Al Gore is angry that "bankers" are making big profits on oil.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
No really, the climate whore Al Gore became a near billionaire by pushing Green snake oil. And now he's pissed that bankers are making money on rising oil prices. :mad:

No really, the climate whore Al Gore became a near billionaire by pushing Green snake oil. And now he's pissed that bankers are making money on rising oil prices. :mad:

Big Oil is here to stay for the forseeable future, as it should, providing a necessary resource. Big Al's whole shtick is the environment. Fine for Big Al. Is big oil making huge profits at lower cost than ever before? Absolutely. Banks? I don't know. The question really is, is there any business economic incentive for Big Oil to put more American crude on the market and process faster, at higher expense, lowering gross profit margin and return on investment to shareholders? It may sound shitty, but from a business standpoint of that industry, I cannot see it. Sure we would like it, as we would love to see the price at the pumps go back down to the levels when there was a glut on the market, but I see no business school rationale that would make them want to do it, instead of keeping the slow increase we are seeing, keeping prices and returns on investment at present highs, for as long as possible, and made easier by the continued curtailments in production by OPEC that have been announced.

If somebody can tell me how I am wrong, I would love to hear it.
algore walks into an empty room... and somehow the room becomes emptier.

I yearn for the day that climate porn star chokes to death on its own vomit and the Universe achieves harmonic balance again..... <sigh>

algore grifter.jpg
No really, the climate whore Al Gore became a near billionaire by pushing Green snake oil. And now he's pissed that bankers are making money on rising oil prices. :mad:

Al Gore's daddy got rich in the oil business. lol don't see him offering to give it all back. Then there is the
$100 million he got from oil rich Qatar for a worthless media business.

The Qatari oil money thing was at the top of Matt Lauer's list of questions. Lauer asked Gore if there wasn't a "bit of hypocrisy" in a climate change crier like himself selling Current TV for half a billion fossil fuel dollars, $100 million of which went straight to Gore. "


Al Gore thinks Al Jazeera is awesome, regardless of whether or not it's bankrolled by greenhouse gases-to-be. Current TV is superior to any mainstream network, regardless of the fact that virtually nobody watched it. And money is dumb, regardless of the fact that Al Gore seems to be collecting buckets of it in a giant tank so that he can swim in a pool of gold coins a la Scrooge McDuck.
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Al Gore, made millions off of Oil. Occidental Petroleum was able to purchase
oil from the strategic reserves. Al Gore and his father were heavily invested in Occidental Petroleum.

I bet Biden makes hundreds of thousands by selling the strategic oil reserve.

Zinc is mentioned in this article as well. I bet the demand of Zinc has risen dramatically because of Al Gore and the Government Green Energy policies. See my next post

Gore did not mention that his recommendations to the president included a plan to give oil companies access to thousands of acres of oil-rich, publicly owned land that the U.S. Navy has held as emergency reserves since 1912.
Oct. 6, 1997, the Energy Department announced that the government would sell its interest in the 47,000-acre Elk Hills reserve to Occidental Petroleum Corp. for $3.65 billion. It was the largest privatization of federal property in U.S. history, one that tripled Occidental’s U.S. oil reserves overnight.
Armand Hammer, who built Occidental Petroleum into the behemoth it is today and who’s been described as “the Godfather of American corporate corruption,” liked to say that he had Gore’s father, Sen. Albert Gore, Sr., “in my back pocket.” When the elder Gore left the Senate in 1970, Hammer gave him a $500,000-a-year job as the chairman of Island Coal Creek Co., an Occidental subsidiary, and a seat on Occidental’s board of directors. By 1992, Gore owned Occidental stock valued at $680,000.
wow, Al Gore owned the mineral rights of a Zinc mine. The price of Zinc has skyrocketed because Al Gore has played a huge role in mandating Renewables as well as subsidizing Renewables.

The rich are the democrat politicians, they are the 1%ers they claim are the problem., Tenn. – Al Gore has profited from zinc mining that has released millions of pounds of potentially toxic substances near his farmstead,
The price of zinc on the London Metal Exchange hit a 14-year high in October and is holding near that price. It is one of many metals that are going up in price and that is pushing up the cost of renewable energy systems in particular.

No really, the climate whore Al Gore became a near billionaire by pushing Green snake oil. And now he's pissed that bankers are making money on rising oil prices. :mad:

There are billions to made with the AGW scam.

For instance, just look at how much government subsidy money GM, Chrysler, Ford and the UAW are going to make for the stupid EVs. There are billion more in building the equally stupid charging stations.
There are billions to made with the AGW scam.

For instance, just look at how much government subsidy money GM, Chrysler, Ford and the UAW are going to make for the stupid EVs. There are billion more in building the equally stupid charging stations.
I must correct you, sorry.

Quit using the word billions, it is Trillions. Literally.
I must correct you, sorry.

Quit using the word billions, it is Trillions. Literally.
Of course you are correct but as a "for instance" example I used the direct subsidies Ole Potatohead is giving away to produce EVs and charging station.

Potatohead, being dumber than a rock, calls it an "investment".

If it really was a good investment then real private investors would be anxious to put up their money instead of Potatohead stealing our tax money.

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