EDUCATION is falling...Males, Covid,Demographic Cliff

Few jobs being created require even a high school education. Many of those that do are govt. jobs, and white males have close to zero chance of getting one. Any of those that aren't govt. jobs are filled by millions of green cards going to foreign students and Ahmed's cousins from India and Red Chinese. This has been true for a long time.
"Education" is continuing at the same rate. It is what is being learned that is declining in quality. Young people have only examples of egoism, materialism and acquiring power as models of "success". "Schools" don't instruct, they merely watch over children for a few hours a day without augmenting understanding or thinking capacity. Society is "educating" youth to be perpetual adolescents, lacking the necessary skills for living to the fullest human potential. Universities have less and less relevance in a world where what is learned in four years is obsolete by that time. What we know about life and the universe is not being integrated into daily reality. Outdated thinking, ideology and religion pollute the intellectual atmosphere to the extent that needed transition is stifled.

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