Ayatollah vows Iranian nuclear work will go on


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2004
The Republic of Texas
MSNBC News Services
updated 1 hour, 38 minutes ago

TEHRAN, Iran - Iran will not bow to Western pressure and stop its nuclear program, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Tuesday.

"Iran is not after nuclear weapons. It is after peacefully using nuclear energy ... we will follow this path and ... will reach it," Khamenei said in a speech broadcast live on state television.

"No wise nation" is interested in nuclear weapons, he said.

He spoke at a ceremony today honoring the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, founder of the Islamic republic. Khamenei has the final say on all matters in the country.

The chief of the U.N. nuclear watchdog, Mohamed ElBaradei, said on Monday Iran seemed to be holding back information needed to clarify intelligence reports that it researched nuclear bombs in secret and he demanded "full disclosure" by Tehran.

Iran has rejected the intelligence as baseless, forged or irrelevant.

"Today no logical person or officials go after nuclear weapons. The Iranian nation oppose these kind of weapons," Khamenei said in the speech to mark the 19th anniversary of the death of late revolutionary leader.

more ... Iran: Nuclear work will go on - Iran - MSNBC.com

Kind of like no wise nation of logical person would use suicide as a weapon, or deny the Holocaust?
Why would Obama meet with Khamenei? I though Ahmadinnerjacket was the leader of Iran?
You thought wrong.

No, I'm right. I just looked it up and according to McCain:

MCCAIN: I mean, the fact is [Ahmadinejad’s] the acknowledged leader of that country and you may disagree, but that’s a uh, that’s your right to do so, but I think if you asked any average American who the leader of Iran is, I think they’d know.

It is an interesting article, but obviously in his position McCain has access to much better intelligence. Its Ahmadinejad.
No, I'm right. I just looked it up and according to McCain:

MCCAIN: I mean, the fact is [Ahmadinejad’s] the acknowledged leader of that country and you may disagree, but that’s a uh, that’s your right to do so, but I think if you asked any average American who the leader of Iran is, I think they’d know.

It is an interesting article, but obviously in his position McCain has access to much better intelligence. Its Ahmadinejad.

Alphabet's a figurehead for the Islamic Republic which is actually controlled by the fundies. Them sending him around to be their mouthpiece doesn't make him leader of squat. It takes eyes off them and puts them on him.

A simple little trick. It worked on you.;)
Is our crystal ball clear enough now to foresee the consequences of relations, or lack thereof, between Iran and Israel?

Let's recap, Iran still wants Israel wiped off the face of the earth. Various terrorist entities, such as Hamas, Hezbolla want the same thing. Arab nations in General are sympathetic to these aims and thus will not facilitate any peace efforts.

Therefore, Israel still remains alone in the Middle east with only distant (USA, EU) support.

New developments in Iran working to achieve Nuclear weapons will assuredly bring military response by Israel when the Iranian progress in Nuclear weapons development reaches a predetermined point. Like the raid on Iraq some years ago.

If such a raid takes place, due to the magnitude of the Iranian project, nuclear weapons will most likely be employed.

The Iranians will probably retaliate by blocking the Strait of Hormuz with sunken ships. Not unlike the Suez Canal in 1973.

What will the US role be, will it be in concert with EU and others or unilateral?

The key here, IMO, is preventing the situation from reaching this point and that I believe is the US strategy with sanctions, inspections, international pressure and so forth.

If this fails and Israel attacks Iran the character of the US President at the time will determine our response. Our options would be 1. join in the attack with direct or indirect support. 2. Clear the strait or better still take action to prevent the straits blockage beforehand. 3. Try and destabilize the Iranian government (doubtful). 4. Vacillate like a paper tiger 5. or, let others with national interest in the region lead the response (that's my choice).

Going to work now, be back tonight, see ya on the board.

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Kind of like no wise nation of logical person would use suicide as a weapon, or deny the Holocaust?

Not that your point isn't without merit, but I suspect he meant more like no wise nation (read: like he thinks the United States of America isn't) is interested in nuclear weapons.

We can imagine, I suppose, that the nonaligned (to USA hegemony) nations don't see the USA's arsenal of nuclear weapons as a threat to their interests, but we would be damned foolish to think that will ever be the case.
No, I'm right. I just looked it up and according to McCain:

MCCAIN: I mean, the fact is [Ahmadinejad’s] the acknowledged leader of that country and you may disagree, but that’s a uh, that’s your right to do so, but I think if you asked any average American who the leader of Iran is, I think they’d know.

It is an interesting article, but obviously in his position McCain has access to much better intelligence. Its Ahmadinejad.

Everything you post on this board seems to have something to do with what John McCain said or did. Try getting down off his dick and expand your mind, huh?

The Supreme Council in Iran is the decision making body. Mahmoud is just a bobblehead. That you didn't know that, tells me that you ought to go do some more research on middle east issues, Iran specifically, before you insert your opinion on it.
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