We Should Be Very Glad that Trump Ended "Net Neutrality"


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
We should all be thanking our lucky stars that Trump, via his appointee to head the FCC, did away with so-called "net neutrality." We are seeing big benefits from that decision, as the Cato article below explains. Here's an excerpt:

Under net neutrality, which had been imposed by the FCC two years earlier, internet service providers were required to give equal treatment to all data traveling across their network, even if some data were especially burdensome. Economists argued that this dampened the financial incentive for ISPs to invest in their networks and contract with third‐party internet firms to provide additional resources. The FCC, under then‐new chairman Ajit Pai, accepted that reasoning and changed course.

The FCC took a lot of heat for that (and Pai’s children were even accosted). The decision took away people’s privacy rights. The telecom industry was the big winner and everyone else was the loser. The internet and innovation itself were being killed. Or so the critics said.

But then the new FCC decision went into effect in 2018 and … nothing bad happened.

Now, two years later, we’re benefiting from that policy change. In today’s Wall Street Journal, Penn law professor and telecom expert Christopher Yoo contrasts the effects of European internet regulation, which is akin to net neutrality, to U.S. regulation:

"The U.S. and EU have seen dramatically different investment and utilization. Between 2010 and 2016, American providers invested on average annually 2.35 times as much per household as their European counterparts. This allowed the average U.S. household to consume more than three times as much data as the average European household in 2017, according to Cisco. This is a significant jump over the 44% difference between U.S. and Europe that existed a decade ago. Emphasizing investments in infrastructure allows consumers to realize more of the benefits that the internet can provide."

Here's the link:

Yes, Mormon Mike, we should be totally happy big corporations can control the internet and which information gets priority.

Controlling information priority has always and will always be a problem across the board. The internet is the infrastructure and not necessarily the content. Media companies control information priority - CNN, Fox, and MSNBC alike.

Elimination of the bullshit Net Neutrality paved the way for innovation in the infrastructure and remove barriers for more people to ACCESS the information.
The reality is that government regulatory panels actually encourage abuse by the more powerful players.

These companies want regulaton. It empowers them. Their lobbyists end up dictating the rules. And they get to use a new government created central planning board to kill their competition.
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I've got a couple of problems with the article. It claims that the wisdom of not having net neutrality is evidence by a higher US broadband network investment from 2010 to 2016.

Here's the problem, those years are during the pre-neutrality Obama administration starting with the open internet order of 201 and then the title 2 reclassification in 2015.

The basic logic of this article is mistaken.
Controlling information priority has always and will always be a problem across the board. The internet is the infrastructure and not necessarily the content. Media companies control information priority - CNN, Fox, and MSNBC alike.

Elimination of the bullshit Net Neutrality paved the way for innovation in the infrastructure and remove barriers for more people to ACCESS the information.

It did nothing of the sort. It merely allowed big corporations to priortize their flow over the little guy.
I'm happy.

And you're not.

Life is good and all is as it should be.

Yup, the economy is totally wrecked and thousands of people are dying while big corporations abuse us...

But you actually managed to make liberals uncomfortable for a few years while destroying the credibility of your movement.

Can you say "Spite"? I knew you could.
Trump ... did away with so-called "net neutrality." ...

Aha - let me guess: Billionaires will get data faster and in better quality? And Mexico pays for? And if Mexico pays nothing, then the US-American taxpayer has to pay for - or to pay a war against the Aztechs?

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Controlling information priority has always and will always be a problem across the board. The internet is the infrastructure and not necessarily the content. Media companies control information priority - CNN, Fox, and MSNBC alike.

Elimination of the bullshit Net Neutrality paved the way for innovation in the infrastructure and remove barriers for more people to ACCESS the information.

It did nothing of the sort. It merely allowed big corporations to priortize their flow over the little guy.

Where is the empirical data to back that up? How is that measured? If so, who has been hurt or how have they been hurt?

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