Dems introduce Bill requiring federal registration of all firearms, requiring licenses to POSSESS firearms AND ammunition, & banning certain ammo


Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2019
And so it begins. Behold H.R. 127 -- the "common sense" gun control legislation the Dems have been promising to usher in "so that all Americans can all live safely, without fear of being gunned down in the suburbs by white nationalists while shopping at Trader Joes on a Sunday afternoon with your little honor student."

H.R. 127_2.jpg

The bill is sponsored by Democrat House Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee -- the pride and joy of the Great State of Texas -- who is widely known for leaving those who have listened to her speak wondering whether she was previously employed as a practice dummy for ice-pick lobotomies, or whether she was auditioning in-character for a role as a mentally handicapped movie extra.


The media will undoubtedly heap praise on her for introducing this bill, lauding it as long overdue and necessary in order to prevent further violent insurrections of the seat of our democracy. With any luck they'll provide her with more opportunities like the video below to display her impressive array of knowledge about firearms, and her penchant for honesty and accuracy when discussing the topic, rather than engaging in political hyperbole and making comically absurd statements like...I don't know...maybe something like "an AR-15 weighs as much as 10 full moving boxes" and it "shoots .50 caliber bullets"? No, that's just silly, no person would actually say that...

Yes, thank goodness indeed that none of the people who are entrusted to enact federal laws that affect the rights of all Americans are that woefully uninformed, or so utterly dishonest and filled with contempt for the Constitution and the very useful idiots who are responsible for electing them to their positions of power.

So what exactly is in the Bill? Well there's the catch! Although the complete, written Bill was introduced in the House last week, and has been sent to the House Judiciary Committee for review, you won't find the text of the Bill or any additional details about it on the Library of Congress website. But that's not something we need to concern ourselves with anyway; it's over our heads. After all, we're just Walmart shopping, bible clinging deplorables. We'll learn all of the details once it's signed into law. As Nancy Pelosi explained when pressed for details about the Obamacare bill before bringing up for vote:

"We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it"

Everyone was warned this was coming. And frightening as it may be, this is likely just the opening salvo. Strap in, gun owners. It's going to be a rocky couple of years. I predict a lot of boating accidents if anti-American crap like this finds its way into the U.S. Code.
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And so it begins. Behold H.R. 127 -- the "common sense" gun control legislation the Dems have been promising to usher in "so that all Americans can all live safely, without fear of being gunned down by white nationalists while shopping at Trader Joes."

View attachment 443054

The bill is sponsored by Democrat House Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee -- the pride and joy of the Great State of Texas -- who is widely known for leaving those who have listened to her speak wondering whether she was previously employed as a practice dummy for ice-pick lobotomies, or whether she was auditioning in-character for a role as a mentally handicapped movie extra.

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The media will undoubtedly heap praise on her for introducing this bill, lauding it as long overdue and necessary in order to prevent further violent insurrections of the seat of our democracy. With any luck they'll provide her with more opportunities like the video below to display her impressive array of knowledge about firearms, and her penchant for honesty and accuracy when discussing the topic, rather than engaging in political hyperbole and making comically absurd statements like...I don't know...maybe something like "an AR-15 weighs more than 10 full moving boxes" and it "shoots .50 caliber bullets."

Yes, thank goodness indeed that none of the people who are entrusted to enact federal laws that affect the rights of all Americans are that woefully uninformed, or so utterly dishonest and filled with contempt for the Constitution and the very useful idiots who are responsible for electing them to their positions of power.

So what exactly is in the Bill? Well there's the catch! Although the complete, written Bill was introduced in the House last week, and has been sent to the House Judiciary Committee for review, you won't find the text of the Bill or any additional details about it on the Library of Congress website. But that's not something we need to concern ourselves with anyway; it's over our heads. After all, we're just Walmart shopping, bible clinging deplorables. We'll learn all of the details once it's signed into law. As Nancy Pelosi explained when pressed for details about the Obamacare bill before bringing up for vote:

"We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it"

Everyone was warned this was coming. And frightening as it is, this is likely just the opening salvo. Strap in, gun owners. It's going to be a rocky couple of years. I predict a lot of boating accidents if anti-American crap like this finds its way into the U.S. Code.

