There is not going to be a civil war

Merchan will not send Trump to prison.

But, if he did, there would be no Civil War. The few dozen who rose up would be bludgeoned like baby seals.
The military trusts Dark Brandon, yes.
Are you off your rocker ... like Brandon? Seriously, Brandon is no longer qualified to be a Wal-Mart greeter and has shown Stalinists inclinations that cannot wholly be attributed to his very limited intellect nor cognition.

Get this, Trump is going to take back the White House and there is jack shit you can do about it.
You are partially correct, but you misunderstand the size and numbers employed in our armaments industries.
Do you know why Hitler started the war in 1939? Because the arms race was making Germany bankrupt that year.
Just because the US prints money doesn't negate the fact that arms production is money thrown away for its economy. And selling them abroad is fine, if there are conflicts in the world.
So we have found out the answer to the question - why the US creates and supports conflicts and wars all over the world. And also, why capitalism with modern means of destruction is deadly for mankind.
Are you off your rocker ... like Brandon? Seriously, Brandon is no longer qualified to be a Wal-Mart greeter and has shown Stalinists inclinations that cannot wholly be attributed to his very limited intellect nor cognition.

Get this, Trump is going to take back the White House and there is jack shit you can do about it.
You are in la la land. He is slipping already in the polls as Dark Brandon is pulling ahead in battle ground states.

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