Breakfast is the most important meal


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2022
Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day. I always have breakfast but sometimes skip dinner.

If this is breakfast, I'm all over it....

I usually just have a snack instead of a big dinner and it fills me up. Breakfast is my largest meal of the day.
This has been mostly debunked if I recall (I could be wrong). Yes, important if you are a farmer up at the crack of dawn preparing for a hard 12 hour shift but for most of us there isn't really a more important meal.

Here is the reality, we eat too much compared to our exertion levels. Thus, if you sit at a desk all day with minimal movement, what does breakfast do for you? You may burn a fraction of it, the rest is stored. Best to skip breakfast which maintains a lengthy fasting period since you awoke from sleep, use your glocuse and fat storage for energy.

Many today, even former muscle guys, use the OMAD plan (one meal a day) and they look great. It is all dependent on how many calories you really need.

Also, I've learned first hand, sugar and refined carbs that become sugar, are the key enemy today
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Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day. I always have breakfast but sometimes skip dinner.

I used to get up every morning, drive three miles up the road, and have a wonderful biscuit with sausage patty, egg, and cheese, slathered with Hidden Valley ranch dressing and Tabasco sauce, and washed down with a Pacific Punch Monster energy drink, the one with the mermaid on the can.

I did that every morning four years in a row until I got tired of supply line disruptions with the energy drink and packets of ranch dressing. So now I make them at home every morning, even though they're not as good as the ones at the country store.

But on weekends, I sometimes make the whole meal deal: Biscuits, sausage gravy, fried potatoes with onions and green peppers, and scrambled eggs with onions, mushrooms, green peppers, and covered with melted sharp cheddar. Not this morning, though. The wife is in the kitchen making blueberry pancakes and bacon.
Of course, I do not know whether it is true, but I have read that in some countries (as in Europe), people do not eat big breakfasts.

I personally think that there may be health benefits if one follows this old saying:

For breakfast, eat like a king.
For lunch, eat like a prince.
For dinner, eat like a pauper.

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