Debate Now Did anyone watch the O.J "Confession" video from 2006?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
If so, what do you think? Is he innocent? Did he have an accomplice?

I think he did it by himself. The biggest issue for me is always motive. Who randomly goes to someones home, as she has a guy there as it were (which had to have driven the already abusive and extremely jealous O.J insane), and kills both people without stealing anything or presumably no dispute? There are only a few real psychos who do that, and the coincidence of it being his wife, and the fact that it happened outside the house, not inside, says alot. He didn't enter, they came out to him. Furthermore, the evidence points to him

The only outside chance one might have about him not being the culprit, is if he had paid someone to do it. However, he would have been miles away during the tragedy to clear his name completely, and it seems the timing of him flying out of L.A was after the incident.

The story of how he cut his finger, the whole speech he gave. The guy is a murderer and a compulsive liar in my estimation. There might be some questions, but not enough to convince me he is innocent.

I think with all we know at this point in time it is more probable that he is guilty rather than innocent...what a horrific scene it must of been...
From all the extremely graphic pictures I have seen, yes, it was very horrific.

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