Zone1 Brown v Board of Education retrospective


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
May 17 will be the 70th "anniversary" of the historic Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court case that once and for all destroyed the "Separate but Equal" paradigm that racist school district had used to facilitate school segregation. The Court said, in essence, that public schools could no longer be intentionally separated by race just to keep White people happy, because the claims that the Black and White schools were not in fact "equal" in any meaningful way. Ironically, the petitioner in that case, lived in an integrated neighborhood and was not allowed to go to her neighborhood school, which was White, and was bused to a remote school with was "Colored." Later Federal court cases went further, forcing busing when the Leftist judges with their nearly infinite power didn't think enough "progress" was being made. In my home town of Pittsburgh, a Federal judge forced the merger of five (5) school districts to satisfy his megalomaniacal desires w/r/t "social justice." Where he got this power in the U.S. Constitution or anywhere else was never fully explained (because it didn't exist).

It is an interesting bit of history that the import of that case has forever been ignored has been a total fiasco.

These changes were NOT made merely to "integrate" the schools, eh? The theory that drove them was that Black kids weren't getting the education to which they were entitled under the U.S. Constitution ("equal protection") and under the Constitutions of the various states because the segregated Black schools were somehow inferior. And when the schools were "integrated" that shortcoming would be corrected.

So when you fast-forward 70 years and look at the post-integration situation you SHOULD FIND that Black kids are getting an education that is equal to that of White kids. More important, the dreaded racial discrepancies in academic performance (the "Achievement Gap") should have been...well...eliminated. Because THAT IS WHAT IT WAS ALL ABOUT. It was not about integration for the sake of integration.

And I dare say, the Achievement Gap has persisted, and to the extent that it has been reduced, it hasnot been because Black academic performance has improved. On the contrary it is because White performance has gotten worse, relatively speaking.

So when you read the articles in your local birdcage liner about the legacy of Brown v Board of Education - as you surely will in the next few days - keep in mind that it was a total failure, and accomplished nothing but pissing off millions and millions of parents and kids for no real benefit.

Tell me if I'm wrong. But no opinions, please. Please cite data showing that the academic performance of Black kids improved with racial integration - without harming the performance of the White kids that they went to school with.

There is no such data because it is simply not the case.
In my AO it was the blacks that complained the loudest.....They had the newest, most modern school in the district at the time and did not want it segregated.

Of course we had a lot of dumb-shit white people too that ended-up starting their own "academy".... 1000 students, it lasted 10 years till 1969.....The building became a middle school and houses county offices now.
Why is it too much to ask that kids be educated regardless of their colour? Why were "Black" schools underperforming? I don't buy the lack of funding argument. Why were classrooms rendered places of IGNORANCE? Disruptive students is my first guess and a lack of resolve in solving those issues. I recall chalk boards and slates in my childhood and well disciplined classrooms. Why weren't these the norm in Black schools or were they? When did it change if it did? I am damn sure they aren't the norm now in any public schools in the US or are they!! A furriner would like to know!!

The past 70 years have just seen the goal posts moved from equal opportunity to “equity of outcome”. Things like “equal funding” and “equal opportunity” are dismissed now and the elusive specter of “systemic racism” has filled their space. The gap will only be bridged by reducing white achievement.
May 17 will be the 70th "anniversary" of the historic Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court case that once and for all destroyed the "Separate but Equal" paradigm that racist school district had used to facilitate school segregation. The Court said, in essence, that public schools could no longer be intentionally separated by race just to keep White people happy, because the claims that the Black and White schools were not in fact "equal" in any meaningful way. Ironically, the petitioner in that case, lived in an integrated neighborhood and was not allowed to go to her neighborhood school, which was White, and was bused to a remote school with was "Colored." Later Federal court cases went further, forcing busing when the Leftist judges with their nearly infinite power didn't think enough "progress" was being made. In my home town of Pittsburgh, a Federal judge forced the merger of five (5) school districts to satisfy his megalomaniacal desires w/r/t "social justice." Where he got this power in the U.S. Constitution or anywhere else was never fully explained (because it didn't exist).

It is an interesting bit of history that the import of that case has forever been ignored has been a total fiasco.