Interesting. But here's the thing, right—I don't believe many gun owners at all have been bowing down to ATF tantrums for years or self-editing their acquisitions in order to comply with every new regulation. What's built in the secrecy of our own homes remains and shall remain. Where this anti-American bullshit will really sting, is for would-be gun owners looking to get into the "game". Might be mighty difficult to acquire certain "items" rather soon. For those who have been in the "game" for years, however, not much will change, save for lots of basements refinished into gun ranges.
Politically speaking, the Ds are far more cunning than the Rs and this is the beginning of the end.
And so it begins. Behold H.R. 127 -- the "common sense" gun control legislation the Dems have been promising to usher in "so that all Americans can all live safely, without fear of being gunned down in the suburbs by white nationalists while shopping at Trader Joes on a Sunday afternoon with your little honor student."

View attachment 443054

The bill is sponsored by Democrat House Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee -- the pride and joy of the Great State of Texas -- who is widely known for leaving those who have listened to her speak wondering whether she was previously employed as a practice dummy for ice-pick lobotomies, or whether she was auditioning in-character for a role as a mentally handicapped movie extra.

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The media will undoubtedly heap praise on her for introducing this bill, lauding it as long overdue and necessary in order to prevent further violent insurrections of the seat of our democracy. With any luck they'll provide her with more opportunities like the video below to display her impressive array of knowledge about firearms, and her penchant for honesty and accuracy when discussing the topic, rather than engaging in political hyperbole and making comically absurd statements like...I don't know...maybe something like "an AR-15 weighs as much as 10 full moving boxes" and it "shoots .50 caliber bullets"? No, that's just silly, no person would actually say that...

Yes, thank goodness indeed that none of the people who are entrusted to enact federal laws that affect the rights of all Americans are that woefully uninformed, or so utterly dishonest and filled with contempt for the Constitution and the very useful idiots who are responsible for electing them to their positions of power.

So what exactly is in the Bill? Well there's the catch! Although the complete, written Bill was introduced in the House last week, and has been sent to the House Judiciary Committee for review, you won't find the text of the Bill or any additional details about it on the Library of Congress website. But that's not something we need to concern ourselves with anyway; it's over our heads. After all, we're just Walmart shopping, bible clinging deplorables. We'll learn all of the details once it's signed into law. As Nancy Pelosi explained when pressed for details about the Obamacare bill before bringing up for vote:

"We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it"

Everyone was warned this was coming. And frightening as it may be, this is likely just the opening salvo. Strap in, gun owners. It's going to be a rocky couple of years. I predict a lot of boating accidents if anti-American crap like this finds its way into the U.S. Code.

Impossible, they said they would never. Lying pieces of shit. Every single one of them.
Politically speaking, the Ds are far more cunning than the Rs and this is the beginning of the end.
Cunning? Ruthless , evil criminals.
They have proven 100% that they are willing to malign anyone and everyone to get whatever they want.
When they start taxing us to the point where we are homeless and starving perhaps the mentally ill Liberals will admit they're mentally ill.
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The Constitution and the SCOUS have declared the RIGHT to bear arms is a RIGHT; not a privilege for the government to license. And such an attempt at tyranny will only further convince people that his government is an enemy of the Constitution.
And so it begins. Behold H.R. 127 -- the "common sense" gun control legislation the Dems have been promising to usher in "so that all Americans can all live safely, without fear of being gunned down in the suburbs by white nationalists while shopping at Trader Joes on a Sunday afternoon with your little honor student."

View attachment 443054

The bill is sponsored by Democrat House Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee -- the pride and joy of the Great State of Texas -- who is widely known for leaving those who have listened to her speak wondering whether she was previously employed as a practice dummy for ice-pick lobotomies, or whether she was auditioning in-character for a role as a mentally handicapped movie extra.

