ALEC has mastered the art of churning out cookie-cutter model bills that are adopted, often word for word, by conservative state legislatures.


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2011
I do not want to vote for Job Biden. He needs to deliver legislation that will attract new younger voters.....

Hey Democrats and Pres Biden..... never be concerned with achieving two party support. This bogus GOP is never going to work with democrats. Not in the past 42 years.

Koch which is the libertarian Fascist/Communist American Legislative Exchange Council Party as well as American For Prosperity(LOL), Bannon's Heritage Group has Newt Gingrich as a General Mgr instructing the bogus GOP never vote against party line or question the Fascist/Communist leadership.

The economics behind the Communist GOP is based on Austerity not prosperity for all.

Going against party line anytime will end political careers pronto.

Aegis Strategic is in control!
=== Koch-linked political firm aims to handpick "electable" candidates

The American Legislative Exchange Council is where corporations and far-right groups go to buy government policy.

ALEC has mastered the art of churning out cookie-cutter model bills that are adopted, often word for word, by conservative state legislatures.

Right Wing Watch Delivers!
ALEC: The Voice of Corporate Special Interests in State Legislatures | Right Wing Watch
I do not want to vote for Job Biden. He needs to deliver legislation that will attract new younger voters.....

Hey Democrats and Pres Biden..... never be concerned with achieving two party support. This bogus GOP is never going to work with democrats. Not in the past 42 years.

Koch which is the libertarian Fascist/Communist American Legislative Exchange Council Party as well as American For Prosperity(LOL), Bannon's Heritage Group has Newt Gingrich as a General Mgr instructing the bogus GOP never vote against party line or question the Fascist/Communist leadership.

The economics behind the Communist GOP is based on Austerity not prosperity for all.

Going against party line anytime will end political careers pronto.

Aegis Strategic is in control!
=== Koch-linked political firm aims to handpick "electable" candidates

The American Legislative Exchange Council is where corporations and far-right groups go to buy government policy.

ALEC has mastered the art of churning out cookie-cutter model bills that are adopted, often word for word, by conservative state legislatures.

Right Wing Watch Delivers!
ALEC: The Voice of Corporate Special Interests in State Legislatures | Right Wing Watch
if we allow these idiots to hold a constitutional convention, these are the guys who will unveil our new constitution.

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