Debate Now You can't stop all crime. America is free, being free is risky when someone goes off the rails


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Being from oppressive Canada where people are drones, lemmings and we are surrounded by state patsies, you need to understand that being free carries some risks. It's the way it is. In a nation of 350M you are going to have on a daily even hourly basis, crime, some horrific/heart breaking and enraging.

That's the cost of freedom. Sorry to say it, but you can't have oppressive tactics which deny people rights every time there is a bit of a concern. You can't have state cameras in your homes and GPS inserted in your bodies.

Everyone want to prescribe that one factor that will magically stop all criminals and nutjobs. It can't happen. Whether it's via use of a gun or vehicle, it will continue, all you can do is try and prevent. The earlier the intervention in peoples lives the better.
Yes and no shockedcanadian

1. being mentally ill with a criminal disorder is not free.
We can learn the process of early diagnosis, treatment and cure,
so people have a REAL choice how to deal with people showing signs of criminal illness.
Like cancer or diabetes, the sooner these deadly diseases are caught and treated
the better success rate of cure.
You are right not all cases of cancer can be caught in time to save lives.
and the same with criminal illness, we will never be perfect.
But most cases can be diagnosed earlier, and we can cure the cases that are possible.
that doesn't mean we don't try, it means we should be more consistent in screening
and requiring people to get help for deadly and dangerous conditions before someone gets hurt or killed.

2. also it isn't free when we are paying 50K a year to incarcerate people for crimes
and then complain we don't have taxes to pay for health care and education that would prevent
such illnesses from resulting in crime.

crime isn't free, it does cost taxpayers more than prevention and cure.

We can learn the solutions and make educated choices
to invest in prevention so we can afford public health care for the greater population.
with the same resources and facilities we are already paying for under a failed prison
and mental health system.

Yes we are free to learn from experience.. to compare ;the costs
of prisons and mental health institutions that pay big pharma bucks to keep people on drugs
without curing the cause of their diseases and illnesses making them sicker.

when we compare that cost with the FREE spiritual healing
that has been proven to cure the cause of both mental and physical illness,
which programs do you think taxpayers will agree to fund?

We are free to choose, and the problem is the
secular schools, govt and media have censored and rejected
the solutions coming from the Christian teachings and practices that work.

If America doesn't figure out we have the solution at our hands,
that has been here the whole time, maybe the Chinese or the Russians
or the Korean medical researchers will discover this cure really works.

Any country that would rather invest in FREE solutions that can conquer
disease crime and violence, rather than suffer economic disparity unable
to meet the health care demands of their populations will look at the
solutions found in spiritual healing, which has been proven by science.

America chooses to reject and ignore, because we have religious freedom
and can't be forced to change our beliefs.

It all depends on the human learning curve.
When people see the cure works, of course they choose it.

But people are refusing to look a the proof because they aren't ready for the change this incurs.

Ready or not, the solution is there, and has been there,
foranyone ready to look and receive the change this means to them and society.
Christians have been praying and sharing this solution for generations
for centuries, and always other people are not yet ready.

I pray it is time for this whole public to embrace
the solutions that can cure the cause of most
mental and physical illness. it's natural science.

Dr. Francis MacNutt
Dr. Phillip Goldfedder
I can't say unequivocally what the problem(s) is, but I can say with 100% certainty the people Americans have authorized to take action and implement solutions have failed to do so, in my book, insofar as those so empowered people have not been part and party to the solution, they are unquestionably part of the problem, yet Americans keep putting those same individuals and like minded ones in the positions of power and authority, only to repeatedly see no solutions. Not even new implemented solution ideas. Talk and inaction is all we've seen, along with people being shot, wounded, maimed and killed.
Being from oppressive Canada where people are drones, lemmings and we are surrounded by state patsies, you need to understand that being free carries some risks. It's the way it is. In a nation of 350M you are going to have on a daily even hourly basis, crime, some horrific/heart breaking and enraging.

That's the cost of freedom. Sorry to say it, but you can't have oppressive tactics which deny people rights every time there is a bit of a concern. You can't have state cameras in your homes and GPS inserted in your bodies.

Everyone want to prescribe that one factor that will magically stop all criminals and nutjobs. It can't happen. Whether it's via use of a gun or vehicle, it will continue, all you can do is try and prevent. The earlier the intervention in peoples lives the better.
The cost of freedom is having our kids gunned down in their places of learning? Seriously?

You would trade your kids lives for what we have here?
Being from oppressive Canada where people are drones, lemmings and we are surrounded by state patsies, you need to understand that being free carries some risks. It's the way it is. In a nation of 350M you are going to have on a daily even hourly basis, crime, some horrific/heart breaking and enraging.

That's the cost of freedom. Sorry to say it, but you can't have oppressive tactics which deny people rights every time there is a bit of a concern. You can't have state cameras in your homes and GPS inserted in your bodies.

Everyone want to prescribe that one factor that will magically stop all criminals and nutjobs. It can't happen. Whether it's via use of a gun or vehicle, it will continue, all you can do is try and prevent. The earlier the intervention in peoples lives the better.
The cost of freedom is having our kids gunned down in their places of learning? Seriously?

You would trade your kids lives for what we have here?

Of course not. The point I am making is that the more free a nation, the more individual liberty is defended and personal responsibility, the belief in Free Will is supported, the more difficult it is to prevent such crimes.

