still much lower than the white level. He said that nothing more can be done to help blacks achieve white levels of performance, and that the emphasis should be on more punishment.
Yes,and he is wrong. Okay,

"Murray’s message can be simply stated: Africans commit crimes, especially violent crimes and homicide, at higher rates than other groups in American society. Europeans, and especially Asians, are much less involved in criminal activity. Latins fall somewhere in between. In many places, and especially minority-heavy urban centers, violence is almost exclusively committed by Africans, mainly against one another, albeit with Latins participating in some places."

Now the "HELP" we gave the Black community is responsible for this. It destroyed the family, it bosted abortion astronomically, --- and great progress for Blacks was killed.


Charles Murray has said that black academic performance increased moderately until the late 1980's, and has stayed at that level, which is still much lower than the white level. He said that nothing more can be done to help blacks achieve white levels of performance, and that the emphasis should be on more punishment.
On average....There will still always be very smart blacks, and those in the middle who will apply themselves, who will still succeed in life.
It is the culture stupid.
Blacks have a self defeating culture, only in America.
Why is that?
The answer is simple. You can take ANY group of people, any race, any ethnicity - and wholesale offer to them free/reduced housing, free monthly $$ to buy groceries etc., free $$ to help utility bills, and the more children you have - the higher the amounts.
And then group the people who chose the dependent life together, like sardines, in large projects.... annnd.... you will absolutely condemn generations of those people to lower productivity than the rest of society who have not chosen a life of dependency.


It is not race. It is a defeating culture that came from liberal social policies. That, BTW, are now being implemented on illegal immigrants.
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It is the culture stupid.
Blacks have a self defeating culture, only in America.
Why is that?
The answer is simple. You can take ANY group of people, any race, any ethnicity - and wholesale offer to them free/reduced housing, free monthly $$ to buy groceries etc., free $$ to help utility bills, and the more children you have - the higher the amounts.
And then group the people who chose the dependent life together, like sardines, in large projects.... annnd.... you will absolutely condemn generations of those people to lower productivity than the rest of society who have not chosen a life of dependency.


It is not race. It is a defeating culture that came from liberal social policies. That, BTW, are now being implemented on illegal immigrants.
I agree

Black culture is not good.

prior to 1965 the most successful blacks seemed to be the ones who were most like whites

When allowed to by fair housing laws they moved out of the ghetto and left the less successful blacks behind

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