Dozens Of Afghan Evacuees Flagged For Potential Terror Ties; Two Shipped Out Of U.S.


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Report: Dozens Of Afghan Evacuees Flagged For Potential Terror Ties; Two Shipped Out Of U.S.

3 Sep 2021 ~~ By Tim Pearce
Dozens of Afghans evacuated in the final days of U.S. military presence in Afghanistan have been flagged over potential ties to the Taliban or other terror groups.
Two flagged Afghans were shipped to Kosovo to undergo stricter scrutiny, according to NBC News. The warnings come as U.S. officials are vetting tens of thousands of Afghans extracted from Afghanistan under the belief that the evacuees were at high risk of retribution at the hands of the Taliban.
ā€œA lot of people were moved very quickly and the intelligence community has been working hard to evaluate whether any of them pose a threat,ā€ a senior federal law enforcement official told NBC News. ā€œSome of the vetting occurs while they are overseas, and some of it occurs here ā€¦ We are not going to allow people to intentionally be released into the community if they have unresolved derogatory information.ā€
According to NBC News:
Of more than 30,000 evacuees from Afghanistan to the U.S., about 10,000 needed additional screening as of Friday, said the sources, and of those about 100 were flagged for possible ties to the Taliban or terror groups. Two of those 100 raised enough concern for additional review.
Other evacuees who are currently being evaluated in the D.C. area were found to have been deported from the U.S. previously for past criminal offenses, said two sources briefed on the data. The Department of Homeland Security is now deciding what to do with the individuals.
Potential terror ties is just one of a variety of serious issues officials are now struggling to address with relocating tens of thousands of Afghans airlifted from Afghanistan. State Department officials are investigating ā€œnumerousā€ cases in which children were introduced as the ā€œbridesā€ of older Afghan men at processing centers in Wisconsin and the United Arab Emirates.
U.S. officials at processing centers in Wisconsin and the United Arab Emirates have reported ā€œnumerous incidentsā€ of older men introducing sexually abused young girls as their ā€œbrides.ā€ Officials at the centers are reportedly seeking ā€œurgent guidanceā€ from the State Department on how to handle the reports, according to The Associated Press.
ā€œIntake staff at Fort McCoy reported multiple cases of minor females who presented as ā€˜marriedā€™ to adult Afghan men, as well as polygamous families,ā€ one document sent by officials at a military base in Wisconsin and reviewed by the AP said. ā€œDepartment of State has requested urgent guidance.ā€
Officials at the intake center in the United Arab Emirates reported instances of children claiming that they were forced to marry older men in return for evacuation from Afghanistan, officials familiar with the cable told the AP.
Such claims of child trafficking and sexual abuse are taken seriously, officials told the AP, but ā€œare anecdotal and difficult to prove, particularly amid the crush of Afghan evacuees at multiple locations in the Middle East, Europe and the United States,ā€ according to the outlet.

There are many Muslim countries in that area .. no need to fly them (at great expense ) half way around the world, unless this is another jihad invasion like Obama Hussein did.
This is the direct results of the clusterfuck Joey Xi Bai Dung has created. He turned over the first layer of screening to the enemy. The Taliban decided who made it through the checkpoints to the airport and who didn't. We also know they were collecting passports/documentation from genuine American citizens and SIV holders. Did anyone really believe that putting the bad guys in charge of our evacuation wasn't going to result in a hefty number of people who were supposed to be on those flights being kept from reaching the airport while others who should have been nowhere near the planes slipped through and took their places?
Why hasn't there been a single pic, video, social media post or heartwarming story on a local news channel about any of the US citizens coming home? Not one image of anyone who worked at the embassy or the contractors...nothing.
The MSM has reported that Fort McCoy the ā€œrefugeesā€ are allowed to just walk off base, according to a Congressman from Wisconsin that was on Tuckerā€™s show. This article makes it sound like theyā€™re in custody on the base jail when in reality base officials told the Congressman they have no authority to hold them.
Common sense dictates that we should have begun evacuating sooner, maintained our forces in country (Bagram AFB), prioritized American citizens, and set up methods to screen Afghans before loading them on planes and shipping them around the world. Or... we could have just kept our small presence in-country and none of this would have happened at all.
But who ever made the claim that Joey Bai Dung, his handlers and Joey's appointed administration has shown any common sense in carrying out anything cleanly and smoothly.
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..I said it long ago---of course, there are terrorists/sleepers in there.....coming to the US

Report: Dozens Of Afghan Evacuees Flagged For Potential Terror Ties; Two Shipped Out Of U.S.

