Protesters call for Islamic state in Germany: ‘Caliphate is the solution’


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Germany is on the best way to became a Muslim Caliphate latest in ten years. Due to import of illiterate IQ-10 muslim welfare bandits the birth rates are sky-high in the former Christian country, an average Muslim family has between 3 and 7 kids, at the other hand stupid Germans have maximal one and additionally two dogs

Thousands of protesters marched through Hamburg over the weekend calling for an Islamic state in Germany and clutching signs that declared, “Caliphate is the solution.”
Great idea = open borders!!!

Good thing "conservative" W with a GOP House and Senate shut our border..... except they didn't....
Great idea = open borders!!!

Good thing "conservative" W with a GOP House and Senate shut our border..... except they didn't....

Trump is a traitor like anyone from GOP or DNC.
Only idiots believe any politician who had been approved by these 'parties' to run somewhere
All 'elections' are fake, all MS politicians are corrupted lying pigs
Germany is on the best way to became a Muslim Caliphate latest in ten years. Due to import of illiterate IQ-10 muslim welfare bandits the birth rates are sky-high in the former Christian country, an average Muslim family has between 3 and 7 kids, at the other hand stupid Germans have maximal one and additionally two dogs

Thousands of protesters marched through Hamburg over the weekend calling for an Islamic state in Germany and clutching signs that declared, “Caliphate is the solution.”
i got couple of unique footage from Islamic 🇸🇦 Germany , any comment on this ?


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