View attachment 443052 View attachment 443059 View attachment 443063

The media will undoubtedly heap praise on her for introducing this bill, lauding it as long overdue and necessary in order to prevent further violent insurrections of the seat of our democracy. With any luck they'll provide her with more opportunities like the video below to display her impressive array of knowledge about firearms, and her penchant for honesty and accuracy when discussing the topic, rather than engaging in political hyperbole and making comically absurd statements like...I don't know...maybe something like "an AR-15 weighs as much as 10 full moving boxes" and it "shoots .50 caliber bullets"? No, that's just silly, no person would actually say that...

Yes, thank goodness indeed that none of the people who are entrusted to enact federal laws that affect the rights of all Americans are that woefully uninformed, or so utterly dishonest and filled with contempt for the Constitution and the very useful idiots who are responsible for electing them to their positions of power.

So what exactly is in the Bill? Well there's the catch! Although the complete, written Bill was introduced in the House last week, and has been sent to the House Judiciary Committee for review, you won't find the text of the Bill or any additional details about it on the Library of Congress website. But that's not something we need to concern ourselves with anyway; it's over our heads. After all, we're just Walmart shopping, bible clinging deplorables. We'll learn all of the details once it's signed into law. As Nancy Pelosi explained when pressed for details about the Obamacare bill before bringing up for vote:

"We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it"

Everyone was warned this was coming. And frightening as it may be, this is likely just the opening salvo. Strap in, gun owners. It's going to be a rocky couple of years. I predict a lot of boating accidents if anti-American crap like this finds its way into the U.S. Code.



It’s one Democrat – not ‘Democrats’ – proposing ‘legislation’ with no cosponsors, no support, that won’t even make it out of committee for a vote.

No one is so stupid as to believe this idiotic rightwing demagoguery.
Waiting for Bootney to weigh in on this. I bet he just beams with pride as a Texan whenever SJL opens her ignorant pie hole. LOL
What does that groteque monster wear that hat? It needs to be proud of the fro! :afro:

And so it begins. Behold H.R. 127 -- the "common sense" gun control legislation the Dems have been promising to usher in "so that all Americans can all live safely, without fear of being gunned down in the suburbs by white nationalists while shopping at Trader Joes on a Sunday afternoon with your little honor student."

View attachment 443054

The bill is sponsored by Democrat House Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee -- the pride and joy of the Great State of Texas -- who is widely known for leaving those who have listened to her speak wondering whether she was previously employed as a practice dummy for ice-pick lobotomies, or whether she was auditioning in-character for a role as a mentally handicapped movie extra.

View attachment 443052 View attachment 443059 View attachment 443063

The media will undoubtedly heap praise on her for introducing this bill, lauding it as long overdue and necessary in order to prevent further violent insurrections of the seat of our democracy. With any luck they'll provide her with more opportunities like the video below to display her impressive array of knowledge about firearms, and her penchant for honesty and accuracy when discussing the topic, rather than engaging in political hyperbole and making comically absurd statements like...I don't know...maybe something like "an AR-15 weighs as much as 10 full moving boxes" and it "shoots .50 caliber bullets"? No, that's just silly, no person would actually say that...

Yes, thank goodness indeed that none of the people who are entrusted to enact federal laws that affect the rights of all Americans are that woefully uninformed, or so utterly dishonest and filled with contempt for the Constitution and the very useful idiots who are responsible for electing them to their positions of power.

So what exactly is in the Bill? Well there's the catch! Although the complete, written Bill was introduced in the House last week, and has been sent to the House Judiciary Committee for review, you won't find the text of the Bill or any additional details about it on the Library of Congress website. But that's not something we need to concern ourselves with anyway; it's over our heads. After all, we're just Walmart shopping, bible clinging deplorables. We'll learn all of the details once it's signed into law. As Nancy Pelosi explained when pressed for details about the Obamacare bill before bringing up for vote:

"We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it"

Everyone was warned this was coming. And frightening as it may be, this is likely just the opening salvo. Strap in, gun owners. It's going to be a rocky couple of years. I predict a lot of boating accidents if anti-American crap like this finds its way into the U.S. Code.



It’s one Democrat – not ‘Democrats’ – proposing ‘legislation’ with no cosponsors, no support, that won’t even make it out of committee for a vote.

No one is so stupid as to believe this idiotic rightwing demagoguery.

So? One more corrupt politician reveals himself for what he is. Every little bit helps.

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