"Why Is Everybody So Mad When Black Men Date White Women? (The Brother Pill Podcast)

As a White American male the practice of White women preferring the company of Black men doesn't make me mad. It makes me damn curious as to why.

Far more relevant than my curiosity is the feeling I have of being somewhat cheated by this abandonment by White women because I, along with the vast majority of White men, harbor absolutely no interest in Black women, whatsoever. This is not to say there is anything generally or specifically wrong with Black women, I (we) simply do not find them the least bit attractive.

So I'm curious about why White woman find Black men appealing while there very rarely is any inverse appeal. One rarely sees Black women in the company of White men -- even in advertisements.

Opinions are invited.

Because from everything I've seen for most white women that date blacks dudes is because it's a cool thing to do. For some reason they flaunt it, they like to talk about "my black boyfriend", and so on. Blacks are essentially a novelty to most white women. It isn't because they love the person or like them for who they are are. They like them for their skin color. Especially since BLM was a big thing you get even more street cred banging a black dude. In essence, they are a fad to most white women.

Now this could also be on the rise since most blacks are cocky, loud, abrasive and aggressive creatures. As women continue to pussify white dudes, and white dudes seem to have a habit of cucking themselves even to the point of even comedians always joking about their little dicks, I think white men are seen as not being manly men in general anymore. Especially the young ones are thin, fraile, pussies, quiet, effeminate and submissive and women don't like that shit. That's why if you search "interracial porn" 99% of your results will be a nword banging a white girl. White women berate and bash white dudes constantly but only praise blacks because it's the cool thing to do. They call them racist, toxic, incels and so on.

It's why increasingly large amounts of white men are going after Asian women, because they want a real woman, and most of today's young white women suck.

White women will bang and date blacks all day long but very few marry them which shows they aren't committed, they just want what's popular. And black dudes will always take a white because it's an upgrade from most black women. Both sides want the other for their own selfish reasons.
Because from everything I've seen for most white women that date blacks dudes is because it's a cool thing to do.
Or maybe, just maybe, they just happen to like the guy. Is that realky so hard to understand?

For some reason they flaunt it, they like to talk about "my black boyfriend", and so on. Blacks are essentially a novelty to most white women. It isn't because they love the person or like them for who they are are. They like them for their skin color. Especially since BLM was a big thing you get even more street cred banging a black dude. In essence, they are a fad to most white women.
Sounds like you are just salty
Now this could also be on the rise since most blacks are cocky, loud, abrasive and aggressive creatures.
uuh ooh, here we go...

As women continue to pussify white dudes, and white dudes seem to have a habit of cucking themselves even to the point of even comedians always joking about their little dicks, I think white men are seen as not being manly men in general anymore. Especially the young ones are thin, fraile, pussies, quiet, effeminate and submissive and women don't like that shit. That's why if you search "interracial porn" 99% of your results will be a nword banging a white girl. White women berate and bash white dudes constantly but only praise blacks because it's the cool thing to do. They call them racist, toxic, incels and so on.
Ah, dude who's never met a woman talking about what women like again.
It's why increasingly large amounts of white men are going after Asian women, because they want a real woman, and most of today's young white women suck.

White women will bang and date blacks all day long but very few marry them which shows they aren't committed, they just want what's popular. And black dudes will always take a white because it's an upgrade from most black women. Both sides want the other for their own selfish reasons.
Just let people date whomever they want.
Or maybe, just maybe, they just happen to like the guy. Is that realky so hard to understand?

Sounds like you are just salty

uuh ooh, here we go...

Ah, dude who's never met a woman talking about what women like again.

Just let people date whomever they want.

No it's not hard to understand. But I'm also right as you seem to just ignore points I made and do not find evidence to refute them.

All your other comments aren't even worth responding to because they mean absolutely nothing and just bush league level back handed snarky remarks that do not offer any kind of conversation material.

Can disagree if you want that doesn't bug me, but unless you can provide something to show I am not correct then it's all just a waste of time
LOL someone finally figured out how to make liberals upset about the forced diversity in media. Include Jews……


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