Question about rule in Zone 2

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Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
Are we allowed to tell the extremely disgusting Democrats who get their rocks off addressing a Jewish woman as “Hitler,” “Nazi,” or “Adolph” to go to hell? I don’t want to get thread banned. Thank you.
You've been systematically throwing your Jew victim status card around ever since you showed up around here. You seem to like to dish it out but the crocodile tears start rolling and the appeals to authority are often immediately forthcoming when you're given it back.

I'm gonna go ahead and address you as the resident ''rabidly entitlement minded, America comes second brand of statist who thinks she has a lot of people fooled.''

Suck it up and quit trying to make yet another ''I'm such a victim'' scene, princess. We all get called names on here. You, as ''a Jewish woman,'' which you seem to like to invoke a dozen or so times a day for some peculiar reason, aren't entitled to some special sort of accommodation.

Which is, of course, precisely what you're getting at here, though you'll certainly not ever admit it.
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Are we allowed to tell the extremely disgusting Democrats who get their rocks off addressing a Jewish woman as “Hitler,” “Nazi,” or “Adolph” to go to hell? I don’t want to get thread banned. Thank you.

Tell it as you see it without deliberate insults .

The jewish people are in a disastrous mess and it will get much much worse going forward . To hell with repercussions .

The history of Khazarian lies and deception is catching up on them and the base of Deep State is under greater pressure than it has ever before experienced .
Let's see them handle having a Hitler impersonator as leader and a policy of Ethnic Cleansing with women and children targeted to be murdered .
Let' s watch God's chosen try to lie and deceive their way out of this Evil .
Just saying .
you can say a lot worse than that,, Ive done it many times,,

She knows fully well that you can.

Openly asking if she could, when knowing fully well that she could, was just another not so clever attention seeking attempt at swiping that same card a second time in the same post.

I've never seen such horrible acting...
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Usmb is an Antisemitic site.
There’s certainly more posters spewing disgusting hate for Jews than there are people doing that to blacks - and the irony is that the majority of the antisemites is from liberals who protest against bigotry (when it’s against blacks).

Anyway, I’m waiting for a mod to say it’s OK for me to tell an antisemite who, knowing I’m Jewish calls me Hitler or Nazi, to go to hell. I don’t want to be thread banned.
There’s certainly more posters spewing disgusting hate for Jews than there are people doing that to blacks - and the irony is that the majority of the antisemites is from liberals who protest against bigotry (when it’s against blacks).

Anyway, I’m waiting for a mod to say it’s OK for me to tell an antisemite who, knowing I’m Jewish calls me Hitler or Nazi, to go to hell. I don’t want to be thread banned.

V is for Victim
Tell it as you see it without deliberate insults .

The jewish people are in a disastrous mess and it will get much much worse going forward . To hell with repercussions .

The history of Khazarian lies and deception is catching up on them and the base of Deep State is under greater pressure than it has ever before experienced .
Let's see them handle having a Hitler impersonator as leader and a policy of Ethnic Cleansing with women and children targeted to be murdered .
Let' s watch God's chosen try to lie and deceive their way out of this Evil .
Just saying .
Are we allowed to tell the extremely disgusting Democrats who get their rocks off addressing a Jewish woman as “Hitler,” “Nazi,” or “Adolph” to go to hell? I don’t want to get thread banned. Thank you.
In Zone 2,Yes, if you also add thread related content to the post. Zone 1, NO. Zone 3 (the basement) Totally appropriate.
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