‘Liberty and Justice For All’ – A Tattered Cliche?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

‘Liberty and Justice For All’ – A Tattered Cliché?

One set of laws for Donald Trump and his supporters, and another set for the harassers
17 Dec 2023 ~~ By Roger Kimball

Throughout history, the tyrannical abuse of governmental power has been a fearsome thing to behold. Wise men instituted laws in an effort to tame that abuse. The Constitution of the United States, for example, was framed in large part as a prophylactic against the coercive power of the state. The Framers witnessed the “long train of abuses and usurpations” perpetrated by the British crown and resolved to respond. The Constitution dealt with many other things, to be sure, but concern about tyrannical abuse of power by the government and its minions is patent from the opening paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence straight through the Constitution and its Amendments. The idea was that we Americans would live in a polity governed by “laws, not men.” That is to say, laws would be legitimately formulated, clearly defined, and administered impartially, so far as was humanly possible. How are we doing on that score?

Not so well.

The terms “administrative state” and “deep state” entered parlance only about seven years ago. The realities those phrases name long predate their currency, but Donald Trump was the lens through which worry about those legitimacy-devouring, essentially tyrannical phenomena crystallized. During the 2016 campaign, Trump’s chief strategist Steven Bannon raised eyebrows when he said that “deconstructing the administrative state” was a high priority. In the event, Trump’s success on that task was only a patchwork affair, but he did make an effort.

What prompts these thoughts is the spectacle, partly risible, partly terrifying, of the federal government’s ongoing vendetta against a single individual it cannot countenance. That individual, of course, is Donald Trump. And while the focus of its vendetta is against Trump the man—or, more precisely, Trump the presidential candidate—its animus has spilled over to embrace anyone tainted by association with the Trump phenomenon. Into this category fall the hundreds of people who had the misfortune to visit the Capitol on January 6, 2021.
Opinions differ about the state of popular sentiment when it comes to the current disposition of the United States government. I have by degrees joined the camp that has grave doubts about its legitimacy. I do not, for example, believe that the hallowed ideal of “liberty and justice for all” is these days much more than a tattered cliché, a pious nostrum without substance.

We have seen this travesty of justice daily since Jan 21, 2021
Here is the latest example of the two tiered system of Justice doled to Trump and "We the People"

Please note: Letitia James has admitted that Judge Engoron had already determined Trump engaged in “significant financial fraud” prior to the commencement of the current trial.

Before this trial even began, the judge ruled in our favor and found that Donald Trump did engage in years of significant financial fraud,” the “corrupt” Attorney General admitted. “We uncovered throughout this trial, we revealed the full extent of that fraud. We introduced extensive evidence and questioned more than two dozen witnesses.”
You've known since the founding that what was meant was liberty and justice for all white male property owners.

How can that slip your mind?
No rational observer, looking at the - what is it? - 90 or so indictments of President Trump can come to the conclusion that this whole campaign is anything other than a massive persecution of a popular individual whom the various "powers" do not like.

No President has ever been harassed thusly over documents taken from the White House. No businessman has ever been prosecuted for inflating the values of his property when seeking a loan - particularly when the lender testifies under oath that he was a valuable customer with whom they made millions in profit. No President has ever been prosecuted for calling state officials and asking for them to "find" additional votes. No President has ever openly been called a "Nazi" by the Media, for no reason other than that he wants our existing immigration laws to be enforced.

The list is almost endless.

And ironically, the American people seem to "get it." His popularity grows as the prosecutions go forward. They understand what is happening, and it is actually making him more popular.

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