3 Sep 2021 ~~ By Tim Pearce
Dozens of Afghans evacuated in the final days of U.S. military presence in Afghanistan have been flagged over potential ties to the Taliban or other terror groups.
Two flagged Afghans were shipped to Kosovo to undergo stricter scrutiny, according to NBC News. The warnings come as U.S. officials are vetting tens of thousands of Afghans extracted from Afghanistan under the belief that the evacuees were at high risk of retribution at the hands of the Taliban.
ā€œA lot of people were moved very quickly and the intelligence community has been working hard to evaluate whether any of them pose a threat,ā€ a senior federal law enforcement official told NBC News. ā€œSome of the vetting occurs while they are overseas, and some of it occurs here ā€¦ We are not going to allow people to intentionally be released into the community if they have unresolved derogatory information.ā€
According to NBC News:
Of more than 30,000 evacuees from Afghanistan to the U.S., about 10,000 needed additional screening as of Friday, said the sources, and of those about 100 were flagged for possible ties to the Taliban or terror groups. Two of those 100 raised enough concern for additional review.
Other evacuees who are currently being evaluated in the D.C. area were found to have been deported from the U.S. previously for past criminal offenses, said two sources briefed on the data. The Department of Homeland Security is now deciding what to do with the individuals.
Potential terror ties is just one of a variety of serious issues officials are now struggling to address with relocating tens of thousands of Afghans airlifted from Afghanistan. State Department officials are investigating ā€œnumerousā€ cases in which children were introduced as the ā€œbridesā€ of older Afghan men at processing centers in Wisconsin and the United Arab Emirates.
U.S. officials at processing centers in Wisconsin and the United Arab Emirates have reported ā€œnumerous incidentsā€ of older men introducing sexually abused young girls as their ā€œbrides.ā€ Officials at the centers are reportedly seeking ā€œurgent guidanceā€ from the State Department on how to handle the reports, according to The Associated Press.
ā€œIntake staff at Fort McCoy reported multiple cases of minor females who presented as ā€˜marriedā€™ to adult Afghan men, as well as polygamous families,ā€ one document sent by officials at a military base in Wisconsin and reviewed by the AP said. ā€œDepartment of State has requested urgent guidance.ā€
Officials at the intake center in the United Arab Emirates reported instances of children claiming that they were forced to marry older men in return for evacuation from Afghanistan, officials familiar with the cable told the AP.
Such claims of child trafficking and sexual abuse are taken seriously, officials told the AP, but ā€œare anecdotal and difficult to prove, particularly amid the crush of Afghan evacuees at multiple locations in the Middle East, Europe and the United States,ā€ according to the outlet.

There are many Muslim countries in that area .. no need to fly them (at great expense ) half way around the world, unless this is another jihad invasion like Obama Hussein did.
This is the direct results of the clusterfuck Joey Xi Bai Dung has created. He turned over the first layer of screening to the enemy. The Taliban decided who made it through the checkpoints to the airport and who didn't. We also know they were collecting passports/documentation from genuine American citizens and SIV holders. Did anyone really believe that putting the bad guys in charge of our evacuation wasn't going to result in a hefty number of people who were supposed to be on those flights being kept from reaching the airport while others who should have been nowhere near the planes slipped through and took their places?
Why hasn't there been a single pic, video, social media post or heartwarming story on a local news channel about any of the US citizens coming home? Not one image of anyone who worked at the embassy or the contractors...nothing.
The MSM has reported that Fort McCoy the ā€œrefugeesā€ are allowed to just walk off base, according to a Congressman from Wisconsin that was on Tuckerā€™s show. This article makes it sound like theyā€™re in custody on the base jail when in reality base officials told the Congressman they have no authority to hold them.
Common sense dictates that we should have begun evacuating sooner, maintained our forces in country (Bagram AFB), prioritized American citizens, and set up methods to screen Afghans before loading them on planes and shipping them around the world. Or... we could have just kept our small presence in-country and none of this would have happened at all.
But who ever made the claim that Joey Bai Dung, his handlers and Joey's appointed administration has shown any common sense in carrying out anything cleanly and smoothly.
The last time I was at Fart McCoy there wasn't much civilization for a long way off base.

Report: Dozens Of Afghan Evacuees Flagged For Potential Terror Ties; Two Shipped Out Of U.S.