These changes were NOT made merely to "integrate" the schools, eh? The theory that drove them was that Black kids weren't getting the education to which they were entitled under the U.S. Constitution ("equal protection") and under the Constitutions of the various states because the segregated Black schools were somehow inferior. And when the schools were "integrated" that shortcoming would be corrected.

So when you fast-forward 70 years and look at the post-integration situation you SHOULD FIND that Black kids are getting an education that is equal to that of White kids. More important, the dreaded racial discrepancies in academic performance (the "Achievement Gap") should have been...well...eliminated. Because THAT IS WHAT IT WAS ALL ABOUT. It was not about integration for the sake of integration.

And I dare say, the Achievement Gap has persisted, and to the extent that it has been reduced, it hasnot been because Black academic performance has improved. On the contrary it is because White performance has gotten worse, relatively speaking.

So when you read the articles in your local birdcage liner about the legacy of Brown v Board of Education - as you surely will in the next few days - keep in mind that it was a total failure, and accomplished nothing but pissing off millions and millions of parents and kids for no real benefit.

Tell me if I'm wrong. But no opinions, please. Please cite data showing that the academic performance of Black kids improved with racial integration - without harming the performance of the White kids that they went to school with.

There is no such data because it is simply not the case.
Bullshit. And you post your opinion then want somebody to provide facts. Your racism ignores the fact that most black schools still recieve less funding than white ones because school funding s based on proterty taxes. That was a wrinkle racists state houses came up with. So your premise is incorrect and another example of your racism.
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Bullshit. And you post your opinion then want somebody to provide facts. Your racism ignores the fact that most black schools still recieve less funding than white ones because school funding s based on proterty taxes. That was a wrinkle racists in state houses came up with. So your premise is incorrect and another example of your racism.
Welfare recipients, criminals and cry babies don’t pay a lot of taxes ….comparatively.
Bullshit. And you post your opinion then want somebody to provide facts. Your racism ignores the fact that most black schools still recieve less funding than white ones because school funding s based on proterty taxes. That was a wrinkle racists state houses came up with. So your premise is incorrect and another example of your racism.
You are wrong as usual. From USA Facts:

Where does school funding come from?​

In the 2019-2020 school year, 47.5% of funding came from state governments, 44.9% came from local governments, and the federal government provided about 7.6% of school funding."
Less than half of school funding comes from local government and a large percentage of that comes from sources other than property taxes. A hundred years ago, you would have been correct, but like everything else you base your opinions on it's not correct today.
Bullshit. And you post your opinion then want somebody to provide facts. Your racism ignores the fact that most black schools still recieve less funding than white ones because school funding s based on proterty taxes. That was a wrinkle racists state houses came up with. So your premise is incorrect and another example of your racism.
Please 'splain the following:

"Of the 100 largest school systems by enrollment, the districts with the highest spending per pupil in FY 2021 were Boston City Schools in Massachusetts ($31,397), New York City School District in New York ($29,931), Washington Schools in District of Columbia ($24,535), Atlanta School District in Georgia ($18,492)..."

All of them majority POC, all of them academically deficient.

Funding has NOTHING to do with it. It is the culture that holds Black students back, and the culture not only comes from the Black community itself, but is repugnant to the larger community. Funding comes from at least three sources, local, State, and Federal taxes, and the latter two are greatly skewed to favor POC school districts.

Name a school district anywhere in the country where Black students did better after integration with White students. It would be FRONT PAGE NEWS, but neither you nor I have ever seen it mentioned.
Brown removed the precedent set under Plessey, and it was the right thing to do Constitutionally.

Separate would have never been equal, and never was, especially when Plessey came out.
Separate but equal was always a myth.

Integration of schools obviously means that the same basic educational opportunities will be provided to blacks and whites (and others) alike.

Imagine that. Overruling nonsense case law precedence of long standing duration was the right thing to do.
Separate but equal was always a myth.

Integration of schools obviously means that the same basic educational opportunities will be provided to blacks and whites (and others) alike.

Imagine that. Overruling nonsense case law precedence of long standing duration was the bright thing to do.

Notice they only did the bussing thing to show they meant business when local school districts "integrated" by removing restrictions, but still kept only funding schools adequately in the white neighborhoods.

Excessive? Probably, but those local districts decided to FAFO.
It is the culture that holds Black students back, and the culture not only comes from the Black community itself, but is repugnant to the larger community.

