(R) James Comer Issues Subpoenas For Biden Family Members

Is summary - It doesn't stop with Trump.
We know that. We're not worried. There's enough of jail cells for all the hardcore MAGA criminals.

Your criminal cult is being watched, and it's been infiltrated everywhere. After all, it's not hard for any white guy to pretend to be a MAGA douche. All you have to do is turn off your brain and always act in the worst manner you can imagine, and the MAGA cult will embrace you as one of them.

Trump cult traitors, remember that before taking your treason too far. Cross the line into criminal behavior, and you'll join your treasonous Jan 6 buddies.
How's that trucker convoy to the border going? Last I checked, they had at least 20 vehicles, all of them driven by grey-haired men who pull in much more than their fair share of government subsidies.

Any MAGA gathering has such problems now. Everyone involved tries to grift any money involved for themselves, and everyone is convinced that everyone else is an FBI plant. And maybe they are.

That's why there will be no further organized MAGA uprisings. Nobody is going to stick their neck out and try to lead it, because that's a sure ticket to prison. Without leaders, it's just a rabble that can be dispersed with a single gunshot.
How's that trucker convoy to the border going? Last I checked, they had at least 20 vehicles, all of them driven by grey-haired men who pull in much more than their fair share of government subsidies.

Any MAGA gathering has such problems now. Everyone involved tries to grift any money involved for themselves, and everyone is convinced that everyone else is an FBI plant. And maybe they are.

That's why there will be no further organized MAGA uprisings. Nobody is going to stick their neck out and try to lead it, because that's a sure ticket to prison. Without leaders, it's just a rabble that can be dispersed with a single gunshot.

In other words, you are ok with arresting your political opposition for no other reason than voicing different opinions.
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It is not merely the Trump toadies' blatant impotence that is showcased by the interminable failure to concoct any charges of wrongdoing by the President.

Their desperate attempts to contrive any substantive charges against any member of his administration is an embarrassment, as well.

A growing number of conservative voices are encouraging House Republicans to drop their campaign to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, arguing the GOP has not met the constitutional bar for removing him from office...
[N]otable conservatives have said those arguments fall far short of the high crimes and misdemeanors standard set out in the constitution...
MYORKAS must go...
We know that. We're not worried. There's enough of jail cells for all the hardcore MAGA criminals.

Your criminal cult is being watched, and it's been infiltrated everywhere. After all, it's not hard for any white guy to pretend to be a MAGA douche. All you have to do is turn off your brain and always act in the worst manner you can imagine, and the MAGA cult will embrace you as one of them.

Trump cult traitors, remember that before taking your treason too far. Cross the line into criminal behavior, and you'll join your treasonous Jan 6 buddies.
Big talk from a possible big time radical leftist, otherwise one who is probably seriously involved in many crazy thing's in which you are trying so hard to protect now or on into the future... The leftist have crossed the lines, and they thought that they had, and still do have a complete idiot that will do their bidding for them. Joe won't be re-elected, and that has your group in a complete melt down now. You prove it everytime you open that mamooth mega mouth..
MYORKAS must go...
Trump toadies have been trained to malign the Secretary of Homeland Security after no evidence of wrongdoing by the President could be contrived, but this substitute fatwa is also sputtering.

Rep. Ken Buck, R-Colo., told reporters on Thursday morning that he is a "solid" no on impeaching Mayorkas.
He criticized the Biden official for his handling of the southern border crisis, but said, "The people that I’m talking to on the outside, the constitutional experts, former members agree that this just isn’t an impeachable offense."
At least four other Republicans are still undecided, at least publicly.
The goobers may already taking aim at their next target:

This thread started on NOV 08. Yet nothing has happened? Try that in a private business. adios pig-sized maggot brains.//
Trump toadies have been trained to malign the Secretary of Homeland Security after no evidence of wrongdoing by the President could be contrived, but this substitute fatwa is also sputtering.

Rep. Ken Buck, R-Colo., told reporters on Thursday morning that he is a "solid" no on impeaching Mayorkas.
He criticized the Biden official for his handling of the southern border crisis, but said, "The people that I’m talking to on the outside, the constitutional experts, former members agree that this just isn’t an impeachable offense."
At least four other Republicans are still undecided, at least publicly.
The goobers may already taking aim at their next target:

Your obsession with this Taylor Swift is weird and unhealthy, but you do you bro. Maybe she'll add you to her crew of misfit's that worships the ground she walks on. If she's got some shoes to shine, maybe she'll call you up. MAYBE!! Don't hold your breath...
Years past due.

BUT, in my humble opinion, he will be replaced by someone even more Liberal.
Yes this is true, but the people have got to start pushing back before there is nothing left but these do NOTHING leftists running the complete show. It has to start somewhere. If another one steps up, then prepare to do battle again, and use the previous ousting as a warning to what happens if one is a militant leftist/liberal..
This thread started on NOV 08. Yet nothing has happened? Try that in a private business. adios pig-sized maggot brains.//
What's supposed to happen as a result of any of these threads ? I don't think that USMB is that impactful, but hopefully it is in a positive way somehow.
Your obsession with this Taylor Swift is weird and unhealthy, but you do you bro. Maybe she'll add you to her crew of misfit's that worships the ground she walks on. If she's got some shoes to shine, maybe she'll call you up. MAYBE!! Don't hold your breath...
I don't pay much attention to the popular entertainer, but the Trumpy crackpots' conspiracy fantasy about her is a hoot!

Maybe the frustrated goobers will try to concoct excuses to impeach her next.

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