DOJ clears the FBI of malicious intent


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has been exonerated by a Department of Justice review that found investigators did not intend to target traditional Catholics as potential “racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists.” Despite this, an internal FBI memo linking radical-Traditionalist Catholic ideology with potentially violent extremists drew criticism from Republicans and sparked an investigation.

The DOJ clearing the FBI is illegitimate.
It's like Bonnie and Clyde clearing themselves of bank robbery.
You can't investigate yourself.
But the Dirty Dems do this stuff all the time.
All of their "fact checking" is bullsh#t.
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What's left to support of the Catholic religion, now that they accept Darwinian evolution as being equally valid and true as creation?

Pay your money and take your chances on some other religion that truly believes what they are barking about believing!
What's left to support of the Catholic religion, now that they accept Darwinian evolution as being equally valid and true as creation?

Pay your money and take your chances on some other religion that truly believes what they are barking about believing!
Darwin was wrong.


Darwin's three mistakes were that (1) he dismissed mass extinctions as artifacts; of an imperfect geologic record; (2) he assumed that species diversity, like individuals of a given species, tends to increase exponentially with time; and (3) he considered biotic interactions the major cause of species extinction. Those mistakes led to the theory propounded in his book On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life (Darwin, 1859), which has been adopted by many as the scientific basis of their social philosophies.


I'm more into this other pathway. Still developing though. And btw; Social Darwinism is a disgusting social theory that has done untold harm to Humanity. The RCs however have done immense and do immense GOOD in the world that ungrateful ideologues like you can't even begin to applaud.


The common conception of evolution focuses on change due to natural selection. Natural selection is certainly an important mechanism of allele-frequency change, and it is the only mechanism that generates adaptation of organisms to their environments. Other mechanisms, however, can also change allele frequencies, often in ways that oppose the influence of selection. A nuanced understanding of evolution demands that we consider such mechanisms as genetic drift and gene flow, and that we recognize the error in assuming that selection will always drive populations toward the most well adapted state.


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