3 Sep 2021 ~~ By Tim Pearce
Dozens of Afghans evacuated in the final days of U.S. military presence in Afghanistan have been flagged over potential ties to the Taliban or other terror groups.
Two flagged Afghans were shipped to Kosovo to undergo stricter scrutiny, according to NBC News. The warnings come as U.S. officials are vetting tens of thousands of Afghans extracted from Afghanistan under the belief that the evacuees were at high risk of retribution at the hands of the Taliban.
ā€œA lot of people were moved very quickly and the intelligence community has been working hard to evaluate whether any of them pose a threat,ā€ a senior federal law enforcement official told NBC News. ā€œSome of the vetting occurs while they are overseas, and some of it occurs here ā€¦ We are not going to allow people to intentionally be released into the community if they have unresolved derogatory information.ā€
According to NBC News:
Of more than 30,000 evacuees from Afghanistan to the U.S., about 10,000 needed additional screening as of Friday, said the sources, and of those about 100 were flagged for possible ties to the Taliban or terror groups. Two of those 100 raised enough concern for additional review.
Other evacuees who are currently being evaluated in the D.C. area were found to have been deported from the U.S. previously for past criminal offenses, said two sources briefed on the data. The Department of Homeland Security is now deciding what to do with the individuals.
Potential terror ties is just one of a variety of serious issues officials are now struggling to address with relocating tens of thousands of Afghans airlifted from Afghanistan. State Department officials are investigating ā€œnumerousā€ cases in which children were introduced as the ā€œbridesā€ of older Afghan men at processing centers in Wisconsin and the United Arab Emirates.
U.S. officials at processing centers in Wisconsin and the United Arab Emirates have reported ā€œnumerous incidentsā€ of older men introducing sexually abused young girls as their ā€œbrides.ā€ Officials at the centers are reportedly seeking ā€œurgent guidanceā€ from the State Department on how to handle the reports, according to The Associated Press.
ā€œIntake staff at Fort McCoy reported multiple cases of minor females who presented as ā€˜marriedā€™ to adult Afghan men, as well as polygamous families,ā€ one document sent by officials at a military base in Wisconsin and reviewed by the AP said. ā€œDepartment of State has requested urgent guidance.ā€
Officials at the intake center in the United Arab Emirates reported instances of children claiming that they were forced to marry older men in return for evacuation from Afghanistan, officials familiar with the cable told the AP.
Such claims of child trafficking and sexual abuse are taken seriously, officials told the AP, but ā€œare anecdotal and difficult to prove, particularly amid the crush of Afghan evacuees at multiple locations in the Middle East, Europe and the United States,ā€ according to the outlet.

There are many Muslim countries in that area .. no need to fly them (at great expense ) half way around the world, unless this is another jihad invasion like Obama Hussein did.
This is the direct results of the clusterfuck Joey Xi Bai Dung has created. He turned over the first layer of screening to the enemy. The Taliban decided who made it through the checkpoints to the airport and who didn't. We also know they were collecting passports/documentation from genuine American citizens and SIV holders. Did anyone really believe that putting the bad guys in charge of our evacuation wasn't going to result in a hefty number of people who were supposed to be on those flights being kept from reaching the airport while others who should have been nowhere near the planes slipped through and took their places?
Why hasn't there been a single pic, video, social media post or heartwarming story on a local news channel about any of the US citizens coming home? Not one image of anyone who worked at the embassy or the contractors...nothing.
The MSM has reported that Fort McCoy the ā€œrefugeesā€ are allowed to just walk off base, according to a Congressman from Wisconsin that was on Tuckerā€™s show. This article makes it sound like theyā€™re in custody on the base jail when in reality base officials told the Congressman they have no authority to hold them.
Common sense dictates that we should have begun evacuating sooner, maintained our forces in country (Bagram AFB), prioritized American citizens, and set up methods to screen Afghans before loading them on planes and shipping them around the world. Or... we could have just kept our small presence in-country and none of this would have happened at all.
But who ever made the claim that Joey Bai Dung, his handlers and Joey's appointed administration has shown any common sense in carrying out anything cleanly and smoothly.
I'm waiting for a big gathering like a super bowl game.... Trust me it's coming..... A massive suicide bombing attack... At this point it's virtually inevitable.

Report: Dozens Of Afghan Evacuees Flagged For Potential Terror Ties; Two Shipped Out Of U.S.