Teachers in such schools cannot concentrate on teaching,

They are de facto cops, who have to keep order.

And a teacher should never turn his/her back to the students because someone will throw a book (or worse) at the teacher.
May 17 will be the 70th "anniversary" of the historic Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court case that once and for all destroyed the "Separate but Equal" paradigm that racist school district had used to facilitate school segregation. The Court said, in essence, that public schools could no longer be intentionally separated by race just to keep White people happy, because the claims that the Black and White schools were not in fact "equal" in any meaningful way. Ironically, the petitioner in that case, lived in an integrated neighborhood and was not allowed to go to her neighborhood school, which was White, and was bused to a remote school with was "Colored." Later Federal court cases went further, forcing busing when the Leftist judges with their nearly infinite power didn't think enough "progress" was being made. In my home town of Pittsburgh, a Federal judge forced the merger of five (5) school districts to satisfy his megalomaniacal desires w/r/t "social justice." Where he got this power in the U.S. Constitution or anywhere else was never fully explained (because it didn't exist).

It is an interesting bit of history that the import of that case has forever been ignored has been a total fiasco.

These changes were NOT made merely to "integrate" the schools, eh? The theory that drove them was that Black kids weren't getting the education to which they were entitled under the U.S. Constitution ("equal protection") and under the Constitutions of the various states because the segregated Black schools were somehow inferior. And when the schools were "integrated" that shortcoming would be corrected.

So when you fast-forward 70 years and look at the post-integration situation you SHOULD FIND that Black kids are getting an education that is equal to that of White kids. More important, the dreaded racial discrepancies in academic performance (the "Achievement Gap") should have been...well...eliminated. Because THAT IS WHAT IT WAS ALL ABOUT. It was not about integration for the sake of integration.

And I dare say, the Achievement Gap has persisted, and to the extent that it has been reduced, it hasnot been because Black academic performance has improved. On the contrary it is because White performance has gotten worse, relatively speaking.

So when you read the articles in your local birdcage liner about the legacy of Brown v Board of Education - as you surely will in the next few days - keep in mind that it was a total failure, and accomplished nothing but pissing off millions and millions of parents and kids for no real benefit.

Tell me if I'm wrong. But no opinions, please. Please cite data showing that the academic performance of Black kids improved with racial integration - without harming the performance of the White kids that they went to school with.

There is no such data because it is simply not the case.
F*&# white kids. Who cares. It was about equal access to the same resources and barring blacks from any school they wanted to go, not necessarily closing a racial gap. that's a strawman you took 8 paragraphs trying to build up. lol

Teachers in such schools cannot concentrate on teaching,

They are de facto cops, who have to keep order.

And a teacher should never turn his/her back to the students because someone will throw a book (or worse) at the teacher.
Well? How do you know?
Please 'splain the following:

"Of the 100 largest school systems by enrollment, the districts with the highest spending per pupil in FY 2021 were Boston City Schools in Massachusetts ($31,397), New York City School District in New York ($29,931), Washington Schools in District of Columbia ($24,535), Atlanta School District in Georgia ($18,492)..."

All of them majority POC, all of them academically deficient.

Funding has NOTHING to do with it. It is the culture that holds Black students back, and the culture not only comes from the Black community itself, but is repugnant to the larger community. Funding comes from at least three sources, local, State, and Federal taxes, and the latter two are greatly skewed to favor POC school districts.

Name a school district anywhere in the country where Black students did better after integration with White students. It would be FRONT PAGE NEWS, but neither you nor I have ever seen it mentioned.
Again, your premise is a load of racist bullshit. You names 4 school disctricts out of 13,452. Black "culture" has nothing to do with it. Funding does indeed. Nothing is skewed to favor POC districts. If there is a culture problem in this country it is the white culture, specifically the portion of white culture that like you, bellieves in white racial supremacy.

Teachers in such schools cannot concentrate on teaching,

They are de facto cops, who have to keep order.

And a teacher should never turn his/her back to the students because someone will throw a book (or worse) at the teacher.
Another stupid post from the white man born in 1942 and graduated from college (if he went), before the civil rights act was passed. He is the beneficiary of a career started because of white racial preferences. Not by skill, education, merit or talent. Only because his skin was pink and he had a penis. The teachers in those schools are no more cops than the ones in the white suburban schools where all the mass shootings happen.

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