Where the money for climate science is raised and who spends it

Follow the money.

All of the corrupting bribe money goes to Robert's pals, so all the fraud and garbage science comes from Robert's pals. No scientist spouts denier garbage unless they get paid well to do so.

The academics, they get paid the same no matter what they report. They refuse denier bribe money. They take a pay cult to tell the truth, which gives them even more credibility.
Bribes as you talk of them do not flow to the alarmist proclaimers. That is all you are, You predict the future as were you a seer.
Forecasting Future Events with AI and ML: Capabilities and ...

Predicting future events is a complex task that requires understanding the underlying factors that influence the event and the ability to model the interactions between those factors.Jul 6, 2023
For the Grant Money ,of course. Just proves Big Colleges are a ripoff.
The money is being made by the future predictors. And they have no evidence to back them up. When any of them shows they control even a tornado, we can then allege they are on the right track to predict climate. Even weather forecaster's leave room for mistakes.
It is clear the public at large still does not understand the actions by Oliver North. Due to the media I suppose.

Yes we do understand the actions by Major North ... we choose to ignore it ... the media has been crystal clear on why so many immigrants at our borders today ...

It was politically expedient while defeating the Soviet Union ... why I ran M-60s into those five nine divisions of Sandi-nasties ... I fought three solid days that night ... just because President Reagan said we should ...

... y'all just never went back to clean up the mess ...

ETA ... Pilots and farmers rely on weather forecasts ... or we shut down aviation and agriculture? ... the money will continue to flow as long as we NEED this information ... because everybody eats, everybody depends on agriculture, everyone needs weather forecasts ... easy ...
Yes we do understand the actions by Major North ... we choose to ignore it ... the media has been crystal clear on why so many immigrants at our borders today ...

It was politically expedient while defeating the Soviet Union ... why I ran M-60s into those five nine divisions of Sandi-nasties ... I fought three solid days that night ... just because President Reagan said we should ...

... y'all just never went back to clean up the mess ...
The top book you need to get is called Reagan, the man and his presidency.

Amazon product
The top book you need to get is called Reagan, the man and his presidency.

Amazon product

Why read about what I lived through ... this starts with the Monroe Doctrine, only the United States is allowed to rape and pillage these "Banana Republics" ... fighting any European Power who tries to muscle their way in ... and we're still punishing the Cubans for letting the Soviets in ...

"Reagan was glaring at me when the Major told me to put my uniform back on and keep my mouth shut ... I fled the Oval Office, put my uniform back on and have kept my mouth shut ... glad to be rid of all the cowards in the NSA to be honest with you" ...

Why read about what I lived through ... this starts with the Monroe Doctrine, only the United States is allowed to rape and pillage these "Banana Republics" ... fighting any European Power who tries to muscle their way in ... and we're still punishing the Cubans for letting the Soviets in ...

"Reagan was glaring at me when the Major told me to put my uniform back on and keep my mouth shut ... I fled the Oval Office, put my uniform back on and have kept my mouth shut ... glad to be rid of all the cowards in the NSA to be honest with you" ...

Who supplied cash to the Nicaragua fighters? To the Contra? It is in the book I brought to your attention.
Who supplied cash to the Nicaragua fighters? To the Contra? It is in the book I brought to your attention.

That would be the United States Congress ... at least that's who paid me ... does the book make some other claim? ...

Major North sold weapons to Iran ... that was a crime then, and it is still a crime ... does the book gloss over this fact? ... the United States tax-payers paid for all this after their explicit refusal to do so ...

That right-wing traitor gave weapons to our enemies ... thank you ... see how he wrecked the NRA? ... the entire Marine Corps should be ashamed of themselves ...
You knew it was found and used???? What you claim is virtually impossible.

PHOTOSHOP is not impossible, nor is it impossible for Simon Elliot to edit the "10/7 hostage movie for SUBS" to include the faces of the UN inspectors noticing all the civilian massacres in Gaza.
PHOTOSHOP is not impossible, nor is it impossible for Simon Elliot to edit the "10/7 hostage movie for SUBS" to include the faces of the UN inspectors noticing all the civilian massacres in Gaza.
PHOTOSHOP is not impossible, nor is it impossible for Simon Elliot to edit the "10/7 hostage movie for SUBS" to include the faces of the UN inspectors noticing all the civilian massacres in Gaza.
You won't persuade me on this issue. But it is not up to me to show you more FAA evidence. I saw plenty myself.
This woman talks often about climate and is in Germany. She has good English. She explains their system and I believe this also is the system used in the US.
Short and sweet. Universities need a lot of money. So they engage their academia that they need grants to keep a job.

Watch her explain it.

Now you know why Climate Scientists suddenly got to be a large part at Universities AFTER this issue caught fire.

The impetus for university researchers to get grants and get published precedes global warming by many years and it is certainly not limited to climate researchers. Universities have many other departments and they are all under pressure to publish. This is evidence of nothing Robert.

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