Time Share?

Canon Shooter

Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2020
Anyone here own a time share?

I've never been the least bit interested in it, but a friend of mine and her husband, who live in Grand Cayman, go to Manhattan every year and stay in a really nice apartment right in the middle of Times Square.

They're setting up their annual trip to New York City and we were talking about it. Honestly, they're the only people I know who have a time share...
Anyone here own a time share?

I've never been the least bit interested in it, but a friend of mine and her husband, who live in Grand Cayman, go to Manhattan every year and stay in a really nice apartment right in the middle of Times Square.

They're setting up their annual trip to New York City and we were talking about it. Honestly, they're the only people I know who have a time share...

My mother in law "owned" seven of them. She loved them, but she also used the heck out of them. And she was exceptionally good at trading for weekends at other locations etc. We went with them on a couple of vacations, they have a real nice place in Poipu that I enjoyed, but unless you use them constantly, like she did, they are money pits.
Having gone through a couple of the sales pitches I concluded that you had to be crazy...then I learned that several intelligent acquaintances of mine have them and are happy with them.

The best I've heard is that you can trade with other properties if you get bored with yours, although there is a hierarchy.

Used to be damn expensive. $20k for one week's "ownership" of a condo that you could buy for $200k? Doesn't add up.
I would submit that Airbnb has put the concept of "time share" out of the market.

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