3 Sep 2021 ~~ By Tim Pearce
Dozens of Afghans evacuated in the final days of U.S. military presence in Afghanistan have been flagged over potential ties to the Taliban or other terror groups.
Two flagged Afghans were shipped to Kosovo to undergo stricter scrutiny, according to NBC News. The warnings come as U.S. officials are vetting tens of thousands of Afghans extracted from Afghanistan under the belief that the evacuees were at high risk of retribution at the hands of the Taliban.
ā€œA lot of people were moved very quickly and the intelligence community has been working hard to evaluate whether any of them pose a threat,ā€ a senior federal law enforcement official told NBC News. ā€œSome of the vetting occurs while they are overseas, and some of it occurs here ā€¦ We are not going to allow people to intentionally be released into the community if they have unresolved derogatory information.ā€
According to NBC News:
Of more than 30,000 evacuees from Afghanistan to the U.S., about 10,000 needed additional screening as of Friday, said the sources, and of those about 100 were flagged for possible ties to the Taliban or terror groups. Two of those 100 raised enough concern for additional review.
Other evacuees who are currently being evaluated in the D.C. area were found to have been deported from the U.S. previously for past criminal offenses, said two sources briefed on the data. The Department of Homeland Security is now deciding what to do with the individuals.
Potential terror ties is just one of a variety of serious issues officials are now struggling to address with relocating tens of thousands of Afghans airlifted from Afghanistan. State Department officials are investigating ā€œnumerousā€ cases in which children were introduced as the ā€œbridesā€ of older Afghan men at processing centers in Wisconsin and the United Arab Emirates.
U.S. officials at processing centers in Wisconsin and the United Arab Emirates have reported ā€œnumerous incidentsā€ of older men introducing sexually abused young girls as their ā€œbrides.ā€ Officials at the centers are reportedly seeking ā€œurgent guidanceā€ from the State Department on how to handle the reports, according to The Associated Press.
ā€œIntake staff at Fort McCoy reported multiple cases of minor females who presented as ā€˜marriedā€™ to adult Afghan men, as well as polygamous families,ā€ one document sent by officials at a military base in Wisconsin and reviewed by the AP said. ā€œDepartment of State has requested urgent guidance.ā€
Officials at the intake center in the United Arab Emirates reported instances of children claiming that they were forced to marry older men in return for evacuation from Afghanistan, officials familiar with the cable told the AP.
Such claims of child trafficking and sexual abuse are taken seriously, officials told the AP, but ā€œare anecdotal and difficult to prove, particularly amid the crush of Afghan evacuees at multiple locations in the Middle East, Europe and the United States,ā€ according to the outlet.

There are many Muslim countries in that area .. no need to fly them (at great expense ) half way around the world, unless this is another jihad invasion like Obama Hussein did.
This is the direct results of the clusterfuck Joey Xi Bai Dung has created. He turned over the first layer of screening to the enemy. The Taliban decided who made it through the checkpoints to the airport and who didn't. We also know they were collecting passports/documentation from genuine American citizens and SIV holders. Did anyone really believe that putting the bad guys in charge of our evacuation wasn't going to result in a hefty number of people who were supposed to be on those flights being kept from reaching the airport while others who should have been nowhere near the planes slipped through and took their places?
Why hasn't there been a single pic, video, social media post or heartwarming story on a local news channel about any of the US citizens coming home? Not one image of anyone who worked at the embassy or the contractors...nothing.
The MSM has reported that Fort McCoy the ā€œrefugeesā€ are allowed to just walk off base, according to a Congressman from Wisconsin that was on Tuckerā€™s show. This article makes it sound like theyā€™re in custody on the base jail when in reality base officials told the Congressman they have no authority to hold them.
Common sense dictates that we should have begun evacuating sooner, maintained our forces in country (Bagram AFB), prioritized American citizens, and set up methods to screen Afghans before loading them on planes and shipping them around the world. Or... we could have just kept our small presence in-country and none of this would have happened at all.
But who ever made the claim that Joey Bai Dung, his handlers and Joey's appointed administration has shown any common sense in carrying out anything cleanly and smoothly.

I was you guys taking cheap shots a Biden for bleating some behind. I was me who suggested Taliban would be planted amongst evacuees and I am now proven to be correct.
Remember that next time one bombs the snot out of something. They should never had left the place . They cannot be trusted.
I was you guys taking cheap shots a Biden for bleating some behind. I was me who suggested Taliban would be planted amongst evacuees and I am now proven to be correct.
Remember that next time one bombs the snot out of something. They should never had left the place . They cannot be trusted.

Then you should be thanking Joey Xi Bai Dung for his incompetence and lace of logic in leaving Afghanistan so precipitously without proper planning. When the series of suicide bombing go off in a Mall or stadium full of Americans, I'm sure you all will find a right winger to blame, but in reality it all falls on Joey Xi Bai Dung the most inept, incompetent president sine this country was founded.

Pentagon IG report says 50 Afghan evacuees brought to US had 'potentially significant security concerns'​


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