American troops out of Afghanistan is a win for China ?

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
If they play it right, it would give them control of Afghanistan's rare earth minerals ......and opium, which they can easily skip through customs here.

The United States has now officially withdrawn from Afghanistan, and President Joe Biden states that one of the main reasons for doing so was to allow the United States to "shore up" and refocus U.S. #military resources on greater threats. #Biden pointed to the "serious competition with China" that the United States is currently engaged in.

However, at the same time as the U.S. withdrawal is happening, the Chinese government is developing deeper diplomatic relations with the Taliban, and some analysts say that China even wanted to get the United States out of Afghanistan.
It depends. Every country knows that proxy money finds it's way into countries in the M.E. No nation ever has an easy path to control in Afghanistan, Though we know that China will have a far more singular focus and won't have some trying to profit off of war budgets (they will just seek to extract treasure).

This idealist pursuits of exploitation won't be easy, various factions in the region won't allow any nation to just buy their way to influence. There will always be friction and danger, something that China won't welcome nor be prepared for (go look at what happened with some of the BRI in Pakistan, some Chinese engineers were sadly the victim of terrorism by the usual radicals)
the question in the middle east shouldn't be whether to stay or leave, but whether to add more troops or stay

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