Good Enough for Government Work


Platinum Member
Jan 13, 2020
The belief that the political party that is causing all of the problems is going to be irrefutably proven to be dishonest, or reach political enlightenment, cease their opposition to progress, and then all will be good, are two of the illusions derived from the accurate aspects of the government experiment model, but nullified by the unidentified or otherwise, adverse aspects.

The evolution of what has gone wrong is not as easy to follow as the legends of what has gone right, but ultimately, it is a very safe bet that none of the subsisting political parties are prepared to be the benevolent oligarchy to guide us to the American Dream and prove that the system designed over two hundred years ago, and then adjusted by amendments here and there, is finally going to work correctly because the smart people from the honest party are finally going to be able to put the right people in the right places.

That is an illusion because the path to tranquility has to have a law and order approach with enlightening effects, lots of social pleasantries, and hints of harmony. Whereas, political scientists are describing the events of political corruption, domestic terrorism, political coups, and the possibility of civil war. We are enduring hysterical protests, and increased social disorderliness, and there is nothing about the activities of American society that suggests that we are even trying to accurately guide the approach to domestic tranquility.

Something is wrong with the governing system, and it is not just because of the people who are in it. For all intents and purposes, the American Experiment is a closed system, and it nurtures the nefarious just as it nurtures the honest. The problem is in the basic design of the system and it is not going to work itself out.
The belief that the political party that is causing all of the problems is going to be irrefutably proven to be dishonest, or reach political enlightenment, cease their opposition to progress, and then all will be good, are two of the illusions derived from the accurate aspects of the government experiment model, but nullified by the unidentified or otherwise, adverse aspects.

The evolution of what has gone wrong is not as easy to follow as the legends of what has gone right, but ultimately, it is a very safe bet that none of the subsisting political parties are prepared to be the benevolent oligarchy to guide us to the American Dream and prove that the system designed over two hundred years ago, and then adjusted by amendments here and there, is finally going to work correctly because the smart people from the honest party are finally going to be able to put the right people in the right places.

That is an illusion because the path to tranquility has to have a law and order approach with enlightening effects, lots of social pleasantries, and hints of harmony. Whereas, political scientists are describing the events of political corruption, domestic terrorism, political coups, and the possibility of civil war. We are enduring hysterical protests, and increased social disorderliness, and there is nothing about the activities of American society that suggests that we are even trying to accurately guide the approach to domestic tranquility.

Something is wrong with the governing system, and it is not just because of the people who are in it. For all intents and purposes, the American Experiment is a closed system, and it nurtures the nefarious just as it nurtures the honest. The problem is in the basic design of the system and it is not going to work itself out.
So what you are saying, is the United States is now a banana republic?
I agree with a lot of points but I don't think the system needs to be altered that much. A lot of people do need to go just because they're nefarious sociopaths, traitors, or otherwise a problem. Corruption laws that exist remain unenforced because WE THE PEOPLE aren't demanding representatives do what they're supposed to be doing, and the people who are supposed to be watching them with the most scrutiny are at cocktail parties with them.

That is another reason why the government should be as small and restrained as possible. If the sociopaths in office don't have the power to manipulate things, the blank checks they're given, and the ability to destroy lives then they have a lot less to offer those who seek to bribe them.
Corruption laws that exist remain unenforced because WE THE PEOPLE aren't demanding representatives do what they're supposed to be doing, and the people who are supposed to be watching them with the most scrutiny are at cocktail parties with them.
That means the checks and balances do not work right.

the belief that there is a bipartisan conspiracy to not enforce the Constitution is just another illusion. The three-branch government does not work right.

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