The god Is Responsible For Climate Change!

Of course, weather patterns are short term. climate is weather patterns over time. Change the weather and over time the climate will change. The British Isles have rainy weather and a rainy climate. Same with the Pacific northwest.

When God punishes us via bad weather it is because most are doing evil, not just a few.
Most ? Define most….I doubt most people are deserving of catastrophic weather events just because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Really, how competent is a god if the innocent have to suffer for the deeds of the guilty.
We could change the weather in a single season if we changed our horrible agricultural practices. If we continued even the climate would change. So simple.
That said God controls the weather when he wishes to punish, or reward, us. Right now we're being punished. :omg:
You live in a dream world. Burning fossil fuels is the biggest contributor to AGW.
You live in a dream world. Burning fossil fuels is the biggest contributor to AGW.
Agriculture uses a lot of fossil fuels, in addition to the ghg's produced in other ways. Some estimate that 25 percent of ghg's are produced by agriculture.
Agriculture uses a lot of fossil fuels, in addition to the ghg's produced in other ways. Some estimate that 25 percent of ghg's are produced by agriculture.
The transportation sector is far and away the biggest consumer of fossil fuels.
The transportation sector is far and away the biggest consumer of fossil fuels.
All that food and other ag stuff is also transported. Just the packaging for food uses huge amounts of fossil fuels to manufacture and transport. Just consider the gasoline people use getting to and from the supermarket.
All that food and other ag stuff is also transported. Just the packaging for food uses huge amounts of fossil fuels to manufacture and transport. Just consider the gasoline people use getting to and from the supermarket.
More cya….you’re caught in another fabrication. Transportation is the heart of all commerce, not just agriculture. For some inane reason you’re trying to separate out agriculture as a culprit….silly. You can’t without addressing transportation first.

We have a huge infrastructure program near by that is using probably tons of fossil fuels to complete, that when completed will make transportation more efficient and save many times that in transportation of all goods including agriculture. Conservative bozos are so incompetent it’s hilarious. They’d never do it themselves they are so shortsighted. And your babble is just another example.
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More cya….you’re caught in another fabrication. Transportation is the heart of all commerce, not just agriculture. For some inane reason you’re trying to separate out agriculture as a culprit….silly. You can’t without addressing transportation first.

We have a huge infrastructure program near by that is using probably tons of fossil fuels to complete, that when completed will make transportation more efficient and save many times that in transportation of all goods including agriculture. Conservative bozos are so incompetent it’s hilarious. They’d never do it themselves they are so shortsighted. And your babble is just another example.
Jes' sayin'.

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