How are your percentages looking in 2023?


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Midwest - Trumplandia
I'm, just curious as to how others are doing and if anyones portfolio is looking good, I hear so much bad economic news on people's portfolios being in the red and incomes being low but I'm up +9.1% for the year yesterday, the best I've seen in probably 15 months or more. Are others portfolios doing well, compared to last year? I was in the red or at no growth for most of last year.
You know, on a related note, many of my holdings are in the red, and many have been there for years. I've had a couple equities hit, two specifically, that have lifted all the others up, it is an valuable reminder of the importance of diversification.
I'm, just curious as to how others are doing and if anyones portfolio is looking good, I hear so much bad economic news on people's portfolios being in the red and incomes being low but I'm up +9.1% for the year yesterday, the best I've seen in probably 15 months or more. Are others portfolios doing well, compared to last year? I was in the red or at no growth for most of last year.
Yeah, all that free money that was passed around sure did inflate the stock market while the businesses were hemorrhaging for workers. Now with interest rates rising and supply chain issues, the slow steady drop of the market is happening which means a good size correction. Since President Trump lost office, i lost over 3 million dollars out of my portfolio, but since i am in dividend paying stocks, my income went down about $23,000 a year, not bad since i am making over $400,000 a year. I knew it would happen when you put an old cuckold rapist like Joe in, because Demofacists always end up screwing up the economy.

Why is corporate greed bad when the likes of Nancy Piglosi's husband was profiting bigly off that greed? Dont you idiots see the hypocrisy of those actions? Or is it you have your heads shoved way up Uranus' that only shit is what you see from your politicians, but like it anyway?

Concern as Pelosi's husband rakes in $5M profit after buying big tech stocks

No "portfolio"but IRA 401K up ~2% YTD.

Down overall since Obiden 2.0 rigged 2020? Maybe -11%? Id have to look.

Home value down 1/6 in a hot area? . Poor relatives all need help again. Obiden hidden tax is high.
Interesting these day traders (non-diversified) always beat the S&P 500 (9% above? OP). OR You only hear from then when they are up?
Floating between 3 and 4 percent this year on the stocks I am still holding. I sold off a massive chunk of portfolio though this year to lock in COVID profits, so most of the ones I have now are just place holders to remind me to revisit those companies once recession is ravaging the land. HBM I kept but I don't have a ton of shares in them. NSANY I bought a lot of shares of and am holding for now but it has been really slow in making the turn to black. Those I bought not with today in mind but ten years from now in mind so I am more indifferent to their day to day performance.
Way over 20% at normal retail prices ... and that's for $5 a beer inside the casino ... break even if we're using street price of $2 a beer ... airline costs flying back and forth from Vegas is getting a little high of late ... but it's free drinks if you're throwing dice ... hell of an investment portfolio, evenly balance between black jack and craps ...
Way over 20% at normal retail prices ... and that's for $5 a beer inside the casino ... break even if we're using street price of $2 a beer ... airline costs flying back and forth from Vegas is getting a little high of late ... but it's free drinks if you're throwing dice ... hell of an investment portfolio, evenly balance between black jack and craps ...
I never rolled the dice once but it helps to know which places have the best tables, a first timer is not going to know that without either stumbling onto it or being told where. I saw a great spot just as we were leaving this restaurant in a hotel/casino way off the strip and an Uber's drive, only went there to eat.
I honestly haven't looked. I've been a passive investor so hardly ever given a fuck and now I put more into cash than equities and feel better about it. I am considering more active investing but that would mean having to read 10-K reports which I don't want to do.

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