Congressman: Why does the EPA Need Military Equipment? EPA Administrator: I Don't Know

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021

"So, you're not going to war against anyone?"

"There's no one to go to war against . . . our permitted and regulated constituency are partners."

See, I would not take "I'll get back to you" for an answer.

If the guy who came to congress to represent the EPA says he doesn't know the answer to a key question like that and it comes from me as the Chairman, I would call a ten minute recess and instruct the witness to get his six-figure ass on the phone and call whatever six-figure goofball is in charge of buying military equipment for an agency that supposedly fights polution, and find out why the heck his agency is stockpiling weapons instead.

If the answer is not forthcoming, then add a simple rider to the next CR or budget forbidding the EPA from buying anymore weapons of war, and cutting their budget by however much they spent on that last year.
The EPA need a 15B haircut anyway.....The easily found 5B for Tater's "Climate Corps" so that means they need to be cut at least three times that.

Hey! Maybe those weapons were for the "Climate Corps".

You know....All dressed in green and shit. ;)

What kind of military equipment?

Trucks or guns?
What kind of military equipment?

Trucks or guns?
Trucks are not "military equipment," they are logistic equipment that the military uses. I know that you know that military equipment means weapons, body armor, gas and/or smoke generating equipment, armored vehicles, and other equipment specifically for war.

Now, if you have evidence that the EPA is being accused of having "military equipment," due to having trucks that the military also uses, or flags that the military also flies, or forks and spoons similar to those found in military mess halls, I'm all ears.

To his credit, the EPA representative did not offer that lame explanation. He said "I don't know," a very common answer from those who we entrust with our trillion dollar budgets.
I know that you know that military equipment means weapons, body armor, gas and/or smoke generating equipment, armored vehicles, and other equipment specifically for war.

Actually, you couldn’t be further from the truth

Any equipment procured for use by the military is “military equipment”
Any vehicle procured for use by the military qualifies
Actually, you couldn’t be further from the truth

Any equipment procured for use by the military is “military equipment”
Any vehicle procured for use by the military qualifies
Typical Democrat "debate" method. Argue about definitions instead of substance.

It that's the definition we use, then EPA has purchased zero dollar worth of military equipment, since the EPA is not the military.

But . . . by the standard, non-rhetorical gymnastics definition, the EPA has been purchasing military hardware for years, barely slowing down during the Trump administration.

During former president Barack Obama’s terms in office, when Biden was serving as the vice president, the EPA spent $6,584,473 on guns, armor, radar equipment, mobile command posts, and other types of advanced weapons. Just over $2 million was spent during the Trump administration. Since Biden came into power, nearly $3 million more has been spent arming the EPA.

Over the years, the EPA has stockpiled many types of war fighting arms, according to Grassley’s investigation, including weaponry not typically employed by a government agency tasked with tackling climate change and protecting the environment.

From 2005 to 2023, for instance, the EPA spent $8,193,741 on "motor vehicles, cycles, [and] trailers," according to funding documents obtained by Grassley’s office. "Some of those transaction descriptions include ‘mobile command vehicle,’ ‘mobile command post,’ ‘segway,’ and ‘all terrain vehicles.’ There is also a $61,362 purchase for ‘unmanned ground vehicle.’"

The agency also spent $207,442 on "camouflage and deception equipment" in 2010 and 2011, and another $33,690 on "unmanned aircraft" in 2013. The EPA additionally employs around 200 federal law enforcement officers, who are "armed with 857 guns and approximately 500,000 rounds of ammunition," according to Grassley.

It remains unclear what the EPA is doing with this equipment, prompting Grassley to demand a full accounting of the agency’s armaments and spending records.
The agency also spent $207,442 on "camouflage and deception equipment" in 2010 and 2011, and another $33,690 on "unmanned aircraft" in 2013. The EPA additionally employs around 200 federal law enforcement officers, who are "armed with 857 guns and approximately 500,000 rounds of ammunition," according to Grassley.

Pocket change

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