If you wanted to be like East Germany where the government is in your lives and 1 in 7 were Stasi agents or helping the Stasi, you too would have low crime and fewer such incidents of gun violence. As it stands, you have a great amount of freedom, including the right to bear arms and free speech, that's the risk that you accept in order to be free.
Being from oppressive Canada where people are drones, lemmings and we are surrounded by state patsies, you need to understand that being free carries some risks. It's the way it is. In a nation of 350M you are going to have on a daily even hourly basis, crime, some horrific/heart breaking and enraging.

That's the cost of freedom. Sorry to say it, but you can't have oppressive tactics which deny people rights every time there is a bit of a concern. You can't have state cameras in your homes and GPS inserted in your bodies.

Everyone want to prescribe that one factor that will magically stop all criminals and nutjobs. It can't happen. Whether it's via use of a gun or vehicle, it will continue, all you can do is try and prevent. The earlier the intervention in peoples lives the better.
The cost of freedom is having our kids gunned down in their places of learning? Seriously?

You would trade your kids lives for what we have here?

Of course not. The point I am making is that the more free a nation, the more individual liberty is defended and personal responsibility, the belief in Free Will is supported, the more difficult it is to prevent such crimes.

If you wanted to be like East Germany where the government is in your lives and 1 in 7 were Stasi agents or helping the Stasi, you too would have low crime and fewer such incidents of gun violence. As it stands, you have a great amount of freedom, including the right to bear arms and free speech, that's the risk that you accept in order to be free.
Okay, in light of your explanation I will rephrase my question.

Are you willing to accept the risk that your kids will be gunned down in their place of learning to have what we have?
Being from oppressive Canada where people are drones, lemmings and we are surrounded by state patsies, you need to understand that being free carries some risks. It's the way it is. In a nation of 350M you are going to have on a daily even hourly basis, crime, some horrific/heart breaking and enraging.

That's the cost of freedom. Sorry to say it, but you can't have oppressive tactics which deny people rights every time there is a bit of a concern. You can't have state cameras in your homes and GPS inserted in your bodies.

Everyone want to prescribe that one factor that will magically stop all criminals and nutjobs. It can't happen. Whether it's via use of a gun or vehicle, it will continue, all you can do is try and prevent. The earlier the intervention in peoples lives the better.
The cost of freedom is having our kids gunned down in their places of learning? Seriously?

You would trade your kids lives for what we have here?

Of course not. The point I am making is that the more free a nation, the more individual liberty is defended and personal responsibility, the belief in Free Will is supported, the more difficult it is to prevent such crimes.

If you wanted to be like East Germany where the government is in your lives and 1 in 7 were Stasi agents or helping the Stasi, you too would have low crime and fewer such incidents of gun violence. As it stands, you have a great amount of freedom, including the right to bear arms and free speech, that's the risk that you accept in order to be free.
Okay, in light of your explanation I will rephrase my question.

Are you willing to accept the risk that your kids will be gunned down in their place of learning to have what we have?

That's not a choice, it's already accepted.
Being from oppressive Canada where people are drones, lemmings and we are surrounded by state patsies, you need to understand that being free carries some risks. It's the way it is. In a nation of 350M you are going to have on a daily even hourly basis, crime, some horrific/heart breaking and enraging.

That's the cost of freedom. Sorry to say it, but you can't have oppressive tactics which deny people rights every time there is a bit of a concern. You can't have state cameras in your homes and GPS inserted in your bodies.

Everyone want to prescribe that one factor that will magically stop all criminals and nutjobs. It can't happen. Whether it's via use of a gun or vehicle, it will continue, all you can do is try and prevent. The earlier the intervention in peoples lives the better.
The cost of freedom is having our kids gunned down in their places of learning? Seriously?

You would trade your kids lives for what we have here?

Of course not. The point I am making is that the more free a nation, the more individual liberty is defended and personal responsibility, the belief in Free Will is supported, the more difficult it is to prevent such crimes.

If you wanted to be like East Germany where the government is in your lives and 1 in 7 were Stasi agents or helping the Stasi, you too would have low crime and fewer such incidents of gun violence. As it stands, you have a great amount of freedom, including the right to bear arms and free speech, that's the risk that you accept in order to be free.
Okay, in light of your explanation I will rephrase my question.

Are you willing to accept the risk that your kids will be gunned down in their place of learning to have what we have?
I am. And so are my kids. Freedom takes courage.
Being from oppressive Canada where people are drones, lemmings and we are surrounded by state patsies, you need to understand that being free carries some risks. It's the way it is. In a nation of 350M you are going to have on a daily even hourly basis, crime, some horrific/heart breaking and enraging.

That's the cost of freedom. Sorry to say it, but you can't have oppressive tactics which deny people rights every time there is a bit of a concern. You can't have state cameras in your homes and GPS inserted in your bodies.

Everyone want to prescribe that one factor that will magically stop all criminals and nutjobs. It can't happen. Whether it's via use of a gun or vehicle, it will continue, all you can do is try and prevent. The earlier the intervention in peoples lives the better.
The cost of freedom is having our kids gunned down in their places of learning? Seriously?

You would trade your kids lives for what we have here?

Of course not. The point I am making is that the more free a nation, the more individual liberty is defended and personal responsibility, the belief in Free Will is supported, the more difficult it is to prevent such crimes.

If you wanted to be like East Germany where the government is in your lives and 1 in 7 were Stasi agents or helping the Stasi, you too would have low crime and fewer such incidents of gun violence. As it stands, you have a great amount of freedom, including the right to bear arms and free speech, that's the risk that you accept in order to be free.
Okay, in light of your explanation I will rephrase my question.

Are you willing to accept the risk that your kids will be gunned down in their place of learning to have what we have?

That's not a choice, it's already accepted.
Then what is it that we have that you are lacking?

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