The Left Has Really Been Ganging Up On Trump Lately

The good news is that rabid liberal loons have no conception of moderation. They go so overboard that it annoys normal people, who then simply ignore it or rebel against it.


And right now all of that is happening in spades.

And the economy is slowing.

And November is right around the corner.
The good news is that rabid liberal loons have no conception of moderation. They go so overboard that it annoys normal people, who then simply ignore it or rebel against it.
Trump has kept himsef in the news because he wants and needs the attention. He's been doing this all his adult life.
I mean even more than usual. In the past week he's been threatened with jail, proven to be setup with all of the documents at Mar-a-lago, (okay so that one happened a while back but it's just come into light now) and to top it all off has had his very life threatened (or joking about it either way) by the Ukrainians for some reason WAY beyond my realm of understanding.

This has been said time and time again on here but I never get enough of it. You know that you have an amazing president when the left is so scared of him that they will do everything in their power to get rid of him.
Because the Dem party is circling the drain and they know it. I warned you Dems would become increasingly desperate and violent as their party crumbles. Already it's barely held together with freaks and degenerates and raping murdering illegals from other countries.
Trump has kept himsef in the news because he wants and needs the attention. He's been doing this all his adult life.
Not really, liberals are the ones keeping him in the news. Now they are trapped, every day, month, and year people are exposed to Biden's failed leadership only reinforces how much better Trump is. Originally liberals did have some traction with the first indictment. Yet like morons they simply piled it on and the hysterical theatrics of it became clear. Only those so blinded by hate can't see, folks like the liberals on this board.
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Not really, liberals are the ones keeping him in the news. Now they are trapped, every day, month, and year people are exposed to Biden's failed leadership only reinforces how much better Trump is. Originally liberals did have some traction with the first indictment. Yet like morons they simply piled it on and the hysterical theatrics of it became clear. Only those so blinded by hate can't see, folks the liberals on this board.

I agree with all of that except the "liberals" thing.

The only liberals left are like Matt Taibbi and Glen Greenwald.

And they won't be supporting Biden.

The present manifestation of authoritarian gross refuse that is the "Democrat" Party doesn't even approach anything resembling liberalism.

Hasn't since at least 2014.
Trump has kept himself in the news because he wants and needs the attention. He's been doing this all his adult life.
True, but there are two different ways to keep yourself on the news:
1. Be out campaigning having townhalls and debates so the MSM needs to cover your campaign.
2. Be kept in a courtroom for weeks on Banana Republic false charges so you can't be out campaigning and raising money.

When he was a billionaire playboy I'm not sure he wanted the attention, or if the MSM was just fixated on his lifestyle.
I agree with all of that except the "liberals" thing.
The only liberals left are like Matt Taibbi and Glen Greenwald.
And they won't be supporting Biden.
The present manifestation of authoritarian gross refuse that is the "Democrat" Party doesn't even approach anything resembling liberalism.
Hasn't since at least 2014.
Wait until the IDF invades Rafah and kills thousands more women and kids with US bombs.
Biden will have some explaining to do to his base and college voters.
True, but there are two different ways to keep yourself on the news:
1. Be out campaigning having townhalls and debates so the MSM needs to cover your campaign.
2. Be kept in a courtroom for weeks on Banana Republic false charges so you can't be out campaigning and raising money.

When he was a billionaire playboy I'm not sure he wanted the attention, or if the MSM was just fixated on his lifestyle.
Trump is not in court because a Banana Republic is doing anything. Unless Trump is the Banana Republic. Trump has sought media attention his entire adult life.
Trump is not in court because a Banana Republic is doing anything. Unless Trump is the Banana Republic. Trump has sought media attention his entire adult life.
He's in court because the corrupt Biden regime is influencing and promoting idiotic local yokels to twist any semblance of justice into ridiculous charges. Worse, this corrupt government illegally prosecuted Trump on arbitrary clerical nonsense. Banana republic doesn't begin to describe how this failed administration has disgraced this country.
He's in court because the corrupt Biden regime is influencing and promoting idiotic local yokels to twist any semblance of justice into ridiculous charges. Worse, this corrupt government illegally prosecuted Trump on arbitrary clerical nonsense. Banana republic doesn't begin to describe how this failed administration has disgraced this country.
No, he's in court because grand juries of America citizens indicted him.

I feel so bad for him.

With his model wife, his mansions, and his second term as President.
so many bankruptcies ....... let's hear the excuses
a trophy wife that doesn't live with him or basically even acknowledge him.....sweet huh.
a family that won't support him in court......sad.....they are busy

2nd term............LOLOLLOLLL.......don't get too excited.

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